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Замер на проверку наличия информационной компетенции учащихся:

Название умений

Что я умел(кол-во чел)

Что я умею сейчас

  1. умение работать с учебной литературой

переписывать в тетрадь правила, схемы, определения



выделять главное, сокращать текст до нескольких строк не искажая смысл



разбивать текст на части



составлять план, тезисы



находить в тексте необходимую информацию






делать сообщение, заключение о прочитанном тексте



  1. умения переводить визуальную информацию в вербальную и наоборот

графически, схематически представлять прочитанную информацию



читать и пояснять схемы и графики



использовать таблицы, схемы, графики для систематизации материала



  1. умение критически мыслить

писать рецензии



писать аннотации



находить ошибки в той или иной информации (в тексте, схемах, рисунках)



дополнять неполную информацию



  1. умение воспринимать информацию из разных источников

подбирать заметки из различных источников



сравнивать изложение одних и тех же вопросов различных источников, выявлять общее и находить различия



работать со справочной литературой



Помог ли вам метод учебных проектов повысить уровень информационной компетенции? – да – 80% нет – 20%

Опрос проводился среди учащихся 8 класса из 10 человек.

Приложение 5

  1. Read the text and fill in the table.

Bob and Rose

Bob and Rose are English children. Bob is fifteen. Rose is fourteen. They are brother and sister. They go to a sport club. Bob goes to a basketball section and Rose goes to a volleyball section. The children's club is not far from home. Bob goes to this club for five years. Rose goes for volleyball club only for six months. Bob and Rose have a lot of sport journals at home. They read about French, German, Spain sportsmen. But Bob prefers to read more about German sportsmen. And Rose prefers to read about French sportsmen because it’s her dream.Rose is a very good girl. She always works hard. She reads a lot of books. She always does all her exercises. She always helps her mother at home. Bob does not work hard. He does not work at all. He does not like books but he likes his club. But all in all they both like to watch sport channels.





Social status

History of Basketball (original) (teacher’s handout)

Basketball is an extremely popular all around the world. The object is to put a ball through a hoop, or basket, and thus score more points than the opposing team. Teams comprise of ten players, with a maximum of five on court at any one time. Substitutions are unlimited during the course of the game. Although basketball can be played outdoors, it was invented to serve as an exciting indoor exercise for the winter months in a northern climate. It quickly became a spectator sport, however, and now attracts large audiences to gymnasiums and arenas, especially in the United States, South America, and Europe.  The sport is played on the amateur level by schools, colleges, other groups, and, since 1936 by national teams in the Olympic Games. It also is played by professional athletes, notably in the United States and Europe. 

Listen and correct mistakes. For pupils.

History of Basketball

Basketball is an extremely popular all around the Earth. The object is to put a round through a hoop, or basket, and thus score more points than the opposing man. Teams comprise of twelve players, with a maximum of five on court at any one time. Substitutions are unlimited during the course of the team. Although basketball can be played indoors, it was invented to serve as an exciting indoor exercise for the summer months in a northern climate. It quickly became a spectator sport, however, and now attracts large audiences to gymnasiums and arenas, especially in the United Kingdom, South America, and Europe. The sport is played on the amateur level by clubs, colleges, other groups, and, since 1936 by national teams in the Paralympics Games. It also is played by professional athletes, notably in the United States and Asia

Read the text and choose summer or winter sports. Explain your answer.

Summer and Winter Sports      

People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one of the things in which people of every nationality and class are united.

The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey and, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow — skating, skiing and tobogganing. It's so nice to go to the skating-rink on a frosty sunny day. Some people prefer to be out of town in such weather and to sledge or to ski in the woods. Many people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping.

Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interests; this game is played in all the countries of the world.

The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are cricket, volley-ball, basketball , and so on. Badminton is also very popular both with young and old.

All the year round many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, gymnastics and track and field events. Scores of young girls and women go in for callisthenics. Over the last few years aerobics has become popular with young girls and women. Aerobics helps them to be slim, healthy and strong. The interest for it greatly increased thanks to Jane Fonda, a prominent American actress, the founder of this kind of sport. This woman may serve as an impressive example of inexhaustible health, cheerfulness and beauty. Being a great enthusiast of aerobics she has been trying to initiate many women all over the world into this sport.

Among indoor games which one can go in for all the year round are billiards, table tennis, draughts, chess, of course. The results of chess tournaments are studied and discussed by enthusiasts in different countries.

So we have all grounds to say that sport is one of the things that makes people kin.

Приложение 6

Анкета ментору (Шапова Елена Федоровна).

Информационная компетентность.

  1. Какое из этих 4-х умений у школьников развито более всего?

    1. Умение работать с учебной литературой

    2. Умение переводить визуальную информацию в вербальную и наоборот

    3. Умение критически мыслить

    4. Умение воспринимать информацию из разных источников

  2. Считаете ли вы, что метод учебных проектов помогает развить информационную компетентность у учащихся?

    1. Да b. нет

  3. Как вы понимаете фразу информационная компетенция?

- Умение воспринимать информацию, обработать ее, вычленить основополагающее и активно использовать ее в языке.

4. Какое из этих умений надо развить у данного класса, и каким образом?

- Умение критически мыслить, потому что когда включается мысль, то появляется определенная мотивация, а следовательно более успешное освоение материала. Далее она расписывает, каким образом это можно сделать:

1. Как можно чаще задавать вопрос “What do you think?” – «А что ты думаешь?»

2. В системе проводить небольшую рефлексию деятельности учащихся.

3. Активно использовать в преподавании языка – метод учебных проектов.