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2 курс Методичні вказівки Петрова Павленко 2 ку...doc
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10. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs say, tell, talk, speak. If necessary, see Appendix of this guide .

1. Don't …….. him about our plans. 2. Mr. Brown waited for an answer, but she didn't ……..  a word. 3. He …….. that he would wait for me in the lab. 4. The director …….. us that he was going to buy a new equipment. 5. Do you …….. English? 6. Mike, we need to …….. . 7. To ……..  you the truth, I don't remember anything. 8. Did your colleague ……..  at the conference? 9. Do you know how to …….. good-bye in Polish? 10. We spent the whole class ……..  about new trends in electronics. 11. Can you ……..  me the time? 12. My watch …….. ten o'clock. 13. It is often …….. that history repeats itself. 14. I can't ……..  the difference between these resistors. 15. It goes without ……..   that he should pay his debt in full. 16. We should ……..  him out of going there. 17.   ……..  for yourself. I have a different opinion. 18. I'd like to …….. it over with my research advisor  before making a decision. 19. Please …….. up. I can't hear you. 20. Don't ……..  back to your teachers!

11. Practise reading the dialogue In a University Café with your groupmate. Transform Direct statements into Indirect ones. Learn the dialogue by heart.

In a University Café

James: Hi, my name’s James!

Tag: Hi James, I’m Tag. Are you a new student here?

James: Yes, I had my first lesson this morning. How long have you been studying here?

Tag: I've been here for two years, I’m sophomore.

James: Two years. That's a long time.

Tag: It's not so long really. How is everything going?

James: Ah! That’s pretty difficult. Can you help me?

Tag: Yes, I think so. What’s the problem?

James: I’m confused with that lossless and lossy components.

Tag: Actually, lossless and lossy components are passive components.

James: Well, and what are the examples of Lossless components?

Tag: Lossless components include ideal capacitors, inductors, transformers etc.

James: I see. And a lossy one is a resistor?

Tag: Yes, that’s right! Is that now clear?

James: Yes, thank you so much!

Tag: Never mind, feel free to ask me any time you’ll need. Bye!

James: See you!

12. Write a plan to the text “Understanding Electronics”. Using your plan tell your partner about basic electronic components. Unit 7 basic electronic components


  • What are basic components?

  • What electronic components have now become obsolete?

1. Practice pronunciation of the following words and underline the stressed syllable. Translate the words into Ukrainian.

Components, assembly, vital, functioning, least, diode, circuitry, oscillator, thermionic, through, differentiate, electrolytic, high-frequency, low- frequency, wound, ferrite, impedance, mutual.

  1. Memorize the following words and word combinations. Make up your own examples.


життєво необхідна складова; рятівний трос

printed circuit assembly

зібрана друкована плата; друкований вузол



building block

функціональний блок

in common parlance

простою мовою





energy-storage devices

енергонакопичуючі пристрої

to differentiate

розрізняти, диференціювати

parallel-plate capacitor

плаский конденсатор

variable capacitor

змінний конденсатор





to impede

затримувати; перешкоджати, заважати


таким чином; у такий спосіб; у зв'язку з цим



ferrite rod

феррітовий стрижень

wire coil

койла проводу

primary and secondary windings

первинна та вторинна обмотка

