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Inflamation of sac that surrounds the heart (peri=around; cardium=heart).

The patients complain of a severe chest pain. Sometimes it becomes worse with inspiration (breathing in) and is improved with position change. The patients admit the pain not to be associated with exercise, nausea, vomiting or sweating.

The doctors consider pericarditis to be caused by viral infection, bacterial infection or inflammation without infection. It can occur after heart attack or after heart surgery and end-stage of kidney disease.

Bacterial infection is very serious and must be carefully treated. Inflammatory pericarditis needs to be treated with medicine against inflammation until symptoms resolve (as long as accumulation of fluid does not occur). If so, it may require drainage.

Pericarditis can be confused with other sources of chest pain. It is therefore imperative the chest pain be evaluated immediately to determine its cause.

Ex. 14. Read the text. State the main ideas of it in a written form. Retell the text according to the plan.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are now the leading cause of death and disability among the adults over 40 in industrialized societies.

There are some risk factors that may lead to diseases of the heart – there are disorders in fat metabolism, emotional and mental stress, drinking and smoking, and physical inactivity.

There are ways of classifying heart diseases. The 3 layers of the heart wall form the basis for one grouping of heart pathology, as follows:

  1. Endocarditis, which means inflammation of the “lining” of the heart cavities, but which most commonly affects the valves of the heart.

  2. Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle.

  3. Pericarditis, referring to the disease of the serous membrane of the heart surface.

Another more generally used classification of heart disease is based on causative and age factors. On this basis the more common kinds of heart disease are:

  1. Congenital heart diseases, that are present at birth (such as septal defects of tetralogy of Fallot – a combination of four congenital defects).

  2. Rheumatic heart disease which begins with an attack of rheumatic fever in childhood or in youth (such as endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis or pancarditis).

  3. Coronary heart disease which involves the walls of the blood vessels that supply the muscles of the heart (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, pericarditis or pancarditis).

  4. Degenerative heart diseases, which are most common after the age of 45, and are due to deterioration of tissues such as muscles because of the prolonged effects of various disease conditions (such as hypertension or hypotension).

The most important symptoms associated with diseases of the heart are dyspnea, cyanosis, edema, pain, palpitation and early fatigue. Diseases of the heart in their early stage produce shortness of breath on exertion, increased pulse rate, palpitation, discomfort in the precordial region, fatigue, giddiness, loss of appetite. Advanced heart diseases produce breathlessness even at rest, irregularity of heart action, pain in the chest radiating to the neck, left arm or abdomen, cyanosis, edema, and clubbing of fingers.

Ex. 15. Read the text and give the answers to:

  1. What are the clinical signs of endocarditis?

  2. What are the causes of the diseases?

  3. Are there any ways to prevent endocarditis?