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Test 6

1 Choosethe most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I then remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 Mrs Johnson is very fond of/kind ofdogs.

2 I don’t know, it doesn’t really depend of/depend onwhat I think.

3 If you are through I can ask/ask forthe bill.

4 Italy is famous about/famous forits classical music concerts, which arepopular with/popular for tourists.

5 As the Manager of the hotel I am used to dealing with/dealing tocomplaints.

6 She apologized for being late/my late.

7 I’m really happy about/happy forthe way that Meredith and Greg have become friends and aregoing out/going off together.

8 Who are you going to vote in/vote forat the next election?

9 When the scoundrel took out/took offhis mask, the heroine passed out.

10 Oh, here they are! I’ve been looking for/looking at those glasses all morning.

2 Decide which alternative (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Getting fit

I walked home the other day instead of taking the bus. It’s only two kilometres but it really wore me (0) C . There’s only one conclusion – I’m going to have to cut (1) _______ on eating so many cakes and pastries and take (2) _______ some kind of exercise. I need to get fit. Actually, I’ve been thinking it (3) _______ for some time. Every few months I make a decision to join my local fitness club, but then I think of a good excuse to put it (4) _______ . I want to go and join, but then I come home really tired after work and I just don’t feel (5) _______ to it. Frankly speaking, though, the true problem is chocolate. I love it. I know it’s fattening but I just can’t do (6) _______ it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give it (7) _______ , so I guess I’ll just have to put (8) _______ with being unfit!

0 A back B through C out D off

1 A over B across C up D down

2 A up B over C out D after

3 A out B over C up D out

4 A out B by C down D off

5 A up B off C over D out

6 A away B over C across D without

7 A in B out C up D off

8 A out B up C on D off

3 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words, including the given one.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s snow on the way. to Look at those black clouds! It’sgoing to snow.

1 This is the first time I’ve played the bowls. used I’m not ____________________________________ the bowls..

2 I don’t suppose you know her cell phone, do you? happen Do ______________________________________________ her cell phone?

3 I don’t want to pay the service charge. object I _______________________________________________ the service charge.

4 I’m sorry, but I don’t want to speak to Gwen any more. rather I’m sorry, but ______________________________________ speak to Gwen any more.

5 You won’t get anywhere if you keep on like that. use It’s no ___________________________________________________ like that.

6 Why did you allow her to leave the kitchen dirty? let You shouldn’t ___________________________________ the kitchen dirty.

7 Elaine said she was sorry she was late. apologized Elaine ____________________________________________________ late.

8 Newcomers sometimes have difficulty being accepted. difficult It’s sometimes ______________________________________________ be accepted.

9 It was difficult for me to make out what Paul said. difficulty I had ________________________________________________ what Paul said.

10 ‘If I were you, Barbara, I wouldn’t splash out money left and right.’ advised He _______________________________________ money left and right.

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