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New package for new consumers

As food market grows consumers demand package changes. Today’s consumers more and more clearly 1.understand preciousness of their time. And it is easier for a buyer to pay for the quality and easy-cooking product in a convenient package 2._____ to spend lots of time in the kitchen.

Market offers more and more products which require no 3.______ – from ready soups which you just pour into your bowl to various meat curving.

The range of seemingly habitual semi-finished products also enlarges: manufacturers went a long way 4._____ the simplest cutlets to, for instance, ready-to-serve lasagna or Chinese food. And new products appear 5._____ day. As soon as these products come to the 6.______ their packaging also becomes more diverse. Consumers are first of all 7._________ in the package in which they can cook the product.

Besides evolution of package opening is of special interest: today less and less package 8._______ special opening devices.

People with good income not always have 9._____ time for health care. But such people are ready to pay for package saving wholesome properties of the 10.______.

Thus one can forecast that companies ready to satisfy today’s consumer demands will have the opportunity to get good 11._____. To 12._____ this goal they will need to revise their product lines and pay special attention to unusual and inhabitable products, package of various 13.______ and size, semi-finished and ready-to-serve products, office meals and healthy food.

Ex.18. Translate the phrases into Russian, make up a number of sentences using all of them.

  1. easy-cooking product

  2. semi-finished products

  3. ready-to-serve lasagna

  4. opening device

  5. inhabitable product

  6. office meal


Work individually. Study the information below.

Complex object / complex subject

1. Complex Object is a syntactic construction which is used as one member of the sentence – an object. It’s complex because it consists of two parts: a nominal part (a noun or a pronoun) & verbal part (infinitive with or without to, a participle I (which stresses the development of the action), a participle II (which shows that the action is directed at the agent expressed by the nominal part because participle II is mostly passive in its meaning) e.g. I found the flowers already watered.

With TO

After the verbs of

Without TO

After the verbs of

  • LIKING, DISLIKING (like, dislike, love, hate, can’t stand)

  • WISH (want, wish, would like, desire)

  • ORDER AND REQUEST (order, ask, command)

  • PERMISION (permit, allow)

  • COMPULTION (compel, force, get)

  • MENTAL ACTIVITY (think, consider, believe, suppose, know, understand, find, expect, mean)


(pronounce, declare)

e.g. I pronounce you (to be) man and wife.

  • SENSE PERCEPTION (see, hear, watch, notice, feel, observe)

  • COMPULSION (have, make)

  • PERMISION (let)


  1. We can use see and hear in the passive voice, but if we use it with an infinitive then to is required. The verb-ing form is not affected. Compare the following: She was heard to mutter "I shall never forgive you" as she went out of the room. Everybody heard her mutter "I shall never forgive you" as she left the room. He was seen climbing out of the window. They all saw him climbing out of the window.

  2. If the agent is not important, the passive infinitive is used. Would you like breakfast TO BE SERVED in your room? Do you expect the price TO BE REDUCED?

Complete the questions. Use do you want me to…? would you like me to…? with one of the following verbs. The first question has been done for you.

leave help design pick up repeat accompany lie

  1. Do you want to go to the doctor alone or do you want me to accompany you?

  2. Can you translate this article by yourself or ….

  3. Do you remember the route from the airport to our place or …

  4. Have you got a design of the tattoo or …

  5. Shall I tell you the truth or …

  6. Did you hear what I said or…

  7. Can I stay now or...

Make one sentence out of two using complex object.

  1. He must solve this problem. We expect it.

  2. Your mother called you. I heard it.

  3. He is a good manager. I think so.

  4. You remember about all holidays. I like it.

  5. You are always late. I hate it.

  6. All the papers must be signed now. I want it.

  7. We left that place. The soldiers let it.

  8. He didn’t attend our last class. I noticed it.

  9. She is good at dancing. Her friends consider so.

  10. This film is interesting. I believe so.

  11. She was jogging at 8 a.m. yesterday. I saw it.

  12. Everything must be in order. He likes it.

  13. You won the competition yesterday. We didn’t expect it.

  14. He was following me. I felt it.

  15. He told me the truth. I made him.

  16. He doesn’t smoke in the bedroom. I would never let it.

Make interrogative sentences using the structure of the passive infinitive.

ex.: He’s packing the luggage. Do you want it?

Do you want the luggage to be packed?

