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Магистры ВМИ, ММ.doc
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4. Find sentences with the following phrases in the text. Arrange them as they appear in the text:

  1. используя стандартные сетевые протоколы

  2. допустимые беспроводные решения

  3. полоса частот

  4. точка доступа

  5. одноранговая сеть

  6. вмонтирован в карманные ПК

  7. высокоскоростное интернет соединение

5. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What is wireless networking?

  2. What frequency band does a wireless LAN use?

  3. How does a wireless LAN work?

  4. What protocols or standards developed for wireless LANs do you know? What is the difference between them?

  5. What are the advantages of using wireless LANs?

6. Decide if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones:

  1. Wireless networking refers to technology that enables two or more computers to communicate without network cabling.

  2. Typically, a wireless LAN uses a frequency band of the same frequency, so that all units can communicate without interference.

  3. There are only two protocols developed for wireless LANs.

  4. The range of the wireless network can’t vary depending on the environment.

  5. Unfortunately with a wireless LAN a user couldn’t work with a laptop in the garden while still having access to a high-speed Internet connection.

7. If you use a network prepare a short description of it, with details of its architecture and protocols. Say what you use the network for. Text 26. Second life

1. Discuss the following questions in pairs:

  1. What is a virtual world?

  2. Why do people join virtual worlds? What can they do there?

  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a virtual world? Do you think that a person’s virtual life can interfere with a ‘real’ one?

  4. What is Second Life?

2. Match the following words and word combinations with their definitions and translate them into Russian:

    1. to enable

    2. a grid

    3. texture

    4. to buy pre-made

    5. real estate

    6. currency

    7. to run a business

    8. to cash out for

    9. ties

1. to obtain smth which is ready-made

2. property in the form of land and buildings

  1. to manage a firm or an enterprise

  2. a pattern of straight lines that cross over each other, forming squares

  3. to give someone an opportunity to do smth

  4. connections with people or places

  5. a system of money in a particular country

  6. the feel, appearance, or consistency of smth (e.g. of a surface or a substance)

  7. to sell for (some amount of money)

3. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words above. Each word can be used only once:

  1. Video games usually _____ people to meet other users and participate in various activities.

  2. If a user doesn’t want to create his or her own avatar, it is possible to _____ it _____.

  3. Every country has its own _____ (e.g. dollars in the USA).

  4. There are strong _____ between ‘virtual’ and ‘real’ worlds nowadays.

  5. In Second Life a user can choose the _____ of the avatar’s skin and clothes.

  6. There exist many video games in which people can create, buy or sell _____ _____.

  7. In a virtual world users not only play but also _____ their own _____.

  8. In Second Life the scene where all actions take place is called the _____.

  9. A user can _____ _____ the property that he or she owns in a virtual world _____ real money.