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4. Find synonyms of the following words in the text:

large; to treat; appearing; across; complex; to manipulate; to cooperate/

5. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What was the reason for creating the World Wide Web?

  2. When was the World Wide Web created?

  3. What solution did T. Berners-Lee find?

  4. How did the researches use the idea of a hypertext?

  5. What is the main goal of the W3C?

  6. How does T. Berners-Lee see the Web?

  7. What is a ‘semantic’ Web?

  8. What principle should become fundamental in the Net, according to T. Berners-Lee?

  9. Does T. Berners-Lee have many awards and degrees? What are they?

6. Decide if the following sentences are true or false and correct the false ones:

  1. The idea to create the World Wide Web appeared when researches tried to connect the dozens of computer systems and software from around the world.

  2. To desing the first Web pages T. Berners-Lee had to create a hypertext.

  3. In 1994 T. Berners-Lee founded the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

  1. T. Berners-Lee thinks that if the Web becomes an open-ended knowledge system it will be much easier to use.

  2. A ‘semantic’ Web would allow human beings and machines to interract effectively.

  3. T. Berners-Lee believes that the priority given to the material in the Net should depend on its content and origin.

7. Complete the following sentences using the information in the text:

  1. In _____ Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web while working at _____, the _____ European physics research institute.

  2. Each system that researches tried to connect _____ a specialized _____ _____.

  3. Berners-Lee decided to _____ traditional database systems and to _____ text as _____ with the URL.

  4. The World Wide Web used the _____ Internet to provide nearly _____ _____.

  5. Nowadays Tim Berners-Lee works on developing _____ that would _____ the user to make final decisions about information in the Net.

  6. The scientist is also interested in creating a _____ _____ that would help _____ _____ and _____ to actively collaborate.

  7. _____ _____ of information should be a fundamental democratic principle in the Net today.

Text 14. Digital rights management

1. Discuss the following questions in pairs:

  1. Can you give a definition of the word “copyright”? What does the term “copyrighted work” mean?

  2. What is the aim of the Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology, in your opinion?

  3. What countries pay special attention to the protection of copyright? How can you characterize the situation in Russia? Do you personally download audio and video files for free? Why? Why not?

  4. Use a dictionary to translate the following terms and names into Russian: Content Scrambling System (CSS); Advanced Access Content System (AACS); Recording Institute Association of America (RIAA); Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA); Free Software Foundation (FSF); General Public License (GPL).

2. A) Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:

  1. a pattern

  2. fidelity

  3. to assert

  4. to enforce

  5. a purchaser

  6. proprietary

  7. notification

  8. to sue

  9. to force

  10. to prohibit

    1. уведомление

    2. приводить в исполнение

    3. запрещать

    4. патентованный

    5. точность воспроизведения

    6. схема, модель

    7. преследовать в судебном порядке

    8. принуждать

    9. покупатель

    10. заявлять

В) Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words above. Each word can be used only once:

      1. Any creator can _____ copyright to prevent illegal distribution of his work.

      2. Many organizations in the USA _____ people who share copyrighted materials online.

      3. Content Scrambling System is a _____ format that was used to protect movies on DVD in 1990s.

      4. DRM is a specific technology that helps to _____ copyright and, as a result, to protect the author’s rights.

      5. Any digitized information presents a _____ of bits that is easy to copy with the special software.

      6. The aim of DRM is to make it difficult for the _____ of a piece of work to copy and distribute it.

      7. The Recording Institute Association of America _____ Napster, one of the best known file-sharing services, to become a licensed music service.

      8. When an analog audio recording is copied several times, each copy loses _____.

      9. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act _____ to produce and spread software that helps users break the protection of online materials.

      10. In 2005 Sony used DRM technology that made operating systems open to attacks without _____.