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II. Do the following back translation. Work in pairs.

1.Хотя ещё не было подлинных доказательств вины этого человека, все были убеждены, что его следует отдать под суд и наказать как можно скорее. Дело в том, что пожилая женщина, которую накануне ограбили на улице, утверждала, что именно он попытался нанести ей удар по голове и отнять у неё сумку. Напротив, сам “преступник” говорил, что он невиновен в этом преступлении.

1.Though there was no true evidence of the guilt of the man everybody was sure that he should be brought (taken) to court and punished as soon as possible. The matter was that the old woman who had been robbed in the street the day before stated that it was he who had made an attempt (attempted) to hit ( strike ) her on the head and take her bag from her. On the contrary “the criminal” himself told everybody that he was innocent of the crime.

2.Преступники, которые хотели перевезти ювелирные изделия (jewels) контрабандным путём были арестованы после прохождения таможенного досмотра. Они предприняли попытку объяснить полиции, что просто невежественны в вопросах перевозки вещей из одной страны в другую, но полицейские ответили, что все их объяснения просто не имеют смысла.

2.The criminals who wanted to smuggle jewels were arrested after going through the Customs. They attempted to explain to the police that they were just ignorant of the matter of taking things from one country to another but the policemen answered that all their explanations didn’t make any sense.

3.Неожиданно профессору Боффину пришла в голову блестящая идея. Он открыл (обнаружил) единственный способ полететь на луну и решил немедленно доверить свой секрет жене.

3.Suddenly an interesting idea occurred to Professor Boffin. He discovered the only way of going to the moon and decided to trust the secret to his wife immediately.

4.Брауны обожали свою дочь, и когда они узнали, что её похитили, они сразу обратились за помощью к частному детективу. Кроме того, вся полиция города тоже была начеку, ожидая удобного случая поймать преступников. В конце концов выяснилось, что это был один безработный, который хотел получить выкуп.

4.The Browns adored their daughter and when they learnt that she had been kidnapped they immediately applied to a private detective for help. Besides all the police of the town were on the alert for an opportunity to catch the criminals. In the end it turned out that it was an unemployed man, who wanted to get ransom.

5.Этот вор интересовался живописью (painting) и мог отличить шедевр от обычной (ничем не примечательной) картины (to tell smth from smth). Однажды из одного из музеев города исчезла картина, на которой был изображён Геракл. Все думали, что именно он украл её, и вор действительно оказался виновным в этом преступлении.

5.That thief was interested in painting and could tell a masterpiece from a plain picture. One day a picture which represented Hercules disappeared from one of the museums of the town. Everybody believed that it was he who had stolen it and the thief really turned out to be guilty of the crime.

6.Винни Кинг имела “вкус” к искусству, поэтому её родители решили отправить её в школу, которой руководила Мисс Поуп. Винни села в поезд до Парижа вместе (=в компании с) ещё восемнадцатью девочками.

6.Winnie King bad a taste for art, that’s why her parents decided to send her to the school (that) Miss Pope was in charge of. Winnie took a train to Paris in company with eighteen other girls.

7.Джейн говорила по телефону уже 3часа, когда её отец подошёл к ней и сказал, что если она сейчас же не повесит трубку, у него случится сердечный приступ. Джейн не обратила никакого внимания на его слова и решила, что возмущение отца не оправдано. Отец же подумал про себя, что ему не удалось воспитать дочь как следует.

7.Jane had already been speaking on the phone for three hours when her father approached her and told her that if she didn’t immediately replace the receiver he would have a heart attack. Jane didn’t pay any attention to his words and decided that the father’s indignation wasn’t justified. And the father thought to himself that he hadn’t managed to bring the daughter up properly.

8.М-р Рид жил один на окраине города. Очевидно, он не любил общаться с людьми и делал это очень редко, только при определённых обстоятельствах. Однажды он споткнулся (to stumble) и упал на улице и получил лёгкое сотрясение мозга. Прохожий помог ему добраться до больницы. М-р Рид был очень благодарен ему за это, но всё равно не изменил своего отношения ( attitude) к людям.

8.Mr.Reed lived alone on the outskirts of the town. Apparently, he didn’t like to mix with people and did it very seldom, only under certain circumstances. One day he stumbled and fell down in the street and had slight concussion. A passer- by helped him to get to hospital. Mr.Reed was very grateful to him for it but he still didn’t change his attitude to people.