  1. They’ll sign the document immediately. Do you want it?

  2. He came to the meeting on time. Did they expect that?

  3. They’ll transfer this cargo. Does the boss let it?

  4. They will serve another cup of tea. Would you like it?

  5. They’ll book a tour through the Internet. Would you recommend it?

  6. He sold all the foods. Could you imagine it?

  7. They canceled our departure. Did you order it?

  8. He wants to change your glasses. Did you ask for it?

  9. The office is empty. Did you expect it?

  10. Someone robed the shop yesterday. Have you heard about it?

2. Complex Subject is a syntactic construction which consists of two parts: a nominal part (the subject) and a verbal part (the infinitive). In between the subject and the infinitive there is a part of the predicate expressed by a finite verb which denotes some comment, or estimate, or judgement, or conclusion, or attitude to the action or state expressed by the infinitive.

Active Voice:

CS is used when the predicate is expressed by the verbs

Passive Voice:

CS is used when the predicate is expressed by the verbs of

  • OF SUBJECTIVE OR PERSONAL ATTITUDE TO FACTS AND THEIR EVALUATION (to seem, to appear, to happen, to chance, to prove, to turn out)

e.g. She chanced to be at home.

He happened to have been here before.

  • TO BE IN THE PHRASES EXPRESSING DIFFERENT SHADES OF PROBABILITY OR CERTAINTY (to be certain, to be sure, to be likely, to be unlikely)

e.g. He is unlikely to appear in the disco tonight.

He is sure to have seen this play.

  • SENSE PERCEPTION (hear, see, observe, watch)

e.g. He was heard to speak German

  • MENTAL PERCEPTION (think, consider, know, expect, believe, suppose, mean)

e.g. You are known to have been working at the subject for two years.

  • SAYING, REPORTING (say, report, allege, pronounce, declare, predict, announce)

e.g. The plane is announced to be late.

  • ORDER AND REQUEST (order, ask, command, request)

e.g. I was asked to bring some water.

  • PERMISION (permit, allow)

e.g. The children were allowed to watch the film to the end.

  • COMPULTION (compel, force, let, make)

e.g. He was made to stay after school for two hours.


  1. The Present Infinitive (to do) indicates that the time of the infinitive's action is contemporaneous with the time of the verb introducing the subjective infinitive construction;

  2. The Continuous Infinitive (to be doing) stresses that the infinitive's action is in progress at the time of the verb introducing the subjective infinitive construction;

  3. The Perfect Infinitive (to have done) indicates that the time of the infinitive's action is previous to the time of the verb introducing the subjective infinitive construction;

  4. The Perfect Continuous Infinitive (to have been doing) indicates that the time of the infinitive's action was in progress before the time of the verb introducing the subjective infinitive construction.

E.g . He is said to work at the factory. He was seen to be working at the factory. He is said to have worked at the factory. He is said to have been working at the factory for twenty years.

Make one sentence out of two using complex subject.

    1. The delivery service of this cafe is efficient. People say so.

    2. He is a talented actor. People know it.

    3. They will be a good match for each other. People suppose so

    4. This furniture is made of genuine leather. It appears so.

    5. The hospital was equipped with the latest equipment. People say so.

    6. She prepared for the test. But it does not seem so.

    7. He was doing his duty. People saw it.

    8. They argued fiercely. Their neighbours heard it.

    9. Many buildings have been damaged by the fire. Newspapers reported about it.

    10. She can come any moment. We expect it.

Make the sentences shorter by the means of complex subject. The first one has been done for you.

  1. It appears that you are a good specialist. You appear to be a good specialist.

  2. We know Leonardo da Vinci to have been a genius.

  3. It is expected that he is good at design.

  4. It is believed that these famous plays were written by Shakespeare.

  5. People consider the climate there to be very healthful.

  6. It has been proved that the tape recorder is one of the most useful aids for many blind people.

  7. It has been announced that the plane is two hours late.

  8. They say that politics is a dirty thing and a politician is always a lair.

  9. It was reported that they were safe.

  10. It is supposed the soul makes her residence in some part of the brain.

Make up sentences using the following words and word combinations:

  1. for he to be certain plane to be late the.

  2. the to be sure he Sarah to meet at station.

  3. she work to allowed earlier to finish today.

  4. they to miss train to be likely the.

  5. me to chance rare he to procure that book for.

  6. to say the USA to leave for she.

  7. he to be the best to seem to know surgeon I ever.

Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs.

change discuss go make sing cross conduct travel

1. He was heard ……… in the bathroom. 2. He was reported ……… a lot. 3. She was seen ……… the road. 4. He is said ……… a new film. 5. He is known ……… experiments in vivo for many years. 6. They seemed ……… something important. 7. Her face appeared ……… very little.

Look at the picture and describe it. What these women are looking at? What can they discuss and what can influence their choice of foods?

Look at the pictures below. How can you comment on them?

M ake up a discussion with your partner:

  1. Do you pay attention to products you buy?

  2. What information are you looking for there?

  3. Can you believe food labels?

  4. Have you ever found unexpected components in some products?

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