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3. Перевести на английский язык:

- Наша будущая профессия - судовой повар.

- После окончания нашего училища курсанты работают на различных судах речного и морского флота.

Председатель цикловой методической комиссии ________________ Т.А. Коваленко


Согласовано на методическом совете СПбМТК

Председатель МС__________

/П. П. Пустошный/

«_3__» ___03____2011 г.

Экзаменационный билет


По дисциплине:

английский язык

Группы: 323, 324, ТУ

Вид экзамена: итоговый


Директор СПбМТК

____________________ /В.А.Никитин/

«_4_» ____03____2011 г.

  1. Прочитать и перевести текст.

- It's time for dinner already. I'm hungry. Let's go to the nearest cafe.

- I feel hungry, too. Let's go to the «Moscow» cafe. It's not far from here. I often have dinner there.

- What do they usually serve for dinner?

- They always have a wide choice of sandwiches, salads, meat and fish dish­es, and many kinds of ice creams for dessert. Last time I had fresh lettuce sal­ad for a snack, roast beef and fruit ice. cream for des- sort.

- How much did you pay?

  • Not so much. The pric­es were not very high.

  • All right. Let's have lunch there today.

— Let's drop in here. This restaurant is famous for its kitchen.

— Waiter! Is this table-vacant?

— Yes, it is. You will feel comfortable here.

— Could we have the menu?

— Yes, of course! Here's the menu.

— Shall we begin with the appetizers? I'd like to have fried sausage patties. They are delicious.

— As for me, I'll take some salad.

— What meat courses are there on the menu today?

— Today we have veal chops, steaks and grilled chicken.

— Tell us, please, if there are there any fish courses on the menu?

— We have stuffed pike, salmon, and fish in aspic.

2. Тема для устного собеседования: «Что можно приготовить из картофеля на второе блюдо».

3. Перевести на английский язык;

  • В лаборатории училища, в столовых и ресторанах города курсанты проходят практику.

  • Наше училище готовит судовых поваров.

Председатель цикловой методической комиссии ________________ Т.А. Коваленко


Согласовано на методическом совете СПбМТК

Председатель МС__________

/П. П. Пустошный/

«_3__» ___03____2011 г.

Экзаменационный билет


По дисциплине:

английский язык

Группы: 323, 324, ТУ

Вид экзамена: итоговый


Директор СПбМТК

____________________ /В.А.Никитин/

«_4_» ____03____2011 г.

1. Прочитать и перевести текст.

Late Supper

Waiter: What would you like for supper?

Guest: Well, I usually . have light supper, because it isn't healthy to eat much before going to bed. What do you have on the menu today?

Waiter: I would suggest you fish and chips, meat salad, cheese and ham sand­wiches, omelet, tea with apple pie and some pastry.

Guest: I think I'll take an omelet, a cheese and ham sandwich and a cup of tea with apple pie.

Waiter: Do you like your tea strong or weak?

Guest: I don't take strong tea in the evening. I usually take tea with milk.

2. Тема для устного собеседования: «Меню и приготовление блюд из овощей»