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1.2.УМК Ин. язык англ. (заоч.) 2009.doc
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3 Семестр

The History of Law and Society

1. Have laws changed since primeval times?

2. What spheres of human life were covered by Hammurabi’s code?

4. What does the ancient Greek concept of law comprise?

5. Why were the first law mainly attributed to divine powers?

6. What was Solomon’s contribution to ancient law?

7. What were the two basic principles of the English system of government at the beginning of the 13th century? How do you understand these principles?

9. What political situation necessitated the granting of the Magna Carta?

10. What events preceded the Bill of Rights?

11. What was remarkable about Napoleon’s new code?

12. What outstanding philosophers of law do you know?

13. What are Sir Thomas More’s major ideas?

14. What are John Locke’s major ideas?

15. What are Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu’s major ideas?

16. What are Voltaire’s major ideas?

17. What are Jeremy Bentham’s major ideas?

18. What are the earliest legal texts of Kievan Rus?

19. How was the legal procedure performed in Moscovy?

20. What were Peter’s reforms in the country’s administration?

22. What are the major features of the Russian legal development in the 9th century?


1. What is criminology?

2. What steps can be observed in the development of criminology?

3. What were the earliest criminological theories?

4. What is the main idea of Biological Theory?

5. What is Cesare Lombroso famous for?

6. What are the latest views on the causes of crime?

The Purpose of Punishment

    1. What is the main purpose of punishment?

    2. What are the types of punishment?

    3. What is the problem of capital punishment?

    4. What are the arguments for death penalty?

    5. What are the arguments against death penalty?

    6. Do you believe that punishment can reform a criminal?

Rights and Liberties of the Citizens

  1. What is a democratic society?

  2. What are the basic human rights?

  3. What are the main principles of the due process in a democracy ?

  4. How do you understand democratic rights and responsibilities?

  5. What is European Court of Human Rights?

Перечень вопросов для подготовки к экзамену

4 Семестр (в перечень вопросов к экзамену входят также вопросы для подготовки к зачетам 1-3 семестров: см выше)

Lawmaking Process in the UK and the USA

1. What is the structure of the Parliament?

2. What is the structure of the Congress?

3. In which House does new legislation usually start in Great Britain?

4. In which House does new legislation usually start in the USA?

5. What is a bill?

6. How does a bill become a law in Great Britain?

7. How does a bill become a law in the USA?

8. Who has the right to veto in Great Britain?

9. Who has the right to veto in the USA?

Lawmaking Process in the Russian Federation

1. What is the structure of the Federal Assembly?

2. What is the State Duma?

3. What is the Federation Council?

4. How does a draft law become a law in the Russian Federation?

Judicial System of Great Britain

  1. What is the court system of England and Wales?

  2. What is the highest court of appeal in England and Wales?

  3. What is The Crown Court?

  4. What are county courts?

  5. What are magistrates’ courts?

  6. What are coroners’ courts?

  7. What cases are dealt in the juvenile courts?

  8. What cases do tribunals deal with?

Judicial System of the USA

1. What shall the judicial power be vested in by the constitution?

2. What does the judicial system of the United States consist of?

3. What are the federal courts?

4. What creates the system of federal courts?

5. What is US Supreme Court?

6. What is US Courts of Appeals?

7. What is State Court of Last Resort?

8. What are State Intermediate Appellate Courts?

9. What are State Trial Courts?

Judicial System of the Russian Federation

  1. What does the judicial system of the Russian Federation consist of?

  2. What is the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation?

  3. What powers and procedures does the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation have?

  4. What is the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation?

  5. What is the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation?

  6. What is included in the Federal Jurisdiction of the Russian Federation?

  7. What is included in the Federal Subjects of the Russian Federation?