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Цель: развить у учащихся умение критически мыслить.

Следующей нашей задачей стало развить у учащихся умение критически мыслить, т.е находить ошибки в той или иной информации (в тексте, схемах рисунках), дополнять неполную информацию.

Для начала учащимся было предложено сделать упражнение 1 на странице 120 учебника Кузовлева для 8 класса. Упражнение состояло из трех частей, в первой надо было выдвинуть свои предположения относительно дат касающихся истории футбола, а вторая часть была на исправление данных ошибок, которые были совершены в первой части упражнения.

  1. Many different sports have deep roots. Football is among them.

  1. What are the main dates in the history of football? Write down your suggestions.

Football has been played for hundred of years

since 1863

since the 19th century

Football has been played with proper rules since yearly times

since 1863

since the 19th century

The FA Cup competitions have been held since the end of the 19th


since the middle of the 19th


since 1863

  1. Read the text and find the correct answers in 2 minutes.

Football has been played in one form or another for hundred of years. First it was a very rude (грубая) and hard (жесткая) game. There were no rules. But since 1863 it has been played with proper rules. That year the Football Association (the FA) was started. Its first job was to get a set of rules for all teams. By the end of the 19th century almost every town had its own team. The modern game was introduced to other countries by British soldiers, seamen and businessmen. Nowadays, almost every country has its own football team. One of the main competitions of the football season is the FA Cup. It has been held every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London since the middle of the 19th century.

Правильные ответы:

Football has been played for hundred of years.

Football has been played with proper rules since 1863.

The FA Cup competitions have been held since the middle of the 19th century.

Следующее задание было взято из дополнительных источников и переработано в задание на аудирование с извлечением специфической информации (listening for specific information). Оно состоит из двух частей: первая часть предназначается учителю, т.е текст оригинала, где нет ошибок, вторая часть для учащихся, где они должны найти и исправить ошибки в тексте.

1 часть. (для учителя)

History of basketball.

Basketball is an extremely popular all around the world. The object is to put a ball through a hoop, or basket, and thus score more points than the opposing team. Teams comprise of ten players, with the maximum of five on court at any one time. Substitutions are unlimited during the course of the game. Although basketball can be played outdoors, it was invented to serve as an exciting indoor exercise for the summer months in a northern climate. It quickly became a spectator sport, however, and now attracts large audiences to gymnasiums and arenas, especially in the United States, South America, and Europe.

The sport is played on the amateur level by schools, colleges, other groups, and, since 1936 by national teams in the Olympics Games. It also is played by professional athletes, notably in the United States and Europe.

2 часть (для учащихся)

History of basketball.

Basketball is an extremely popular all around the Earth. The object is to put a round through a hoop, or basket, and thus score more points than the opposing man. Teams comprise of twelve players, with the maximum of five on court at any one game. Substitutions are unlimited during the course of the game. Although basketball can be played indoors, it was invented to serve as an exciting indoor exercise for the winter months in a northern climate. It quickly became a spectator sport, however, and now attracts large audiences to gymnasiums and arenas, especially in the United Kingdom, South America, and Europe.

The sport is played on the amateur level by clubs, colleges, other groups, and, since 1936 by national teams in the Paralympics Games. It also is played by professional athletes, notably in the United States and Asia.

Все справились с этим заданием, но были совершены орфографические ошибки в некоторых из этих работ, т.е учащиеся не знали как пишутся такие слова как: ball, winter, schools, game. Например, они писали вместо ball - bal, boll, вместо winter – wenter; schools – skools; game – geam. После результатов, была проведена проверка на написание данных слов. Текст читался дважды, но просьбы повторить, то или иное предложение слышались.

Вывод: с первым заданием справилось большинство класса, так как текст был достаточно прост. Со вторым заданием возникли некоторые сложности, в основном связанные с орфографией, но в следующий раз необходимо дать учащимся предварительно ознакомиться с текстом, чтобы у учащихся не возникало вопросов.