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Examination situations (I year, II semester)

  1. Eating for living or living for eating.

  2. My meals.

  3. My preferences in food.

  4. Ukrainian and English national cuisine.

  5. Eating out.

  6. My favourite dish and its recipe.

  7. Table manners.

  8. Seasons of the year.

  9. My favourite season.

  10. The weather forecast.

  11. The weather wisdom.

  12. The customer is always right.

  13. If I had money.

  14. My preferences in clothes.

  15. Fashion and its trends.

  16. Buying things.

  17. There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.

  18. Weather and mood.

  19. Natural phenomena.

  20. My last purchase.

  21. My native town/village.

  22. The advantages and disadvantages of living in the country.

  23. The advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.

  24. Urban and rural life.

  25. Choosing a present.

VIII. Recommended literature

Obligatory literature

  1. В.В. Богдан, О.О. Галух, А.Б. Пожар, В.Б. Скрябіна. Посібник з практики усного та писемного мовлення. Частина I, Київ, 2004. – 227с.

  2. В.В. Богдан, О.О. Гaлух, О.С. Мартинюк, А.Б. Пожар, Н.О. Сушкова. Посібник з практики усного та писемного мовлення. Частина II, Київ, 2005. – 401с.

  3. English-Ukrainian Basic Thematic Word List for Students of English as a Foreign Language.

  4. Phonetic Courses: “Sound Right”, “Ship or Sheep”.

Additional literature

  1. Л.В. Козяревич, Н.Ю. Мароха. Базовий тематичний англо-український словник студента-перекладача, Київ-2000р. – 97с.

  2. L.Slipchenko, G.Lysyuk, M.Solovey. The New English Course. Part 1. – K.: KNLU, 2001.

  3. L.Slipchenko, G.Lysyuk, M.Solovey. The New English Course. Part 2. – K.: KNLU, 2001.

  4. V.L. Kaushanska and others. English Grammar Exercises. – L., 1968.

  5. A.S.Saakyan. Exercises in Modern English Grammar. – Moscow, 2004.