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6. Answer the questions.

  1. What are drugs?

  2. How can drugs be obtained?

  3. What are drugs synthesized from?

  4. What does pharmacology study?

  5. What are the branches of pharmacology?

  6. What is molecular pharmacology concerned with?

  7. When is chemotherapy indicated?

  8. Why is it necessary to hold investigations on antidotes?

  9. Which drugs are safer: natural or chemically synthesized?

  10. What does medical pharmacology study?

7. Correct the wrong statements.

  1. Drugs are nuclear substances used in medicine in the treatment of diseases.

  2. The field of medicine which studies drugs, their nature, origin, and effect in the body is called pharmocodynamics.

  1. Scientists interested in pharmacodymanics study drug toxicity.

  2. Chemotherapy includes treatment of mental disorders only.

  3. Toxicological studies in animals are prohibited by law.

  1. Disorders directly resulting from diagnostic or therapeutic efforts of a physician are known as humanistic.

  2. Nausea, vomiting, and alopecia are common contraindications to the chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer.

  3. Among the most dangerous toxic complications of drug usage are AIDS and cardiovascular diseases.

IV. Speaking

1. Make up dialogues using the following questions.


  • What does the profession of a pharmacist deal with?

  • Is this profession well-paid?

  • Is it dangerous?

  • Does a person need to be skillful for this profession?


  • Is chemotherapy necessary for the treatment of cancer?

  • Is it painful and dangerous?

  • Can you avoid the treatment?

  • Should you use all the dangerous drugs to help the state?

  • Is the outcome always lethal?


  • What will you prescribe to a person with poisoning?

  • And what would you do to help a person who has swallowed poi­son?

  • What can you do if you don't know the antidote?

2. Discuss the following problems.

  1. Natural and synthesized drugs: which are safer?

  1. The poisonous effects of some drugs: when can a doctor prescribe such drugs?

  1. The chemical essence of drug action: the main mechanisms.

  2. Can people live without drugs?

30. The main types of drugs, their classification by

form, by way of action by major characteristics.

Основні типи ліків, їх класифікація за формою, за с

пособом дії, за основними характеристиками.

  1. Vocabulary.

mold (mould) - плісень, пліснява; пліснявіти;

generic name - офіціальна (фармакопійна назва);

brand name- торговельна назва;

competitor - суперник, конкурент;

to capitalize - друкувати, писати великими буквами;

to conform - погоджувати, узгоджувати;

to enforce - примушувати, змушувати;

nausea - нудота, огида;

vomit(ing) – блювота;

overdose – передозування;

to alleviate - полегшити, зменшити біль;

ratio - співвідношення, пропорція;

to speed – прискорювати;

duration – тривалість;

interfere - шкодити, вадити;

expulsion - вилучення, виводження.

II. Прочитайте та перекладіть на українську мову назви лікарських засобів та слова греко-латинського похо­дження, що зустрічаються в текстах уроку. Зверніть увагу на особливості їх вимови англійською мовою:

penicillin, streptomycin, methtrexate, prednisone, ampi-cilline, Amcili capsules, Omnipen, Penbritin, Polycillin, Principer/N, medicine, chemical, substance, digitalis, antibiotics, hormones, secretion, synthesize, laboratory, cancer, vitamin, formular, superscript, prescription, physician, pharmacist, substitute, practice, capitalize, letter, pharmacologis-t, committee, pharmacopeia, stan­dard, clinical, formulary.

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