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32 Play the game.

You and your partner choose a discovery or an invention. You must know who it was done by, when and what country it was done, etc. you win it you know the answers to at least 5 questions.

Ex: You: What country was it invented in?

Partner: In France.

You: What scientific area does it belong to?

Partner: Food preservation.

You: Was it invented in the 19th century?

Partner: Yes, it was.

You: Is it Appert’s method for preserving foods by heating?

Partner: Yes, it is.

33 Remake the story, turning all sentences into the Passive.

This incident happened during the winter break at the end of last year when I was visiting friends. I went to the kitchen to reheat an apple pie. I opened the microwave oven's door and put the pie and punched in 3 minutes. While I was waiting for the pie, I smelled something burning. It was the paper box enwrapping the pie I had forgotten to remove. The smoke filled the house, triggering the fire alarm and I had to spend half an hour with the firemen to do their checkups and switch off the alarm ... so guys, before you microwave food, take off the box first!


34 You are going to take part in a conference. The subject of you report is “Food Packaging Revolution.” Sum up all the information from this unit and make the report.

35 Role-Play.

Student A

Student B

You believe that ancient methods of food preservation were much healthier and ecologically balanced. Find arguments and convince your opponent that the future is for these methods of preservation.

You are a supporter of modern methods in food preservation. Convince your opponent that modern methods have more advantages than old ones.

36 Comment on such statements as:

  • A customer is a child. If you show him a bright package, he will buy the product, even if he does not know what it is.

  • The government should limit the use of chemical additives, because many of them are harmful for health.

  • People want to eat tasty food. Most of them do not want to know what it was made of.

  • The future package will be more hazardous.

37 Discuss these questions in your group.

  1. Does any member of you family make preservations of fruit or vegetables? Do you know how to do that?

  2. What is a food poisoning? Is there any risk of food poisoning if you eat homemade preserves? Why?

  3. Do you think homemade preserves will be substituted by the manufactured ones in the nearest future? What makes you think so?


38 Make a survey and write a composition describing the future of packaging. Support your ideas with the facts concerning modern tendencies.

Answers to the exercise №2: 1 wooden boxes; 2 tinplate canisters; 3 jars; 4 meat; 5 vegetables; 6 coffee; 7 dried fruits; 8 milkman; 9 dipper;10 can.

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