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Criteria for Oral Answer Assessment

The examination marks are transformed into rating points in the following way:

5” – 30 points;

4” – 23 points;

3” – 18 points;

2” – 0 points;

A student’s final rating points are a sum of the term and examination rating points.

The correlation between traditional marks and ECTS is as follows:

Final rating points

ECTS mark

Final mark in national scale

90 – 100



82 –89



75 – 81


66 – 74



60 – 65


40 – 59



with the possibility to re-sit the examination

39 and lower



with the obligatory study of the course once more

Sample of the examination card

Київський Національний Лінгвістичний Університет Спеціальність: 6.020303 переклад

Семестр: I

Навчальна дисципліна: перша іноземна мова (англійська)

Факультет перекладачів

Екзаменаційний білет № 1

1. Read and render an authentic text and be ready to translate a suggested fragment into Ukrainian. Comment on the use and formation of the Present Perfect Continuous. Exemplify your commentary with the cases from the text. Find the examples of unstressed words which don’t undergo reduction. Transcribe them.

2. Speak on the suggested situation.

3. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри англійської мови

протокол № 4 від 25 листопада 2010 р.

Завідувач кафедри доц. Яценко Л. М.

Керівник секції ст. викл. Мартинюк О. С.

Sample of the examination situations

Examination situations (I year, I semester)

1. Introduce your family

2. Explain the way people solve parents – children problems

3. Prove the proverb: “Appearances are deceitful”

4. Compare the English, the Americans and the Ukrainians in terms of national character

5. National character: comment on the most peculiar traits of the Ukrainians.

6. Share the idea of your ideal spouse-to-be

7. Explain the way people build their relationships

8. Describe your favorite actor / actress

9. Tell the story about the pets your have

10. Describe the school you finished

11. Comment upon the proverb: “East or West – home is best”

12. Describe the outside of your house

13. Describe the inside of your house

14. Explain the way you do housekeeping

15. Explain the way people organize house-hunting

16. Describe the dwelling place of your dream

17. Describe the way students live in hostels

18. Explain how your were passing your entrance exams

19. Comment upon the difficulties you faced during your first year at the University

20. Describe the school of tomorrow you imagine

21. Speak on British, American and Ukrainian education

22. University decisions. Prove your choice of entering Kyiv National Linguistic University.

23. Describe your student’s working day

24. My University. Describe the University and your studies.

25. Prodigy children. Speak on the problems prodigy children face through their life.