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Feelings for fashion


My work affects the way I dress a great deal. I have to look good because I deal with directors, manufacturers, business people of all ages. In a way, I have to sell myself as

well as a product. I spend a fortune on clothes – about 1,500 pounds each year.


I like pop music, but it annoys me when people say I am a fan of some group just because my Levi’s are torn. That’s simply the way I like to look. A lot of my friends dress like this, but to be more individual I sometimes wear old waistcoats and a hat.


During the day I have to wear a sort of school uniform, and the rules say it’s got to be a horrible dark blue, but most evenings when I go dancing I wear the latest style, which for now is trainers and a tracksuit with gold accessories.


Once people went to clubs just to get dressed up and meet someone. Now the thing is to sweat and dance all night. I wear as little as possible to keep cool, mainly loose-fitting T-shirts and trousers. I tie my hair back and let myself go. Music is the most important thing.


I often wear second-hand clothes from jumble sales, partly because as an art student I can’t afford anything else, but also because it is still quite fashionable. Though I think it is more ‘in’ to look smart now.


I always wear these old boots, it’s a way of saying that I don’t care what most people think. I usually wear mini-skirts for cycling, not to be sexy but just because they are more practical than a long skirt, though I usually wear dirty jeans most of the time.

Exercise 6

Translate into English.

  1. Мода дуже швидко змінюється, тому її важко дотримуватися, бо це забирає багато часу, грошей і зусиль. Але я все одно намагаюся одягатися стильно і надаю перевагу гарному, модному та елегантному одягу.

  2. Поглянь, вона одягнена у все голубе і виглядає чудово у вбранні цього кольору, бо він підкреслює виразність її очей.

  3. Дуже вузькі штани та краватки-шнурки були в моді 30 років тому.

  4. Моя сестра справжня модниця. Вона завжди купує журнали мод, тому знає, що входить в моду і виходить з моди, і намагається одягатися надзвичайно модно, щоб виділятися, як вона каже, із натовпу.

  5. Плісировані спідниці – це останній крик моди зараз.

  6. Тобі подобається цей фасон пальто. Він зараз наймодніший.

  7. В нього зовсім немає смаку щодо одягу. Його одяг абсолютно немодний і кричущий.

  8. Відомі модельєри є законодавцями моди і нових тенденцій в ній.

  9. Їй не пасує одяг пастельних відтінків. В ньому вона виглядає виснаженою і блідою, тому надає перевагу яскравим кольорам.

  10. Кажуть, що мода – це владна і примхлива господиня, яку охоче наслідують, а винагородою за це є відчуття різноманітності і пригоди, що надають гостроти життю.

  11. Моя мама - дуже елегантна жінка. У неї природжене відчуття стилю і вона завжди у перших рядах модниць.

  12. Його робота впливає на те, як він одягається. Його одяг відповідає тому, що він робить і він зажди добре одягнений, щоб справляти гарне враження на своїх клієнтів.

  13. Вона не любить ультрамодний та авангардний одяг. Вона не одягається так як її друзі і не наслідує чийсь стиль.

  14. Джек був одягнений у мішкуватий заяложений светр, потерті штани, що лисніли на колінах.


Women’s fashions since the 1950s

Look at the photographs of women in typical British fashions since the 1950s. Which ones do you like the most/the least?

Listen to the short descriptions and match them with the photographs. Which photo is missing. Can you describe it?


Describing how someone is dressed

Study this written description of the woman dressed in the fashions of 1951. Use it as a model and write a short description of one of your groupmates; then read it out and ask the others to guess who it is.

She is formally dressed and looks terribly old-fashioned. She is wearing a matching skirt and a jacket, a funny little hat and high-heeled shoes; she is carrying a tiny bag. Her clothes look tight and uncomfortable.

Exercise 7

Complete the text using the words below. Use each word only once.

Formal, tie, casual, floral dress, sunglasses, woollen jumpers, chic, belt, gloves, styles

In these two pictures, the 1) ……… of clothing are very different. In the first picture, the couple are wearing quite 2) ……… clothes, as if they are going to a party. The man is wearing a suit and 3) ………, with a leather 4) ……… round his waist, and the woman is wearing a 5) ………… . They look very 6) ………… . In the second picture, the clothes worn are much more 7) ………….. and relaxed. The couple are both wearing 8) …………… and 9) ………… to keep their hands warm. As the sun is shining, they are wearing 10) ……… to protect their eyes and cut down the glare.

Exercise 8

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word.

The Clothes We Wear

Without realising it, the clothes we choose to w_ _ _ tell the other people a lot about us. We often judge people by the c _ _ _ _ _ _ they are wearing. For example, people

d _ _ _ _ _ _ in expensive clothes are thought to be wealthy. Our shoes, a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, all tend to create an impression of our social class and personality. Similarly, our choice of c _ _ _ _ _ _ also depends on our age and who we are influenced by. On the other hand, we do not always have the c _ _ _ _ _ to choose our clothes. If we work as a nurse, police officer or fire-fighter we have to wear a standard u _ _ _ _ _ _ . Lastly, our ideas of beauty are revealed by our s_ _ _ _ of

d _ _ _ _ . Dressing in a particular o _ _ _ _ _ might be a way of saying, ‘ This is what I think is nice, and I believe it makes me look more a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .’ In conclusion, more than being just a way to keep warm, clothes reveal a lot about a person’s life, character and s _ _ _ _ _ .


Make a class survey to find out the following.

  1. Do you read fashion magazines?

  2. Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?

  3. What kind of clothes are in fashion now?

  4. How important is it for you to be up to date with the latest fashion? How fashion conscious are you?

  5. Are some people more fashion conscious than others? What types/groups of people?

  6. Which brands of clothes do you prefer?

  7. Is it important for you to own designer clothes? Why or why not?

  8. Do you think that having good clothes is linked with being fashionable?

  9. Do you think clothes reveal character? If so, what can you tell about the

characters of the people in the pictures above?

  1. Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks?

  2. Is there a stigma attached to people who buy no-name (no brand) clothing?

  3. What do you think about people who are a slave to fashion?

  4. What are young people’s fashions?

  5. What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen?

  6. What fashions that you see today do you think will be out of fashion within two


  1. Which nationalities do you think are the most fashionable?

  2. What is the fashion advice you've ever been given?


  • Think of as many words as possible related to casual and formal clothes. Which style do you like most and why?

  • Can you name any famous fashion designers?


You are going to read a magazine article about Audrey Hepburn. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A-H) the one which fits each gap (0 -7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A In 1954 the young Audrey Hepburn starred in her first big film, Roman Holiday.

B In Funny Face Audrey was cast again in a Cinderella role.

C Today her style is as much in tune with the times as it was then.

D Other notable outfits designed by Givenchy for the film included a perfectly fitted

black suit with a tiny hat and a magnificently embroidered evening dress.

E While Head found it easy to make Audrey look like a princess, she found it much

more difficult to make her look ordinary.

F At fittings, she would put on the whole outfit, from underwear to hat and gloves, and

dance, walk and sit until she was sure the clothes worked perfectly.

G Givenchy’s clothes were revolutionary for the era, simple yet feminine and

beautifully tailored.

H The pair worked together again on Breakfast at Tiffany’s in 1961, turning Audrey’s

character Holly Golightly into a decadent creature in figure-hugging silk dresses

dripping with jewels.

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