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II. Do the following back translation. Work in pairs.

1.Хотя Боб Юэл и не казался мужчиной с характером, в нём было что-то зловещее, и Аттикус боялся, что он может нанести вред его детям.

1.Though Bob Ewell didn’t seem (to be) a man of character there was something evil about him, and Atticus was afraid that he could do his children harm (do harm to his children).

2.М-р Твикс подумал про себя, что никогда ничто не вызывало у него такого возмущения как та история, которая произошла вчера. Он полагал, что его возмущение оправдано.

2.Mr.Twix thought to himself, that nothing had ever aroused such indignation in him as the thing that had happened the day before. He supposed that his indignation was justified.

3.М-р Смит работал (устным) переводчиком уже полтора года, когда его неожиданно попросили перевести одну странную историю для босса. М-р Смит почувствовал себя неловко по этому поводу.

3.Mr.Smith had been working as an interpreter for a year and a half when he was suddenly asked to translate a strange story for the boss. Mr.Smith felt uneasy about it.

4.Гарольд Воринг сначала не понимал сути того, о чём говорит миссис Райс. Миссис Райс хотела подкупить полицию, чтобы никто не мог шантажировать их. В конце концов Гарольд уступил (сдался).

4.At first Harold Waring couldn’t see Mrs.Rice’s point. Mr.Rice wanted to bribe the police so that nobody could blackmail them. In the end Harold gave in.

5.У этого пожилого человека начали седеть виски, после того как он узнал, что его сын был искалечен (получил телесные повреждения) в аварии и был отправлен в больницу. Все родственники советовали ему проявлять терпение, они уверяли отца, что болезнь сына, возможно, не будет иметь катастрофических последствий.

5.The old man started going grey round the temples after he had learnt that his son had been injured in an accident and taken to hospital. All his relatives advised him to exercise patience, they assured the father that his son’s illness might not have disastrous effects (would probably not have…).

6.Этот известный актёр прекрасно играет роли преступников. Он использует всю свою изобретательность, чтобы иметь успех.

6.This famous actor is very good at playing the parts of criminals. He exercises all his ingenuity to be a success.

7.По мнению этого “совершенного мужа” его жена всегда ревновала его, так как она была эгоистична в отношении его. Он никогда не делал ничего, чтобы возбудить её ревность.

7.In the opinion of that so-called perfect husband his wife was always (had always been) jealous of him, because she was selfish about him. He had never done anything to arouse her jealousy (that could arouse her jealousy).

8.Лектор говорил уже полтора часа, когда аудитория вдруг осознала, что она не понимает сути того, о чём идёт речь (=он говорит). Лектора прервали и попросили его начать всё сначала. Профессор был так возмущён этим, что решил немедленно закончить лекцию и покинуть аудиторию. Он был уверен, что аудитория просто не имеет представления (=невежественна) о теме лекции.

8.The lecturer had been speaking (giving his lecture) for an hour and a half when the audience suddenly realized that they couldn’t see his point. The lecturer was interrupted and asked to begin from the very beginning. The professor was so indignant at it, that he decided to stop the lecture at leave once and leave the classroom. He was sure that the audience was just ignorant of the subject of the lecture.

9.Его история только что подтвердилась (=его историю только что подтвердили) (Passive Voice). Хотя мы и завидуем его успеху, сегодня мы рады за него, потому что теперь никто не смеет обвинить его во лжи.

9.His story has just been confirmed. Though we are jealous of his success, today we are glad for him, because now nobody will be able to accuse him of a lie (telling lies).

10.Этот преподаватель всегда проявлял терпение и изобретательность, когда дело касалось менее способных учеников. Сначала такое поведение казалось всем необычным (странным), но позже все к этому привыкли и поняли, что в этом нет ничего странного, наоборот, именно так следует вести себя по отношению к ученикам.

10.That teacher always exercised patience and ingenuity as far as less intelligent pupils were concerned. At first such behaviour seemed odd to everybody but later they got used to it and realized that there was nothing odd about it, on the contrary, it was the right way to behave to pupils.

III. Open the brackets choosing the correct word. Use it in the required grammatical form.

        1. As Miss Carnaby was a woman of (evil, character) she made the decision to organize the so-called crime, which didn’t actually do anyone harm.

        2. The speaker (to keep to the subject, to see the point) for some time when he suddenly decided to change the subject of the talk.

        3. His wife’s feelings have just been (to hurt, to injure). Without doubt his indignation (to confirm, to justify).

  1. “What an embarrassing thing it is! One can’t help feeling uneasy about it” Mr.Brian (to tell, to think to himself).

