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Согласовано на методическом совете СПбМТК

Председатель МС__________

/П. П. Пустошный/

«_3__» ___03____2011 г.

Экзаменационный билет


По дисциплине:

английский язык

Группы: 323, 324, ТУ

Вид экзамена: итоговый


Директор СПбМТК

____________________ /В.А.Никитин/

«_4_» ____03____2011 г.

1. Почитать и перевести текст.

Dinner at the restaurant

Usually I have my dinner at home but last Sunday my friend invited me to have dinner at the restaurant. When we came in the headwaiter showed us to the table. We sat down at the table and the waiter gave us the menu. The table was already laid for dinner. There was a white ta­ble-cloth on the table, plates, spoons, knives and forks on it. In the middle of the table there was a dish with white and brown bread, a cruet-set with a salt-cellar and pots for pepper and mustard.

We decided to begin with some kind of appetizer or hors-d'oeuvre. My friend ordered clear chicken soup with noodles and I chose cabbage soup with small meat pies.

For the second course there was a wide choice of dish­es: fried fish and chips, pancakes with salmon, scallops fried in vegetable oil, veal cutlets, pork chops with fried potatoes, steaks and grilled chicken. The waiter suggest­ed us for the second course the specialty of the restau­rant — pan-fried veal chops with spring onions.

For dessert we decided to take vanilla ice cream, cof­fee and apple pie.

Everything was very tasty and the service was good. The waiter brought us a bill. We paid the bill and left the restaurant.

2. Тема для устного собеседования: «Моя профессия - повар».

3. Перевести на английский язык:

  • Один раз в неделю курсанты проходят практику в лаборатории училища, а также в столовых и ресторанах. Наше училище готовит персонал для торгового флота.

Председатель цикловой методической комиссии ________________ Т.А. Коваленко


Согласовано на методическом совете СПбМТК

Председатель МС__________

/П. П. Пустошный/

«_3__» ___03____2011 г.

Экзаменационный билет


По дисциплине:

английский язык

Группы: 323, 324, ТУ

Вид экзамена: итоговый


Директор СПбМТК

____________________ /В.А.Никитин/

«_4_» ____03____2011 г.

1. Прочитать и перевести текст.

The kitchen staff

The kitchen staff begin their day at three o'clock in the afternoon. The second chef, David, is a very good cook and he is able to make Anna's work when she is away. David does his work with the help of his appren­tice Jim. He makes the pates, the ice cream and desserts. David also prepares the main course meat dishes and then Anna codks them.

Jim, the apprentice, works two months already, and has learned a lot of things in a short time. Jim thinks that a chef's job is rather difficult. He is sometimes so tired in the evening that at home he can do nothing but fall into bed. But this work is interesting for him. He cleans, cuts and prepares the vegetables and makes fruit salads. He learns to make garnishes and decorations on the dishes. He is happy because David fully trusts him. Today he will make the hors d'oeuvres, some of the en­trees, main course and dessert dishes.

Mary is the kitchen hand. She works in the kitchen. She must keep the kitchen clean. She helps to slice mush­rooms, peel potatoes and wash the dishes. Mary's role is very important at the restaurant. The kitchen is always clean.

2. Тема для устного собеседования: «Капитанский коктейль»