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Шумихина Пособие по переводу.doc
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Практическое занятие 5.

Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Чем вызвано использование лексических трансформаций как способа перевода?

2. Какие виды лексических трансформаций наиболее часто используются при переводе?

3. В чем суть приема опущения, добавления, замены?

4. Что такое антонимический перевод?

Задание 2. Переведите следующие предложения, применяя разные виды лексических трансформаций.

1. The typical knee-jerk reaction is to blame the problem on the lack of adequate security technologies.

2. Confidential data security is a big, ugly problem that touches everyone and every system

3. Private data resides on devices all over the enterprise, and IT has no idea where it is.

4. Technology finger-pointing ignores the fact that many companies do a lousy job at monitoring, communicating and enforcing security policies and procedures.

5. A lost laptop was the culprit at Fidelity Investments, and a hacker attack penetrated security at CardSystems.

6. JavaScript has been around for about a decade.

7. Bug hunters have been focused on finding Web browser flaws that allow for a quicker and simpler PC hijack.

8. Because computer crimes often rely on an individual running an application or clicking on a link, education should be a key part of a company's defense strategy.

9. Just 10 years ago, the bug-hunting community was a mish-mash of hackers, system administrators and programmers.

10. "So, where do the attackers go? Every other app that you are running. That's going to be Acrobat, and we've already started seeing that in the last couple of months. They just go for the lowest-hanging fruit," Moss said.

11. If you're updating Facebook, or checking your personal e-mail or surfing the Web, there's really no reason at all to worry about using an open network.

12. Software piracy is unfortunately thriving in the digital age.

Задание 3. Переведите следующий текст, применяя разные виды лексических трансформаций.

Safe shopping online

More and more Canadians are shopping at cyber malls. An estimated seven million Canadians placed an order online in 2005 and spent $7.9 billion on goods and services, according to a Statistics Canada survey on Canadian internet use. Those who shopped on the web represent about 41 per cent of all adults who used the internet in 2005. About three quarters of adult Canadians who made an order online in 2005 reported paying directly over the internet with a credit or debit card for some or all of their purchases.

Even as shoppers turn to cybermalls for their retail needs, many indicated concerns about security aspects of the internet. Four out of every five adult Canadians expressed a concern about online credit card use. According to a Symantec report covering the first six months of 2004, customers need to take precautions when it comes to shopping online. E-commerce is the most targeted industry, according to a 2004 Symantec report.

Shopping from the comfort of your home can be convenient and more relaxing, but there are a few things to keep in mind before surfing for sales. Before entering any confidential information, check to see if the site's secure. Shop with companies you know, and find out about their physical locations. If a website doesn't give its address and contact information, consider taking your business elsewhere.

Know what you're paying. Whatever is listed on the site can be substantially different from the final price. A reputable vendor will include shipping and handling costs before you make the final decision to purchase an item. Find out about the site's privacy policy. How will your information be used and will it be shared with others?

Never give away your credit card number or other confidential information without making sure your connection is secure. Check what the vendor's policy is regarding returns, complaints and warranties. Keep records of your online transactions, and check your e-mail for information from a vendor regarding your purchase.Review your credit card and bank account statements every month to check for errors or unauthorized purchases.