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erhebliche Anstrengungen erforderte. Studenten der NNGASU nahmen an der

Renovierung des Gebäudes teil.

Das Gebäude ist Teil der Grenzen des historischen Territoriums "Altes Nizhny Novgorod", das dem Komplex des historischen Gebäudes der Ilyinskaja-

Straße – der kompositorischen Hauptachse des historischen Bezirks –

"Zapochainye" angehört.

Moderne Restaurierung 2020: Das Herrenhaus des Kaufmanns Markov, wie dieses Gebäude auch genannt wird, ist in einem zufriedenstellenden Zustand. Das Vestibül und der Saal mit Marmortreppen, die durch bogenförmige Öffnungen miteinander verbunden sind, sind von größtem künstlerischen Wert. Auch hier sind sowohl geschnitzte Holzpaneele mit einem großen Spiegel als auch dekorative Leisten an Wänden und Decken erhalten geblieben. Von außerordentlicher Bedeutung sind Treppenhäuser, in denen Aufmärsche, Zäune und Plattformen aus weißen Marmorplatten gefertigt sind. Ähnliche Marmortreppen sind in Nischni Nowgorod nur in zwei Herrenhäusern erhalten geblieben: im Herrenhaus von Rukavishnikov und im Haus von Burmistrov. Im Rahmen der bevorstehenden Restaurierung muss der Auftragnehmer die zerstörten Abschnitte der Putzschicht wiederherstellen und die Fassadenflächen mit speziellen Formeln von Bioschäden reinigen. Darüber hinaus wird das Wasserablaufsystem vom Dach des Gebäudes repariert. Geplant ist auch Renovierung von Fassaden mit Rissen sowie beschädigter Elemente der architektonischen Formen. Die einzigartigen Dekorationselemente wurden bei der Restaurierung des Burmistrov-Schlosses entdeckt.

Das neunte Gebäude NNGASU ist Teil der Geschichte des Instituts. Bei seiner Renovierung wurde versucht, gestalterisch wie technisch-konstruktiv den Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, die man an Neubauten stellt, indem man historische Dekorformen bewahrte. Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Schönheit dieses Gebäudes nicht nur die Blicke der Studenten und Dozenten der NNGASU auf sich ziehen kann, sondern auch Schüler, unentschlossene Bewerber, für ein Studium an der Universität ermutigt.

S.D.Krasilnikova, N.G. Nadezhdina

(Nizhnii Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


Management of working time is one of the most important components of life of every member of modern society. Company’s productivity often depends on productivity of individual employees and on efficiency of their interaction entirely. Therefore, it is obvious that time management can make a significant contribution to the productivity of the company.


Time management is a relatively new and dynamically developing branch of management for Russia. Its main task is to identify principles of effective time management.

Advantages of mastering the art of self-management: work implementation with less time spending, better organization of work; less haste and stress; more satisfaction from work; active motivation for work; development of professional skills; reduction of workload; reduction of errors when performing functions; achievement of professional and life goals in the shortest way.

It is necessary to learn time planning. Planning is designed to ensure reasonable use of the most valuable resource – time. To be exact: either to use the available time for productive and successful activities or to achieve the objectives as quickly as possible.

The proposed research is focused on studying the necessity of effective time management. The leader who knows his business, manages well and achieves his goals, regardless of his appearance and education is especially valuable. This is the main standard of the real chief. But even possessing all these skills, the manager will not be successful if he does not organize his time and work properly.

According to the social network survey:

30% of people prefer to keep a diary

60% of people use mobile applications to record time

10% have no control over their time

The people who use diaries can forget about the record. On the contrary, users of mobile applications get notifications, and they never miss anything.

There are different applications for registration. But most of them are paid. The aim of the research is to create a planner software and customize it for the user, to make it convenient for him. The other planner applications do not guarantee that.

The result of the research is an automated system «Planner».

Figure 1. Automated system «Planner»

Application «Planner» for working time registration, for making a timetable, for reminding about planned events have been developed during the


process of work. Moreover, reports about daily routine and time spending have been created. The software was developed on the Platform 1C Predpriyatie.


1.Н. В. Моргунова Тайм-менеджмент: учеб. пособие / Н. В. Моргунова, Р. В. Моргунова; Владим. гос. ун-т им. А. Г. и Н. Г. Столетовых. ‒ Владимир: Изд-во ВлГУ, 2014. ‒ 72 с.

