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Магистры ВМИ, ММ.doc
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4. Find sentences with the following expressions in the text. Arrange them as they appear in the text:

  1. более глубокое понимание работы мозга

  2. зарядить батареи

  3. на грани замещения/ вытеснения людей

  4. оценивать изменения

  5. быть чутким, сопереживать

  6. лучше работать в коммерческой сфере

  7. самая сложная задача проектирования

5. Answer the questions using the information in the text:

  1. In what spheres of life are robots replacing humans? What are they used for?

  2. What is Asimo? What does this acronym stand for?

  3. How does Asimo look like?

  4. How can the newest model of this humanoid cooperate with other robots?

  5. Is it possible to use Asimo for commercial applications? In what way?

  6. How is the robot directed?

  7. What does the most recent technology of controlling the robot include?

  8. What is the goal of the Asimo design team in the future? How can this goal be achieved?

6. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones:

1. Nowadays robots can be used either for military purposes or in the workplaces but not in spheres that require direct human communication (e.g. in schools, at home).

  1. One of the most advanced robots in the world resembles a human being: it is 130 cm high, weighs 54 kg and is 24 years old.

  2. Asimos are able to cooperate with humans but not with each other.

  3. Using the Internet, the robot can inform others of the latest news or give weather forecasts.

  4. Modern technologies allow people to control Asimo through the changes in their brains’ impulses and blood flow.

  5. Asimo can behave completely autonomously and is a truly intelligent robot.

7. A) Complete the table using the information in the text:


1. Origin

2. Appearance

3. Physical abilities

4. Cooperation with other robots

5. Examples of application

  1. Ways of controlling the robot

B) Present your description of the robot using the table.


    1. 1. Make sure that you understand the meaning of the words and translate them into Russian:

DFT - Discrete Fourier Transform

FFT - Fast Fourier transform

Matrix - a rectangular table of elements (or entries), which may be numbers or, more generally, any abstract quantities that can be added and multiplied

Matricize - changing sound into parts and writing into a matrix

2. Try to answer the questions:

  1. What kinds of digital music formats are you familiar with?

  2. Do you know how digital audio is stored?

  3. How do you understand the word “pitch”?

3. Read the text and check your answers:

    1. 1 Time-Domain vs. Frequency-Domain

Clearly, the goal of this algorithm is to take an input voice signal, change the pitch of the voice, and output the otherwise unaltered signal. In order to do so, the first step is to decide whether to analyze and manipulate these signals in the time domain or the frequency domain. Because our algorithm is primarily concerned with quickly identifying and shifting individual frequencies, we worked solely in the realm of the frequency domain. Of course, there are effective ways to deal with this problem without the frequency domain. However, as will later become obvious, there are some very useful techniques we developed that are not possible in the time domain. With pitch correction it seems that Parseval has made a mistake; there is simply more power in the spectrum.