  2. The jury found the defendant not guilty, in their opinion he could (to acquit, to justify).

  3. We always admire this quick-minded person, he (to arouse suspicion, to exercise ingenuity) all his life.

  4. The man was taken to court for trying (to blackmail, to be bribe) the policeman when the latter (последний, т.е. полицейский) had made him stop his car to avoid the accident.

  5. When Robert approached the grandfather and saw him lying on the ground, he realized that the old man just (to have a heart attack, to suffer from a disease).

IV. Make sure you understand the text. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind the translation of the active vocabulary.

  1. His political career was shaping well. He was young, rather good-looking, and quite free from romantic ties. (p.25)

  2. Surely there was something odd about these two women. They had long curved noses like birds, and their faces were quite immobile. Over their shoulders they wore loose cloaks that flapped in the wind like the wings of two big birds. (p.26)

  3. Harold’s indignation rose. He had heard many women complaining of the jealousy of a husband and secretly justified the husband. But Elsie Clayton was not one of these women. (p.28)

  4. But this case would be reported in all the papers. “An English man and woman accused of murder – jealous husband – rising politician.” Yes, it would mean the end of his political career. It would never survive a scandal like that. (p.30)

  5. Mrs. Rice said decisively: ”We haven’t a chance of concealing the death ourselves, but I do think there’s just a chance of hushing it up officially.”

“You really think so?”

“Yes, it’s my opinion, that in these little Balkan countries you can bribe anyone and everyone - … .“ (p.31)

  1. “Your stymphalean Birds Monsieur have been removed to a place where they will be unable to exercise their ingenuity for some time.” (p.33)

  2. “You must not go through life being too credulous, my friend. These women traded on your ignorance of foreign languages…” (p.34)

V. Get ready to paraphrase and explain the following:

  1. Paraphrase: The day was fine, the lake was blue, and the sun was shining. Harold was smoking a pipe and feeling that the world was a pretty good place. (p.25)

  2. Explain: Mrs. Rice was what is called a woman of character. She was tall, with a deep voice and a masterful manner… (p.26)

  3. Paraphrase: ”Did you see those two women who just went into the hotel?”

“With cloaks on? Yes, I passed them.”

“It may be my fancy, but I distinctly felt there was something evil about them.” (p.26)

  1. Explain: He realized that his interest in her was a little more than friendship. (p.27)

  2. Paraphrase: The woman was Elsie Clayton and she was sitting on a fallen tree with her face buried in her hands and her shoulders quivering with the violence of her grief. (p.27)

  3. Explain: Harold felt suddenly hot. He wondered if the woman had seen him sitting by Elsie on the tree trunk. If so, she probably thought … Harold felt a little uneasy. (p.28)

  4. Paraphrase: “It was an accident. I can confirm Elsie’s story.”

Mrs. Rice said bitterly:

“Yes, and she can confirm yours. That-that is just it!”

Harold’s brain, naturally a keen one, saw her point. (p.30)

VI. Comment on the following statements. Show your understanding of what is implied by them. Say whether you agree or disagree, give your arguments. Recall the situations in which the statements are used.

  1. “Alcohol is responsible for a lot of unhappiness, Mr.Waring.” (p.27)

  2. Harold Waring, like many other Englishmen, was a bad linguist. Up to now, this had not worried him. In most hotels on the Continent, he had always found everyone spoke English, so why worry? (p.27)

  3. Both for her sake and his own there must be no scandal. (p.29)

  4. “…He is certainly dead. I have seen death often enough to know.” (p.30)

  5. “…It’s wonderful what the police can do when they try!”

“…Thank God our police aren’t like that.”

And in a British and superior mood he went down to lunch. (p.31)

  1. … He had heard many women complaining of the jealousy of a husband and secretly justified the husband…(p.28)

  2. “…It’s just a question of bribing high enough and finding the right man - …” (p.31)

  3. “…It’s a serious business, blackmail. These harpies will force you to pay – and pay again. And if you refuse, what happens?” (p.33)

VII. Get ready to answer the following questions:

        1. What did you learn about Harold Waring: what was he, what kind of man was he, why had he decided to have a rest in Czechoslovakia, was he a good linguist?

        2. What made him dislike the two Polish ladies at first sight? Describe the ladies’ appearance.

        3. Say a few words about Mrs. Rice and Elsie Clayton. What attracted Harold in them? What did his attitude to Elsie seem to be?

        4. What did Harold get to know about Elsie’s husband from his talk with Mrs. Rice? Speak about his meeting Elsie and their discussing her trouble. Whom did they see when they were returning to the hotel? How did Harold feel about it?