D.D. Krayukhina, E.A. Aleshugina

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


At the present time the world is changing faster than usual. Many familiar things are undergoing changes, becoming even easier, although it would be earlier. Technologies are moving forward so fast so concepts of new devices and machines are emerging every day. And the transition to the driverless version of vehicle control is becoming more and more obvious for car users. [2]

The first experiments on unmanned vehicles took place back in 1961, when James Adams created and tested the first self-driving cart. If we talk about something that was closer to us, then: in 2010, an unmanned car from Google appeared, developed on the base of a Toyota car. It was equipped with radars, video cameras and a LIDAR system. This Google-Car could navigate in space, recognize road signs and interact with other participants in the traffic flow. It is amazing how quickly the number of knowledge and projects in this area has increased in half a century. In 2015, the first mass-produced self-driving cars appeared – it was the Tesla Model S, which moves on the roads 100% independently. They are on a par with Google-Cars are considered the standard of unmanned technologies. Since 2016, self-driving cars are increasingly beginning to enter our lives. Scientists believe that soon artificial intelligence will finally gain the right to drive cars. Today, drones are recognized as the safest way to travel, so it may take 10 or 20 years, and they will already become commonplace in our lives. [1]

Nowadays there is a different problem: not all people on our planet can afford their own car, and public transport in some plans can be uncomfortable (for example, when you need to transfer large items or when you are late). People are increasingly using taxis, which significantly simplifies our lives. And statistics confirm this: the number of people employed in the taxi industry in 2019 is about 600 thousand people. Since 2018, the number of employees has increased by 3%. And for the most part, the direct work of middle-and lower-class taxi drivers is often rated very low, literally devaluing. In addition, there are sad statistic with a


large number of harassment and even cases of rape, when the driver clearly exceeded his authority and violated all sorts of personal boundaries of the client (not always the taxi driver is an adequate person). It would be logical to replace people in this profession with directly artificial intelligence, which would independently drive a vehicle.

I created a small project for a self-driven municipal taxi that could be comfortable for traveling long enough distances in a large company even if you have luggage (for example, trips to the airport, train station, crossings, and so on). People are constantly faced with the problem of lack of space in cars, as well as rudeness on the part of taxi drivers, from which the trip to the destination can bring discomfort. To not feel negative emotions, people will be much easier to navigate to, for example, airport by self-driven taxi with much greater capacity because of the lack of the driver, and the availability of space for luggage.

To get around without human help, my taxi can use data from a dozen different external sensors. Among them are:

LIDAR - a rotating radar on the roof that scans the environment for 100 meters around, which allows artificial intelligence to create a 3D map of the area;

Position sensor - mounted in the left rear wheel, which senses the slightest movement of the car;

Video camera - for fixing the headlights of other cars, which helps radars detect the presence of obstacles such as pedestrians and cyclists;

Radar - Parking sensors (3 on the front bumper and 1 on the rear

bumper) to determine the distance to objects. Below you can see the layout of the external equipment:


Fig.1 Layout Plan

In addition to the exterior, an important role is played by the internal environment: a large space with a convenient location of the optimal number of seats, where even a large family can comfortably accommodate for a long trip.

Below you can see a number of side views, as well as drawings and schemes of the interior of self-driven taxi:

Fig.2 The Scheme of Boarding

Now all cars are similar to each other, so among them it is difficult to find exactly the vehicle you ordered. To reduce the amount of time spent searching for your taxi, I decided that it would be much better to give the car a color that is not used for normal vehicles. In addition, it could be better to add the taxi-number from all sides so that the passenger can easily notice the taxi among other transport around.


To create the project, I used the 3D modeling program - 3DsMax, where I created a model of an unmanned car, applied textures, and set the lighting, made several renderings of the possible appearance of the vehicle. After that, I edited the drawings and views using the CorelDraw program, which made it easier to understand the internal structure of an unmanned taxi.

The project, as well as the idea, is very popular for our time: for example, Yandex recently created its own self-driving car, becoming the first company in Russia which did it. In the near future, we can hope that such selfdriven taxis will be available to many companies and will replace the hard work of drivers, as well as help relieve urban roads, because it is much safer

vehicles than conventional cars.


1.Hod Lipson, Melba Kurman. Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead. / The MIT Press, 2016.- 328p.


A.S. Lisova, E.A. Aleshugina

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)



There are many typologies in modern architecture. However, facilities for children are the most dynamic way of development. The growing generation today is more than ever in attention of architects and urban planners: the most advanced buildings, many of which are ahead of their time, are being built to test certain pedagogical methods and systems.

An important problem in an ever-changing world is creating space that can be easily rebuilt according to the interests and needs of society. This is due to the


process of education, which is complicated by the constant updating of information. Therefore, the main quality that an environment should have is adaptability. Perfectly, space should be capable of performing different functions.

Now it is important to develop in children communication, the ability to work in a team, curiosity, critical thinking, creativity and the ability to dynamically develop in step with the times, so the school environment must change and have a wider scope of functions.

The object of the research is the space in terms of design methods.

The goals of the research are understanding which method is the most relevant now and what is the basis of the thought process of an architect who has started work, what tasks are facing the space, and what all attention is paid to, as well as the reality of the techniques, are used.

The explicit functions of the school as an institution of education include the acquisition of literacy and a certificate of maturity, preparation for a university, teaching professional roles, assimilation of the basic values of society, as well as acquiring a certain social status, establishing strong friendships in school. However, in the age of a large flow of information, when learning can be done from home, educational institutions are more responsible for the socialization of children, therefore, the methods of designing schools have changed.

The key to the entire educational architecture is the principle of designing an educational institution as a city. Moreover, in order to understand more deeply the structure of new schools, one must turn to the history of urban planning.

