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The Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan da...doc
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Article 250. The Refusal of the Right to Own

A citizen or a legal entity may waive the right of ownership of the property which belong to them, by announcing this, or by committing other actions which definitely prove their rejection of the ownership, use and disposal of the assets, without intention to retain any other rights in respect to those assets.

The refusal of the right to own shall not entail the cessation of the rights and obligations of the owner in respect to the relevant property prior to acquisition of the right to own that property by any other person.

Article 251. Imposition of a Claim on the Assets of an Owner

as amended by (12) Law of No. 211 of 2nd March 1998 of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part), and to the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Concerning the Implementation of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part)".

1. The imposition of a claim upon assets based on the liability of the owner shall be carried out in a judicial procedure, unless it is otherwise stipulated in the agreement.

2. The owner's right to own the assets upon which a claim was imposed shall cease from the moment of the emergence of the right to own the confiscated assets by the person to whom the right to own transfers in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the legislation.

Article 252. Cessation of the Right to Own of a Person to Whom by

Virtue of Legislative Acts the Assets May Not Belong

1. If due to reasons allowed by legislative acts a person came into ownerships of the items which may not belong to him by virtue of legislative acts, that property must be alienated by the owner within one year from the moment of the acquisition of the right of ownership of that property, unless other period is specified in legislative acts. In a case where the assets are not alienated by the owner within the indicated deadlines, they, in accordance with the decision of the court, shall be subject to compulsory alienation with compensation to the owner for the value of the assets, less the expenditures associated with their alienation.

2. When a citizen or a legal entity owns an item for the acquisition of which special permission is required, on the bases allowed by the legislative acts, and its issue to the owner is denied, that item shall be subject to alienation in accordance with the procedure which is established for the property which may not belong to that owner.

Article 253. Requisition

as amended (12) Law of No. 211 of 2nd March 1998 of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part), and to the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Concerning the Implementation of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part)".

1. In cases of natural calamities, accidents, epizootic epidemics, and under any other circumstances which have an extraordinary nature, property may be requisitioned in the interests of the society upon the resolution of the state bodies from an owner in accordance with the procedure and on the conditions established by legislative acts, with the payment to him of the value of the property (requisition).

2. The evaluation on the basis of which the owner is reimbursed for the value of the requisitioned property may be challenged by him in a judicial procedure.

3. A person whose assets are requisitioned shall have the right to claim through the court the return to him of the remaining assets, after the cessation of the effect of the circumstances in relation to which the requisition took place.

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