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XIII. Answer the following questions.

1. Is it hard for you to have good relations with your parents?

2. What is your idea of a spouse-to-be?

3. What sort of person are you?

4. What personal characteristics (good or bad) do you expect to find in an interpreter?

V. System of rating points and assessment criteria

The total term rating of a student is comprised of an average mark for in-class and self-study work (times x10) and rating points for the module test:

max. 50+20= 70 points.

Current evaluation of all kinds of a student’s academic activities is made in accordance with the national 4 point system (“5”, “4”, “3”, “2”).


The type of student’s learning activity

The maxi­mum point

Rating points

Criteria for assessment


Classroom activity, self-study work and quizzes performed during a module







Maximum high level of performance.

Correct phonetic, grammatical and lexical speech presentation. Logical and coherent structuring of oral and written speech. The use of lexical items studied within the module. Independent fulfilment of self-study assignments. The quality of performance is within 90-100%.

Sufficiently high level of performance.

Correct phonetic, grammatical and lexical speech presentation. Logical structuring of oral and written speech. Insufficient usage of lexical items studied within the module. Independent fulfilment of self-study assignments. The quality of performance is within 75-89%.

Moderate level of performance

Partial lack of correctness in phonetic, grammatical and lexical presentation of oral or written speech. Partial distortion of speech logical structuring. Insufficient use of lexical items studied within the module. Partially independent fulfilment of self-study assignments (under teacher’s supervision). The quality of performance is within 60-74 %.

Insufficient quality of performance

Incorrect phonetic, grammatical and lexical presentation of oral or written speech. Lack of competence in coherent speech structuring and usage of the module lexical minimum. Poor quality of self –study assignments (59% and less).

Absence from the lessons and no self-study assignments.

VI. SampleS of module testS and criteria for their assessment module test and its assessment

6.1 Test Level

Trainees are expected to be able to use the main structures of the language with confidence, and demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of vocabulary appropriate in a variety of social situations. They should be able to understand the gist of spoken and written English texts, distinguish between main and subsidiary points and understand specific details. They are expected to speak on suggested topics and express their personal views in sustained conversation. They should be able to produce written texts of specified types, showing the ability to describe, recount events and express their own opinions.