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2. Complete the sentences with the word from the list below.

1. The most commonly used input device is the _____.

a) keyboard

b) mouse

c) joystick

d) scanner

2.  An advantage to a touch screen is that _____.

a) it is natural to touch things

b) it is not as tiring as keyboard input

c) it uses little screen space for each choice

d) none of the above

3. GIGO stands for _____.

a) Garbage Input, Garbage Output

b) Gigabytes in, Gigabytes out

c) Garbage In, Garbage Out

d) none of the above

4. The raw facts are called _____.

a) data

b) programs

c) commands

d) user responses

5. VDT refers to _____.

a) vital data transfer

b) virtual data transfer

c) video desk terminal

d) video display terminal

6. The keys on the keyboard which may be programmed to do special tasks are the ___.

a) arrow keys

b) numeric keypad

c) function keys

d) navigation keys

7. A mouse, trackball, and joystick are examples of _____.

a) pointing devices

b) pen input devices

c) data collection devices

d) multimedia devices

8. Which is an example of a transcription error?

a) 3456 instead of 3465

b) Simth instead of Smith

c) 3455 instead of 3456

d) none of the above

9. The term multimedia refers to _____.

a) combination of sound and images with text and graphics

b) the combination of sound and images only

c) music only

d) movies with sound only

10.  The computer message reads "Do you really want to delete the selected file(s)?" The user clicks on the button labeled "Yes". This is an example of _____.

a) data input

b) a program

c) a command

d) user response

3. Discussion.

1. What input devices are necessary for your future professional activity?

2. What kinds of pointing devices do computer engineers and multimedia developers use and why?

Unit 3 What is Processing?

After reading this unit you should aim to achieve these targets by answering the questions at the end of the unit. You should be able to:

- outline main data terms as digital data, machine cycle, memory addresses, processor and others;

- fill in the diagram of a computer organisation;

- give explanations of main computer processing devices.

Processing is the thinking that the computer does - the calculations, comparisons, and decisions. People also process data. What you see and hear and touch and feel is input. Then you connect this new input with what you already know, look for how it all fits together, and come up with a reaction, your output. "That stove is hot. I'll move my hand now!"

The kind of "thinking" that computers do is very different from what people do.

Machines have to think the hard way. They do one thing at a time, one step at a time. Complex procedures must be broken down into VERY simple steps. Then these steps can be repeated hundreds or thousands or millions of times. All possible choices can be tried and a list kept of what worked and what didn't.

People, on the other hand, are better at recognizing patterns than they are at single facts and step-by-step procedures. For example, faces are very complex structures. But you can identify hundreds and even thousands of different faces. A human can easily tell one face from another, even when the faces belong to strangers. You don't recognize Mom's face because you remember than Mom's nose is 4 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, and has a freckle on the left side! You recognize the whole pattern of Mom's face. There are probably a lot of folks with noses the size and shape of Mom's. But no one has her whole face.

But a computer must have a lot of specific facts about a face to recognize it. Teaching computers to pick Mom's face out of a crowd is one of the hardest things scientists have tried to do yet with computers. But babies do it naturally!

So computers can't think in the same way that people do. But what they do, they do excellently well and very, very fast.