9.М-р Грин, известный учёный, никому не доверял, и, когда он делал научные открытия, он старался никому о них не рассказывать, пока он не опубликует (to publish) новую статью. Он даже возражал против того, чтобы редактор статьи говорил о ней кому-нибудь до того, как она выйдет (=появится).

9.Mr.Green, a famous scientist, didn’t trust anybody, and when he made scientific discoveries, he tried not to tell anybody about them before he published a new article. He even objected to the editor of the article telling anybody about it before it appeared.

10.Когда безработных нанимают куда-нибудь временно, они считают, что им очень повезло. Они с удовольствием выполняют работу, но затем снова теряют её. После этого они иногда полны решимости даже совершить преступление, чтобы не быть голодными. Такая проблема существует (to exist) во всём мире.

10.When the unemployed are hired anywhere, they believe that it is their good fortune. They do the work with pleasure, but then they again lose their job. After that they are sometimes determined even to commit a crime not to be hungry. Such a problem exists all over the world.

III. Open the brackets choosing the correct word. Use it in the required grammatical form.

        1. The boss wanted (to employ, to hire) a number of people for a short time to fulfil that important task.

        2. Tom told us a very interesting story but it sounded incredible (невероятный) and we didn’t (to believe, to trust) him.

        3. The scientist exclaimed that he just (to discover, to find out) quite a new way of solving that problem.

        4. The criminal who used to be (in charge of, the head of) a lot of robberies has retired and now he is leading an honest life.

        5. The defendant tried to assure the jury that he was (ignorant, innocent ) of the crime but they informed him that evidence of his guilt had been found.

        6. Admiral Chandler showed Poirot a picture which (to present, to represent) a very beautiful woman.

        7. A pupil wasn’t very polite to his teacher and he immediately (to replace, to remove) from the classroom.

        8. While that courageous man was sailing in the rough (бурное) sea he (to be in company, to accompany) by a lot of little boats.

IV. Make sure you understand the text. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind the translation of the active vocabulary.

              1. …The Rubens an unknown masterpiece, had been placed on display at Simpson’s Galleries and it had been stolen in broad daylight. It was at the time when a group of the unemployed had penetrated into Simpson’s Galleries with the slogan “Art is a Luxury. Feed the Hungry.”

The police had been sent for, everyone had crowded round in curiosity, and it was not till the demonstrators had been forcibly removed that it was noticed that the new Rubens had been carefully cut out of its frame and removed also (p.46).

              1. The English and French police were on the alert, but Simpson was sure that they would fail. And once it had passed into the millionaire’s dirty hands it was going to be more difficult to get it back. The situation was very delicate.(p.46)

              2. Winnie had come to London alone from Cranchester where she lived by the early train, went across London to Victoria station, where she was met by Miss Burshaw, Miss Pope’s assistant. Then, in company with 18 other girls, she left London by the beat train. 19 girls had crossed the channel, had passed through the customs and got into the Paris train. But when, on the outskirts of Paris, Miss Burshaw had counted heads it was discovered that only 18 girls could he found! (p.47).

              3. … He’s got a bad reputation, suspected by the police of being mixed up in some questionable affairs – but he has never attempted kidnapping. (p.49).

              4. Inspector Hearn said curiously:

“I don’t understand the meaning of the shoes, sir? Do they mean anything?”

“They confirm a theory,” said Hercule Poirot. “A theory of how the conjuring trick was done.” (p.50).

              1. “… I was staying near Cranchester and made the acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. King. I met Winnie then. A very well brought up girl, with a decided taste for art. I told Mrs. King that I should be happy to receive her here in a year or two - when her general studies were completed. We specialize here, Mr. Poirot, in art and music. The very best masters come here to instruct the girls in music, singing, and painting. The broader culture, that is our aim.” (p.50)

              2. As though by magic Cranchester Bridge had disappeared. Instead was a classical scene in rich, bright colourings.

Poirot said softly:

“The Girdle of Hyppolita. Hyppolita gives her girdle to Hercules – painted by Rubens. A great work of art – but not quite suitable for your drawing-room.” (p.53)

V. Get ready to paraphrase and explain the following.

  1. Explain: The demonstrators had been paid for their innocent part in the robbery.(p.46)

  2. Explain: ”Art is a Luxury. Feed the Hungry.”(p.46)

  3. Paraphrase: He had to leave to France immediately.(p.46)

  4. Paraphrase: Then, in company with 18 other girls, she left London by the boat train.(p.47)

  5. Paraphrase: It doesn’t make sense, Mr. Poirot.(p.47)

        1. Paraphrase: He studied the photo that Japp gave him. It represented a thin child with her hair in two little plaits and a dental plate on her teeth.(p.48)

        2. Explain: “Well,” said Japp. “If a romantic heart spirited her off that train, I’ll begin to read lady novels.”(p.48)

        3. Explain: “A fine work of art … all the same – as you say – after all, one must consider parents. Some of them are rather narrow-minded … if you know what I mean …”(p.53)

VI. Comment on the following statements. Show your understanding of what is implied by them. Say whether you agree or disagree, give your arguments. Recall the situations in which the statements are used.

