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4. Do you agree? Prove your point of view using the information in the text:

  1. Some networking cannot help members find a job or establish business contacts.

  2. Social networking sites are only for teenagers.

  3. User’s profile isn’t as important as it seems.

  4. A good social network goes above and beyond just allowing users to post profiles and update pictures.

  5. The object of a social network is to download movies, listen to music and watch videos.

  6. The growing trend for social networks is to communicate and keep in touch with people you already know.

  7. It is not dangerous at all to post personal information on the Internet.

  8. All social networking sites in Russia correspond to the description of an ideal network.

5. Restore the original sentences and translate them into Russian:

  1. they; of all ages; that; can enrich; and backgrounds; their lives; have discovered; social networking websites; People; with the help of;

  2. on the user’s profile; social network websites; popular; a strong emphasis; The most; put;

  3. friend; wants; No one; inundated with; to be; unsolicited; spam; requests;

  4. to post; a dangerous; can be; place; personal; The Internet; information;

  5. you have; too much; where; even if; friends; online network; and; you trust; you live; in your; them; about; Don’t reveal;

  6. an alias; phony; can register; You; with; and; location your account;

  7. a friend along; precaution; bring; As; for the few; an extra; get-togethers;

  8. friends; websites; Social networking; new people; to express yourself; and; interests; allow you; chat with; share ideas; and meet.

6. Work in pairs and ask each other as many questions as you can about Networking Safety Tips. Make a list of online safety rules.

7. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of social network services. Work in groups. Fill in the table to show the arguments FOR using social network services and the arguments AGAINST it. Use the information in the text and your own ideas:



8. Read the following quotations. Choose one you agree or disagree with, explain why:

  • Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding. (Louis Gerstner)

  • Supercomputers will achieve one human brain capacity by 2010, and personal computers will do so by about 2020.

  • Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.


1. Working in pairs, discuss the following questions:

  1. What is the World Wide Web? Give a definition of this term.

  2. Do you know when and where it was created?

  3. What can you say about Tim Berners-Lee? How is he connected with the creation of the World Wide Web?

2. A) Match the following words and word-combinations with their Russian equivalents:

  1. to struggle with

  2. to require

  3. to find out

  4. a solution

  5. to bypass

  6. to found

  7. to empower

  8. open-ended

  9. to speak out for

  10. equal

    1. расширяемый

    2. решение

    3. равный, равноправный

    4. биться над чем-либо, стараться сделать что-либо

    5. выяснять

    6. высказываться за что-либо

    7. нуждаться, требовать

    8. обойти

    9. давать возможность

    10. основывать, учреждать

B) Translate the phrases using the words given above:

  1. to struggle with connecting incompatible computer systems

  2. to require a specialized access procedure

  3. to find out what the colleagues are doing

  4. to find a solution to bypass traditional database systems

  5. to found the World Wide Web Consortium

  6. tools that empower the user to make the final decision

  7. to become a truly interactive, open-ended knowledge system

  8. to speak out for “net neutrality”

  9. to provide an equal treatment as a fundamental democratic principle