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English Grammar in Context.doc
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9. Write sentences with “ wish…”:

  1. Ayşe isn’t here. I wish……………

  2. She lives in İstanbul (and she hates it). She wishes ……………………………………………………

  3. He can’t give up smoking. He wishes…………………………………

  4. I’m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach (and that’s a pity).

I wish………………………………………………

  1. They don’t know anything about cars (and their car has just been broken down). They wish …..........................….

  2. He has pneumonia. He wishes …................….

  3. She has to work tomorrow (but she’d like to stay in bed).

She wishes………………………………………

  1. My brother doesn’t keep his room tidy. I wish……….

  2. Sue doesn’t help with the housework. Sue’s mother wishes …………………………………………..

  3. Mary often plays the piano in the middle of the night.

Her neighbours wish …………………………

10. You don’t like your new house. Write what you wish:

“ The house is so old and dirty. You have to paint it.The house doesn’t have central heating. The kitchen is small.

I wish the house wasn’t so old and dirty……………………

  1. _______________________________________________

  2. _______________________________________________

  3. _______________________________________________

11. Using the bold type in the sentences, write wishes as in the example:

  1. You left the radio on and now the batteries don’t work.

You say, “…… I wish I hadn’t left the radio on .”

  1. It’s very dark outside and you can’t find your torch. You say, “…………………………………………………. “

  2. You didn’t do your homework and your teacher is angry.

You say, “……………………………………….. “

  1. You are looking at a beautiful flower. You don’t know what it is called. You say, “……………………………”

  2. It’s raining outside and you want it to stop. You say, “……………………….. “

  3. You stayed up late last night and today you’re very tired.

You say, “……………………………….. “

  1. You are having a party but nobody has come yet.

You say, “…………………………………….. “

  1. You have short, straight hair. You would like long, curly hair.

You say, “………………………………………….. “

  1. You have just left your house and left the keys inside.

You say, “…………………………………….. “

  1. It is Christmas Day and it doesn’t look like it is going to snow. You say, “…………………………. “

  2. You live in the city. You prefer the countryside.

You say, “………………………………….. “

12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Pay attention to Mixed Conditionals.

  1. If I (be) you, I (go) on a business trip last week.

  2. I (visit) this country last year if you (tell) me about your idea.

  3. You (pass) the final exams successfully if you (be) more hard-working.

  4. If he (listen) to me, he (be) a top executive now.

  5. If you (stay) in bed last week, you (feel) better at the present moment.

  6. They (arrest) him long ago if he (not be) so clever and cautious.

  7. If she (not take) this train yesterday, she (be) all right now.

  8. You (do) it last time if you (be) more self-confident.

Extra practice:

1. Put the verbs into the correct form.

They would be rather offended if I didn't go to see them. (not/go)

1. If you took more exercise, you __ better. (feel)

2. If I was offered the job, I think I __. (take)

3. I'm sure Amy will lend you the money. I'd be very surprised if she _____. (refuse)

4. If I sold my car, I ___ much money for it. (not/get)

5. A lot of people would be out of work if the factory ___. (close down)

6. What would happen if I ____ that red button? (press)

7. Liz gave me this ring. She ____very upset if I lost it. (be)

8. Mark and Carol are expecting us. They would be disappointed if we ____. (not/come)

9. Would Tim mind if I ____ his bicycle without asking him? (borrow)

10. If somebody _____ in here with a gun, I'd be very frightened. (walk)

11. I'm sure Sue _____ if you explained the situation to her. (understand)

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