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4. Find English equivalents for the following phrases in the text:

  1. связывать преподавателей и учеников

  2. отправлять уроки по почте

  3. спонтанность обучения

  4. разрабатывать собственные курсы

  5. доставлять/отправлять по почте

  6. отвечать на распространенное возражение

  7. период проживания

5. Answer the questions using the information in the text:

  1. When and how did distance education begin?

  2. How is education organized in correspondence schools and classes?

  3. What was the advantage of using radio and TV in distance learning in the middle of the 20th century?

  4. What is PLATO?

  5. Is it possible for students learning distantly to have face-to-face interaction with teachers?

  6. What is the new platform for distance education?

6. Prove that the following statements are true using the information in the text:

  1. Distance education helped various social classes receive knowledge in the 19th century.

  2. In correspondence schools a student could have his work checked without meeting a teacher.

  3. In the second half of the 20th century distance learning began to be supported by innovative computer technologies.

  4. Thanks to the latest achievements in computer industry, distance learning can replicate the personal and social dimensions of face-to-face education.

  5. Nowadays virtual worlds are often used as platforms for distance education.

  1. The idea to establish classes in the alternative worlds has gained much popularity.

7. Find some information about the distance education courses in South Ural State University and share this information with the rest of the group. Text 21. Blogs and blogging

1. Working in pairs, discuss the following questions:

1. Can you give a definition of the word ‘blog’? What does the acronym ‘blog’ stand for?

2. Do you read other people’s blogs? What are the topics covered in them?

3. Would you like to keep your own blog on the Web? Why? Why not? If you already have one, what was the purpose of creating it?

2. A) Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:

  1. to draw to a close

  2. to catch on

  3. to challenge smb/smth

  4. to provide smth

  5. to be hosted on

  6. to proliferate

  7. to engage in smth

  8. relevant

  9. an outlet

  10. censorship

          1. распространяться

          2. бросать вызов кому-либо/чему-либо, соперничать

          3. значимый, важный

          4. войти в моду, завоевать популярность

          5. выход

          6. завершаться

          7. цензура

          8. предоставлять что-либо

          9. заниматься чем-либо/участвовать в чем-либо

          10. размещаться

В) Replace the words in italic with their synonyms from part A). Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. As the 20th century came to an end, a new form of self-expression appeared on the Web.

      1. With the help of cameras people can participate in “video blogging”.

      2. Nowadays blogs often compete with the mainstream media.

      3. As blogs spread, it became evident people used search engines to find them.

      4. Sometimes means of personal self-expression are limited because of government control.

      5. In the 21st century blogs have given a way out of situations where other means of communication are unavailable.

      6. Blogs, a new type of online journal, became popular rapidly.

      7. A blog can highlight important resources that may be overlooked in a large corporate network.