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Pocket-size lie detector

In the 1970s a new type of lie detector called the "voice-stress analyzer" was introduced- Manufacturers such as Commu­nication Control Systems (CCS), Inc., of New York, said that electronic voice tremor detectors4 offered the accuracy of tradi­tional polygraph machines, as well as a number, of easy-to-use. features. Some critics dispute the abilities of voice-stress analyzers but the products have won favour with5 some law-enforcement agencies and are particularly popular with businessmen for per­sonnel screening.7 Now CCS has come up with a miniature version of its original briefcase-size device.

The new hand-held voice-stress analyzer is designed for office use. Numerical readouts8 on a display screen indicate the amount of subaudible9 tremors in a person's voice. The more tremors, the more possibility that a statement is untrue, according to. the voice-analysis theory.

Electronic watchman

American inventors are still racking their brains over better and more reliable locks and warning systems which can ward off10 the most determined thieves. The latest invention is a microcomputer which is built into an electronic system, such as a stereo or car radio. Only the owner of the object who knows the code can play

1 word stock — словарный запас

2 ambient — окружающий

3 speak out its mind about the weather высказать свое мнение о погоде

* voice tremor detector —детектор дрожи в голосе

5 have won favour with —завоевали популярность среди

61 law-enforcement agency •-- учреждение, стоящее на страже закона

' for personnel screening—для отбора кандидатов при приеме на работу

8 Numerical readout — Числовые данные, выводимые на экран

9 subaudible -- неслышный без помощи приборов, находящийся за порогом

с-лышимосгн '" ward ofl — отвращать


his record player or radio once the electricity has been disconnected. To the thier who steals a radio fitted with this sophisticated lock, the radio will remain mute. "Newsweek" magazine believes that new products labeled as having an electronic lock will make potential thieves hold back from' stealing them.

Shock treatment2 for thieves

Thieves may be shocked — literally — if they try to snatch valuables locked inside a new high-security briefcase-3 The electron­ic briefcase delivers a 4.000-volt electric pulse to anyone who grabs the case from its owner or attempts to secretly lift the case off the floor. Inside this seemingly ordinary attache case is a pan­el of microcircuitry that makes up a radio receiver tuned to the frequency broadcast by a pocket-size transmitter carried by the attache case's owner. If the case is moved more than 15 feet from the transmitter, or if it is lifted by someone not carrying the transmitter "key", an ear-splitting alarm sounds. Then, within 16 seconds a jolt of electricity is discharged, and this shocking performance is repeated every two seconds. The alarm and shock mechanism can also be triggered either when the case is jostled or if forced entry is attempted.4

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