              1. One thing leads to another … (p.46)

              2. “… but then they are all plain at that age. They grow into beauties overnight … It’s like a miracle.” (p.48)

              3. “Women … are a miraculous sex.”(p.48)

              4. “…But she may have a romantic heart. Fifteen is not so young.” (p.48)

              5. “…One must not submit to being bullied by officialdom.”(p.51)

              6. “We live strictly by routine …”(p.51)

              7. “…These people wanted to smuggle something from England to France …But what place is safer than a schoolgirl’s trunk?” (p.52)

VII. Get ready to answer the following questions.

        1. Why did Poirot’s friend Alexander Simpson, turn to the detective for help? In what way had the Rubens been stolen? Why was Poirot reluctant to take the case up?

        2. What happened to the missing Schoolgirl, Winnie King by name? Where and when was it discovered that she had disappeared? Why was Inspector Japp so bewildered by the incident?

        3. What kind of girl was Winnie? Say a few words about her appearance. What did Poirot first suppose in connection with her disappearing?

        4. Was Winnie found in the end? Where was she found?

        5. Why did Poirot look worried after he had learnt that the girl had been found? What information about what had happened did he get from Inspector Hearn?

        6. What did Poirot tell Miss Pope about Winnie’s real disappearance and reappearance (появление вновь)? What had made the detective guess in what way “the conjuring trick” had been done?

        7. What made Poirot think that one thing always led to another? In what way were the two crimes described in the story connected? Did Winnie’s luggage have anything to do with the stolen picture?

        8. What did the stolen Rubens represent? Why did the detective believe that it wasn’t suitable for Miss Pope’s drawing room?

VIII. Discuss the following points.

              1. Inspector Japp actually wanted Poirot to kill two birds with one stone. Did the detective manage to do it in the end? Do you believe it’s often possible to do?

              2. At first the police thought Winnie’s case to be a conjuring trick but then it turned out that they had been mistaken. Do you believe that conjuring tricks can be performed in real life? (Do things that can’t be explained by any apparent reasons ever happen?)

              3. Miss Pope’s school specialized in art and music. Its aim was “the broader culture”. How do you understand the aim? Do you believe that it can be one of the most important aims of school education?

IX. Think of the following dialogues.

        1. Winnie (Winnie’s parents) and Miss Pope when they first met near Cranchester.

        2. Poirot and Miss Pope about what happened to Winnie.

        3. Poirot and Alexander Simpson about the stolen Rubens.

        4. The so-called “Mrs Elliot” as Winnie and another schoolgirl (two other schoolgirls) on the train.

        5. Miss Pope and a Monsieur Lefarge about Winnie’s trunk.

Portion IIIb.

  1. Read the story “The Flock of Geryon” and learn the following words and expressions which are to be your active vocabulary.

              1. to apologize to smb for smth(p.53) – извиниться перед к-л за ч-л

              2. not to see very much of smb lately (p.54) (I have not seen very much of her lately) – редко видеть к-л в последнее время.

e.g. Miss Carnaby told Mr. Poirot that she had not seen very much of her friend lately, because the latter had joined a sect.

              1. consolation (C,U)(p.54) – утешение (кто-либо или что-либо, что служит утешением для кого-либо).

e.g. You were a great consolation to me, when my father had died. My friend told me that he had left the book I needed at home, he offered me another one, which was not much consolation.;

a consolation prize – утешительный приз.

              1. the Orthodox religion, church (p.54) – православная религия, церковь.

              2. a victim of smth (p.54) – жертва ч-л (недобровольная, насильственная, как результат действий других людей, болезни, неудачи и т.д.)

e.g. Four people were killed in the accident, but the police have not yet named the victims.

The murderer cut the victim’s throat.;

to fall victim to smth – пасть жертвой ч-л;

e.g. Thousands of trees have fallen victim to this disease.

Note: sacrifice (C, U) – жертва (в широком смысле), приносимая добровольно.

e.g. Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health.

His parents made a lot of sacrifices to make sure he got a good education.

