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Вопрос 15. Классификация и принципы выбора методов/форм международных операций

Принципы выбора форм международных операций:


- социо-культурные факторы

- политические факторы

- законодательство

- факторы экономики

Маркетинговая среда, её сложность и маркетинговая стратегия компании

Если цель – снятие сливок, при минимальной сложности маркетинговой среды имеет место экспорт продукции. Если среда сложна – стратегический альянс.

Если цель – внедрение на рынок, тогда при минимальной сложности маркетинговой среды также имеет место стратегический альянс. Если маркетинговая среда сложная – следует осуществлять поглощение на рынке, либо прямые инвестиции.


- субъективное восприятие менеджмента

- рациональное обоснование

- финансовые выгоды

- защита интеллектуальной собственности

- вопросы, связанные с человеческими ресурсами

- нон-стоп решения «продукт-рынок». Идет оценка продукта и рынков – являются ли они устаревшими, аналогичными тому, что есть на данный момент, или новыми:



Стратегический альянс





Стратегический альянс



Оставаться дома


Стратегический альянс





Формы мо:



Товарная группа

Косвенный экспорт

  • компания несет минимальные риски, но и осуществляет минимальный контроль операций

  • Indirect export exists when the manufacturing firm is not taking direct care of exporting activities

  • Instead, another company, located in the home market, undertakes them for the firm.

Прямой экспорт

  • Direct export exists when the manufacturing firm takes care of exporting activities and is in direct contact with the first middleman in the target country.

  • Own exporting exists when there is no domestic or foreign middleman between the exporting producer and its affiliate/branch as a final customer. If the firm has its own sales unit abroad there is no "foreign" middleman, but this case is not included in own exporting because of the foreign direct investment made and this is regarded as belonging to subsidiary operations.

  • Direct export:

  1. The exporting firm should possess enough knowledge about exporting routines, techniques and practices in order to be able to start its export activities. In this sense indirect exporting may offer, if properly utilized, a useful learning process for the subsequent move towards more independent exporting;

  2. The firm should have a workable language ability for the target country markets, both spoken and written;

  3. The firm should have its own export personnel who are willing and capable of taking care of export sales and marketing planning and implementation, both at home and abroad;

  4. If the objectives set for exporting are ambitious ones the firm should have an export manager who is also able to take care of strategic planning for exporting and who is able to develop a workable information system for that purpose and integrate/coordinate export planning as a part of the total planning of the firm;

  5. Export activities should be continuous, not just an emergency valve during over-production, or when there is free capacity during domestic lack/depression;

  6. Exporting should have the full backing of the top management.


Стратегические альянсы

Прямые зарубежные инвестиции

  • компания несет максимальные риски, но взамен всецело контролирует операции на рынке

Группа «знание»

Иностранная сборка

Международное лицензирование

  • International licensing is a contractual transaction where the firm – the licensor – offers some proprietary assets to a foreign company – the licensee – in exchange of royalty fees.

  • Examples of assets that can be part of International Licensing Agreement include trademarks, technology know-how, production process, and patents.

  • Royalty rates = 0,125% - 15%

  • Covers:

  • technical know-how;

  • patents

  • industrial rights;

  • managerial know-how;

  • marketing know-how

Международное «ноу-хау» соглашение

Международный франчайзинг

Международные консалтинговый инжиниринг

Международные инженерные конструкторские разработки

Группа «производство/инвестиции»




Группа «аренда»

Международный лизинг

  • операционный лизинг:

  • Is characterized by shorter life-cycle of the leasing object as well as the shorter contractual term and usually by incomplete depreciation of the equipment within the leasing term; when the contractual period is over, the leasing equipment can be either put into leasing scheme again or purchased by the lessee or returned to the lessor.

  • Such leasing service is as a rule offered to equipment producers, trading companies, their subsidiary leasing companies as well as to the other owners of the leasing assets.

  • финансовый лизинг:

  • Is characterized by mid- and long-term contractual period, as well as by the full depreciation of the lease equipment or by depreciation of its major part within the leasing period. At expiration of the leasing contract, the lessee can either return the leasing object back to the lessor or extend the contract or purchase the leasing asset at its residual value.

  • Provided that the lessee performs the buy-out option of the leasing assets the leasing contract appears to be equal to long-time crediting of the purchase; it differs from the common sales contract by the moment of transfer of the ownership on leased assets to the purchaser.

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