According to Vitruvius, the process of building any city (in this article we are considering designing a school based on a city) involved four stages. The first is the selection and consecration of the most "healthy", in medical and environmental terms, place. Then, the strategic consolidation of the territory was carried out by the construction of fortifications. At the third stage, geodetic planning (“breakdown”) of future city streets and quarters was carried out, taking into account the insolation conditions of buildings and the direction of the prevailing winds. At the fourth, final stage, the functional zoning of the territory - the choice of places for the construction of city squares, the most important administrative, public and religious buildings. Improvement of the territory (creation of a system of urban water supply and sewerage, greening of the city, organization of fire-prevention measures, etc.) was carried out in parallel. When dividing the space, the core was considered a sacred site - the acropolis or agora (area for meetings) [Fig1].


Fig.1 Project Comparison

If projecting city’s structure to internal organization of an educational institution we can observe developing trend of designing large open public spaces in the core of the school, which is divided into many other small spaces where different functions are performed. Such mini agoras are intersections of streets that are represented by corridors. The core is developed not only along the horizontal plane but also along the vertical, creating an atrium space. It changes the atmosphere of moving between offices. The corridors around the atrium become more open, and in some places turn into hinged bridges, thereby drawing attention to the inner community center. The school space is divided into "districts" - compartments with junior groups or grades and seniors, they are connected by passages that do not have a closed depressing nature, on the contrary, helps socialization without violating the boundaries of discipline.

Comparing typical projects of schools built in the 90s and modern projects, you can clearly see the tendency of creating a more active space that promotes communication and the development of all kinds of skills. The appearance of schools has also changed in order; this was helped by the development of facade materials. There are many examples, both successful and not. Part of the work of students is a vivid reflection of new trends. Initially focusing on the most progressive foreign and domestic examples, both conceptual projects and more classical restrained ones [Fig. 2] are obtained.


Fig.2. School Project

Following the scientific research of Yu.S. Manuylova, the environmental approach is a tool for indirectly managing the process of development and formation of the child's personality. What does this mean for the assignment of an architect who designs an educational institution? The assignment is to create an architectural environment that aims to provide themes and questions for reflection. It is only on the basis of taking into account and using the capabilities of the environment that it is possible to design, diagnose and produce an educational result. In other words, the richer and more thoughtful the space around is, the more varied the teaching of certain skills becomes, and there is the possibility of quick rebuilding without constructive interventions.

Thus, new concepts and ways of school development are emerging. Of course, this is not the final path, and with the development of society and the emergence of new needs, any system tends to become obsolete.

However, there are several basic remarks that can be made now: 1. Design methods are fluid. 2. The school space is constructed as a small city under a roof, creating a particularly favorable environment for development. 3. The skin of the "city" has variations. The outside reflects the inside. 4. The environment is involved in educating and should be adaptive and varied. 5. Students actively adopting trends.

J. D. Lysova, A. A. Flaksman

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


It is well known that people`s perception of a city is very complicated. It consists of objective parts, which are much more studied, and subjective elements, which are very hard to explore and define. The subject of the article is a


methodology of subjective people`s city experience detection and involving this information in the process of architectural design.

The question of spatial myths has become acute because of tendencies to research every architectural object to find its identity.

The public image of the locality consists of overlapping of individual perception ways. However, the possibility of the occurrence of common perceptive patterns is not excluded because each way is generated by a significant group of citizens. Each and every individual image of the city is unique, it covers some substance, which couldn’t be transmitted or explained fully, but partially it coincides with the public experience.

In this connection, the environment, to be experienced in some way, must be linked to the certain cultural stereotype or, what is more common, be formed simultaneously with variety of ways to satisfy requirements of different individualities.

The space of the city is differentiating by locals depending on their connection with the central area, its emotional exposure and level of

“acquaintance” with the territory. There is a “private city”, which includes everyday citizen’s routs and is being perceived automatically; there is an

“everybody`s city”, which plays the most significant role in the formation of the image of the locality in general and is geographically linked with the territory of the administrative city centre, and “white spots” are areas which are not taken into experience of citizens. Their image is created only with imagination and some indirect signs.

Classifying places as symbols of the city is due to their aesthetical qualities on the one hand, and level of their “participation” in everyday citizen’s life on the other hand. So, the system of city symbols in the perception of locals differs from traditional architectural ideas and “official” symbolic locality structure.

The previous work was based on this methodology. The topic was

«Environmental organisation of public spaces’ complex in Sharya”. In the process of design some places and objects, which are considered as symbols of the city, have been identified. Those elements are located in the territory of “everybody`s city” and participate in the formation of city`s image the most actively. Basic subjective environmental objects were found through a combination of personal experience and mental maps drown by a group of citizens. Currently they form a non-official system of images, but at the same time they need an actualisation.

There are a lot of ways to update existing non-formal environmental symbols: emphasising, exaggeration, metaphor, hiding etc. All literary means are included into this process because the actualization is telling a story.

The area becomes a place when a myth occurs there. In other words, a possibility of plural interpretation becomes real when people start perceive. Consequently, along with environmental elements the actualisation appears as a goal to support current pedestrian paths and organise new ones. It allows us to

“saturate” the territory with “mythographers”, i.e. locals.


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