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Touchy calculator

A new pocket calculator developed by Casio Computer Company of Tokyo, Japan, has none of the usual push-button keys7 for letters, numbers or mathematical symbols. Instead, the Data Bank PF-8000 recognizes symbols that the user traces on its glass panel with a fingertip. The Finger-Trace Recognition system8 is designed to make this calculator easier to use than push-button machines of its type. There is no need to "hunt and peck" for entry keys or memorize the keyboard configuration. Doing away with the keyboard also contributes to the machine's slight size9—5 inches10 long by 2.5 inches wide and 4 inches thick. It weighs only 3.7 ounces."

Like many of the newest pocket-size electronic calculators, this o'ne can do more than simple arithmetic. Up to 50 names and telephone numbers can be stored in its memory bank to create an automatically alphabetized electronic directory.'2 A user

' indispensable — незаменимый

2 appliance—приспособление, прибор

3 medleyзд. соединение, сочетание

4 security sensor—датчик безопасности

5 vacuumзд. чистить пылесосом

6 computerese = programming language

7 push-button key—кнопочный переключатель

8 the Finger-Trace Recognition system—сенсорная система распознавания

9 Doing away with the keyboard... contributes to the machine's slight size Устранение клавиатуры способствует миниатюризации машины

10 1 inch =2.54 centimetres

" 1 ounce == 28-35 grams

12 to create a... directory—образуя телефонный справочник

can retrieve Ihis information by calling up' an individual name or by ordering a sequential search2 of all names filed under a particular letter. Appointments, schedules and time-tables can also be filed and retrieved.

Optical discs: thanks for the memory

Stereo buffs3 are quickly discovering that compact discs4 (CD's) can produce music that is clearer and crisper than that of any phonograph record.5 But the gleaming, palm-size6 discs are capable of much more than bringing a better Beethoven or Boy George into the living room. Like magnetic floppy discs,7 CD's can store any type of data that can be reduced to a digital code — whether it be words, numbers or musical notes. And CD's have capabilities that far surpass those of the well-known floppy disc. The laser-inscribed8 CD can store more information per square inch than virtually any other type of memory device.9 Several high-tech manufacturers are turning out compact discs and developing laser disc drives10 in the hope that thousands of computer users may one day throw away their floppy discs in favour of CD's.

The storage capability of a compact disc is astonishing-One 4.7-inch plastic CD can store more data than 1.500 floppy discs or 50 "Winchester" hard discs." This huge capacity of about 500 megabytes is more than enough to contain an entire encyclopedia. The CD has one major drawback, however: once the manufacturer stores information on a disc, it cannot be erased or changed. This means that a computer user cannot write a novel or figure out taxes with a CD. But it would be ideal to store lengthy reference works such as an unabridged dictionary, telephone directories'2 for several cities or dozens of income-tax forms.

' by calling up называя

2 by ordering a sequential search • выдавая задание на поочередный поиск

^ buff — любитель

1 compact disc — накопитель информации на твердом диске с лазерной записью

с] phonograph record — грампластинка

г' palm-size — размером с ладонь

' magnetic floppy disc -~ гибкий диск магнитной записи

в laser-inscribed — с лазерной записью

r' memory device — запоминающее устройство

10 laser disc drive — накопитель на лазерном диске

" "Winchester" hard disc—кассетный накопитель на жестком магнитном диске

'-' telephone directory—телефонная книга


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