        5. What happened on the evening of Phillip Clayton’s arrival? Speak about Harold’s and Mrs. Rice’s reaction to the accident. What did Mrs. Rice intend to do?

        6. Did Mrs. Rice’s plan work? What was it that in Mrs. Rice’s opinion made the whole thing a thousand times worse?

        7. Whom did Harold meet by the lake was that man helpful?

        8. What terrible news did Harold Waring get to know the following morning? Speak about what had actually happened on the evening of Phillip Clayton’s so-called death? Why do you think and afterwards Harold was so shocked by that piece of news?

  1. What decision did the main character of the story make in the end? Do you approve of it? Give your reasons.

VIII. Discuss the following points:

        1. Why do you think Harold Waring disliked the two Polish ladies so much and on the contrary why did he make friends with Mrs. Rice and Elsie Clayton? Can one judge people by their appearance?

        2. Harold Waring trusted Mrs. Rice and Elsie a lot. Can you justify his behaviour? Should one be too credulous?

        3. Do you believe Harold’s ignorance of foreign languages to be the main reason why he was cheated? What other consequences (последствия) can one’s ignorance of foreign languages lead to?

IX. Think of the following dialogues:

              1. Harold, Mrs. Rice (and Elsie) about Elsie’s family life.

              2. Elsie and her husband about Elsie’s flirting with other men.

              3. Mrs. Rice and the Chief of Police (and Harold; and one of the Polish ladies) about what happened on the night that Phillip Clayton died.

        1. Mr. Poirot and Harold (and the two Polish ladies) about the way Harold was cheated and actually robbed of his money

        2. Harold and Elsie after Elsie was arrested.

Portion IIb.

I. Read the story “The Cretan Bull” and learn the following words and expressions which are to be your active vocabulary.

              1. to break (off) one’s (an) engagement (p.35) – разорвать помолвку; to be engaged to smb – быть помолвленным с к-л;

              2. sane (p.35) – нормальный, в здравом уме; ant. insane – ненормальный, сумасшедший;

sanity – нормальная психика, здравый ум;

insanity – ненормальность;

              1. determination (p.35) – решимость, решительность;

to be determined to do smth – быть решительно настроенным сделать ч-л;

e.g. Diana was determined to help Hugh at all costs.

              1. to reflect (on smth) (p.36) – размышлять над ч-л;

              2. occurrence (p.36) – случай, проиcшествие;

an everyday, common occurrence – обычное, банальное происшествие;

to occur – случаться, происходить;

e.g. Storms often occur in winter.

an idea occurred to me – мне пришла в голову мысль; syn. an idea struck me, it struck her that…(p.42) – мне пришло в голову, что …;(strike – struck);

              1. sheep – sheep (p.36) – овца – овцы;

              2. to consult (see) a doctor (p.36) – проконсультироваться с врачом;

              3. to involve smb in smth (p.37) – вовлечь (втянуть) к-л во ч-л; e.g. Did she involve you in this business?

              4. to give in (p.37) – сдаваться;

to give up– оставить(бросить) попытки сделать/ достичь ч-л;

e.g. They fought until one of them gave in.Don’t give up without trying.;

to give smth up / to give up doing smth – бросить, перестать делать ч-л; to give up smoking;

              1. to be devoted to smth, smb (p.37)– быть преданным ч-л(к-л); e.g. All his life he has been devoted to music (to his wife);

              2. to adore smb (p.37) – обожать к-л;

              3. to be aware that … (p.38), to be aware of smth – знать, быть в курсе ч-л; ant. to be unaware of smth;

e.g. Is he aware that he has been elected President of our Committee? (of the fact that…, of being (having been elected…));

              1. to investigate smth (p.38)(a case) – расследовать ч-л (к-либо дело);

e.g. Poirot had been investigating the case for a month when be suddenly realized who the murderer was.

              1. to keep away from smb (p.41) – держаться подальше от к-л;

              2. to make arrangements for smth (p.42) – делать приготовления к ч-л;

e.g. Tom wondered if all the arrangements for the wedding had been made but none of us had an idea of it.

              1. to interfere in smth (smb’s affairs)(p.43) – вмешиваться во ч-л (в ч-л дела);

e.g. He never interferes in other people’s affairs. One should never interfere between husband and wife.

              1. to object to smth, to object to smb(smb’s) doing smth (p.45) – возражать против ч-л; против того, чтобы к-л делал ч-л;

e.g. We wanted to take a walk but he objected to it (to us(our) doing it).

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