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Магистры ВМИ, ММ.doc
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5. Complete the statements using the information from the text:

  1. An interactive whiteboard is a large interactive…

  2. They are used in a variety of settings, including…

  3. They provide ways to show students anything which…

  4. "Students are engaged when they're in class, they are…

  5. Under pressure to reform, the public schools in the USA…

  6. As he lectured, Gee hyperlinked to an NBC news clip, clicked to…

  7. And as the lesson carried on, this irony…

  8. After using an interactive whiteboard for a year…

6. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. How does the interactive whiteboard work?

  2. Are interactive whiteboards used only in classrooms?

  3. Why do some teachers say that interactive whiteboards are phenomenal tools?

  4. What is SMART Technologies chief executive’s opinion about interactive whiteboards? Why?

  1. Are public schools in the USA spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets? Can we say the same about our country?

  2. What happened at Sam Gee’s lecture? Were students active and involved?

  3. What is the age-old teaching method? Do you like this method?

  4. Do you agree that the whiteboard is little more than a badge saying “We're a 21st-century school”?

  5. Are interactive whiteboards really necessary at schools and universities? Can we study without them?

  6. Can we call interactive whiteboards the future of the process of education?

7. Work in groups:

Group A. You work in SMART Technologies. Use the information in the text and prove that interactive whiteboard is really necessary in the process of education.

Group B. You work at school with Sam Gee and William Ferriter. Use the information in the text and prove that interactive whiteboard is nothing more than a fashionable gadget.

Text 7. Laser printer inventor

  1. 1. Match the names of these famous people on the left with their inventions (or discoveries) on the right:

  1. John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain

  1. the periodic table of the elements

  1. Alexander Graham Bell

  1. X-Rays

  1. Thomas Edison

  1. theory of relativity

  1. Heinrich Hertz

  1. first electric cell

  1. Alexander Popov

  1. Transistor

  1. Albert Einstein

  1. electromagnetic waves

  1. Dmitri Mendeleev

  1. Radio

  1. Alessandro Volta

  1. electric light bulb, phonograph

  1. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

  1. Telephone

Do you know what fields of science they worked in?

2. Read the words and their definitions and translate them into Russian:

powerhouses - a forceful or powerful person or thing;

to develop - to come to more advanced stage;

to be ahead - to have an advantage;

facsimile machine - duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio;

hurdle - a difficulty one must overcome;

immature - not fully grown or developed;

stick to one's guns - to hold to one's position in an argument;

to agonize over - to worry about someone or something;

connect the dots - to understand the relationship between different ideas or experiences