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УЧЕБНЫЕ_ЗАДАНИЯ к учебнику для 2 курса.doc
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Vocabulary Tasks

1. Suggest the Russian equivalents.

trade pact, the rapid rise of inflation, a viable store of value, demise of the Soviet Union, to give strong impetus, to be modeled on smth, the post-war elevation, less stellar records, under the management of the stern ECB, the rush from Europe into the surging US stock market, to rise consistently over an uneven path, a rising current account deficit, sustained by continued outlays under generous social programs, traded-goods sector, seen as an executive decision, to be enforced by law, to result in hyperinflation, to trade at par to specie, “lender of last resort”, velocity of money

2. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.

  1. The Germans were sufficiently ……… the rapid rise of US inflation.

  2. Countries that used the new common currency would be able ……… that Germans could enjoy.

  3. Initially, the euro traded at a price $1,18 on expectation that it would ……… as a superior store of value.

  4. Yet the strength of the euro during the post-bubble period ……….

  5. By 2003 it was necessary for Germany and France ……… originally ……… as a condition for membership in the EU.

  6. Europe receive ……… after 2002 from the surge in Chinese ……….

  7. Interest rates, while now thought of as ………, were not generally coordinated with the other forms of monetary policy.

  8. The Juan Dynasty was the first government to use paper currency as ……….

  9. The maintenance of a ……… required almost monthly ……… of interest rates.

  10. It was also increasingly understood that interest rates had an effect on……….

3. Match each term with the definition.

  1. Currency

  1. The control, by the government, of a country’s currency and its system for lending and borrowing money, especially through the supply of money.

  1. Interest rate

  1. The total amount of money held by all persons and organizations in a country at a particular time.

  1. Monetary policy

  1. Any generally accepted means of payment; anything used as a medium of exchange.

  1. Money supply

  1. A rise in the general level of prices caused by an excess of demand over supply and related to an increase in the supply of money.

  1. Inflation

  1. The cost or price of borrowing money.

4. Act as an interpreter for parts a and b:

  1. Сегодня мы принимаем у себя профессора Шварца, ведущего специалиста Центрального Европейского банка. Профессор любезно согласился ответить на несколько вопросов, связанных с введением и функционированием единой европейской валюты – евро. Итак, наш первый вопрос – что вызвало к жизни саму идею создания единой европейской валюты?

The pleasure is mine…

I’d like to point out that…

I should also like to expand on…

  1. Как мы понимаем, для некоторых европейских стран перспектива единой валюты показалась привлекательной с самого начала. Не могли бы Вы подробнее осветить этот вопрос?

It stands to reason that…

I think it’s worth mentioning that…

It’s beyond doubt that…

  1. Вот уже в течение более 10 лет Европа использует единую валюту, и не секрет, что курс её постоянно колеблется, в т.ч. по отношению к доллару. Что объясняет эти колебания?

That’s an interesting point.

I can’t but mention…

Let’s go into this in more detail.

  1. А как повлиял недавний кризис на курс европейской валюты?

As a matter of fact…

With regard to…

  1. Европейский Союз значительно расширился со времени своего основания. Очевидно, что и кредитно-денежная политика ЕЦБ претерпела изменения. Как бы вы могли охарактеризовать эту политику?

You’re quite right in saying that…

Let’s go behind the matter…

  1. Большое спасибо за содержательную беседу и интересные комментарии. Будем рады видеть вас снова.

In closing, I would like to…