        1. attractive (adj) (p.54) (for, to smb) – привлекательный;

an attractive idea, smile, offer; young girl;

ant. unattractive;

to attract (v) – привлекать;

Note: to attract attention (the attention of smb) – привлекать внимание (ч-л внимание) к себе,

to draw / call smb’s attention to smth – привлечь ч-л внимание к ч-л третьему.

e.g. She likes to attract attention (to be the centre of attention).

The teacher drew / called / the attention of the class to the problem.

        1. property (U)(p.54) – собственность;

e.g. Most societies have accepted the idea of private property.

At (after) his death his property was shared (out) between his children.

  1. ulcer (C) (p.55) – язва; a stomach (gastric) ulcer.

  2. suspicious (adj) (p.55) – подозрительный;

to be suspicious of smth – быть подозрительным (= проявлять подозрительность) по поводу чего-либо;

e.g. I am suspicious of her intentions about the package that has been left in the corridor.

to be suspicious – быть подозрительным (=вызывать подозрение);

e.g. This package in the corridor looks a bit suspicious.

suspicion (n)(C,U) – подозрение;

e.g. She’s been arrested on suspicion of spying (шпионская деятельность).

He is under suspicion of murder.

I am not sure who took it but I have my suspicions.

to suspect smb of smth – подозревать к-л в ч-л;

e.g. He was suspected of murder / of giving false (ложный, фальшивый) evidence.

to suspect smth, to suspect that… - предполагать что-то; предполагать, что … (как правило, что-то отрицательное);

e.g. The police suspect murder. We suspected that he was the murderer, even before we were told about it.

  1. to pretend to do smth (p.55) – притворяться, как будто делаешь что-то;

to pretend that … - притвориться, что … ;

e.g. She pretended not to know me/ that she didn’t know me when we met in the street.

to pretend smth – притвориться, как будто имеешь, испытываешь что-либо;

e.g. Some tourists only pretend an interest in new places.

  1. aim (C)(p.55) – цель (как результат, которого хочешь достичь, положение и т.д.);

e.g. What is your aim in life?

to achieve an aim – достичь цели.

  1. to persuade smb to do smth (p.55) – убедить к-л сделать ч-л;

e.g. Try to persuade him to come with us.

to persuade smb into, out of smth, doing smth;

e.g. He persuaded her into / out of going to the party.

to persuade smb that…- убедить к-л в том, что…;

e.g. He was unable to persuade the police that he had been elsewhere at the time of the crime.

syn. to convince smb of smth, to convince smb that…;

e.g. We finally convinced them of our innocence.

They failed to convince the directors that their ideas would work.

  1. to manage (smth) (p.55) – справиться с ч-л / к-л, суметь сделать ч-л;

e.g. Do you need any help with those heavy bags?- No, thanks, I can manage.

She knows how to manage him when he is angry.

to manage to do smth – справиться с ч-л, суметь сделать ч-л;

e.g. I finally managed to find what I had been looking for all the time.

  1. coincidence (C,U)(p.56) – совпадение;

e.g. What a coincidence that I was in London at the same time as you!

By sheer coincidence (это чистое совпадение)/ by a curious coincidence my husband and I have the same birthday.

to coincide with smth – совпадать с ч-л;

e.g. Her holidays don’t coincide with mine.

  1. to destroy smth (p.56) – разрушить ч-л;

e.g. The fire destroyed most of the building. All my hopes were destroyed by his speech.

  1. to rely on smb (p.56) – полагаться на к-л;

e.g. You can rely on him in any situation.

reliable (adj) – надёжный;

reliable person, car, source of information – источник информации;

ant. unreliable.

  1. to care about smth (p.56) – интересоваться, придавать значение ч-л;

e.g. I don’t care about money at all.

Note: to care for smth, smb – любить ч-л, к-л.

e.g. He cares for meat. He cares for his girlfriend a lot.

to take care of smb, smth – заботиться о к-л, позаботиться о ч-л.

e.g. Who will take care of the dog while we are away?

Don’t worry about your flight reservation – it will be taken care of.

care (U) – забота, уход;

e.g. He will get the best of care in hospital.

  1. to describe smth (to smb)(p.57) – описать ч-л к-л;

e.g. The police asked me to describe the two men (to them).

description (C,U) – описание;

e.g. This book gives a good description of life on a farm.

The play was boring beyond description.

  1. murder (C,U)(p.59) – убийство;

e.g. The criminal committed murder / was found guilty of murder.

There have been several murders this year.

Note: to murder smb- убить к-л;

murderer – убийца.

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