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7. Complete the text filling in the gaps. Compare your ideas with those of your partner :

The way I ________ it, ________ is a jelly doughnut. You don't really ________ what it's about until you _______ into it. And then, just when you ________ it's ________, you drop a big glob of ________ on your best ________.

My name is ________ Plum, and I drop a lot of ________ globs, figuratively and literally. Like the time I ________ burned down a ________ home. That was the ________ of all ________ globs. I got my ________ in the ________ for that one. I'd walk ________ the street and people would ________ me.

"You're ________ now," my mother said when the ________ came out. "You ________ to set an example. You have to ________, eat good ________, and be nice to ________ people."

Okay, so my mother was ________ right, but I'm from Jersey and ________ is, I have a hard time getting a ________ on the good example ________. A good example in Jersey isn't ________ the ________ ideal. Not to ________, I inherited a lot of unmanageable ________ hair and ________ hand gestures from my father's ________ side of the family. What am I supposed to do with that?

8. Complete the following text filling in the gaps:

My mother's side (1)________ Hungarian and (2)________ this I get blue eyes and the ability (3)________ eat birthday cake and still button (4)________ top snap on my jeans. I'm told the good Hungarian metabolism lasts only (5)________ I'm forty, so I'm counting (6)________. The Hungarian genes also carry a certain amount (7)________ luck and gypsy intuition, both of which I need (8)________ my present job. I'm a Bond Enforcement Agent, working (9)________ my cousin Vincent Plum, and I run down bad guys. I’m not the best BEA in the (10)________, and I'm not the (11)________. An incredibly hot guy (12)________ the street name Ranger is the best. And my sometimes partner, Lula, (13)________ possibly the worst.

Maybe it's not fair (14)________ have Lula in the running for worst bounty hunter of (15)________ time. To begin (16)________, there are some really bad bounty hunters out there. And more (17)________ the point, Lula isn't actually (18)________ bounty hunter. Lula was hired to (19)________ the filing for the bail bonds office but spends a lot of (20)________ day trailing after me.

  • Compare your version with that of your neighbour.

  • Say which of the two lasts texts you have completed differ more. How can you explain it?

(See the original version of these excerpts at the end of this unit)

9. Find and circle the correct sentence. Explain your choices.


  1. The man who interviewed me was a woman in a blue dark suit.

  2. The person who interviewed me was a woman in a dark blue suit.

  3. A person who interviewed me was a woman in a blue dark suit.


  1. When a child, Colin used to feel himself badly and was a slow eater.

  2. When a boy, Colin used to feel bad and was a slow eater.

  3. When a boy, Colin used to feeling badly and was a slowly eater.


  1. Since they made a deal for the first time, they have cooperated a lot.

  2. Since they have made a deal in the first time, they have been cooperated a lot.

  3. Since they have made a deal for first time, they have been cooperated much.


  1. Shingles are in the most cases a extremely harmful disease.

  2. Shingles is in most cases an extremely harmful disease.

  3. Shingles is in the most cases extremely harmless disease.


  1. Isn't it the time we would be have a break?

  2. Isn't it high time we have a break?

  3. Isn't it time we had a break?


  1. Ernest suggested me to talk to the Chief Executive in the case she asks about a project.

  2. Ernest suggested that I should talk to the Chief Executive in case she asked about the project.

  3. Ernest suggested to me talking to Chief Executive in case she will ask about our project.


  1. Hadn't it been the paramedics' quick arriving, injured could have died.

  2. It hadn't been the paramedic's quick arriving, the injuring could die.

  3. If it hadn't been for the paramedics' quick arrival, the injured could have died.


  1. How many news were broadcasted by the Channel 1 so far?

  2. How many news has been broadcast by Channel 1 so far?

  3. How much news broadcast by the Channel 1 so far?


  1. If he were accustomed to working hard, he would easily find a job.

  2. If he was accustomed to work hardly, he would find a job easy.

  3. If he were accustomed working hard, he would easy find the job.


  1. No sooner I started do the exercise first when I had felt sleepy.

  2. No sooner did I start doing the first exercise then I felt sleepy.

  3. No sooner had I started to do the first exercise than I felt sleepy.


  1. I was being supposed to take over every duties of the secretary except to keep petty cash.

  2. I was supposed to taking over all the duties of secretary’s except for keeping petty cash.

  3. I was supposed to take over all the secretary’s duties except keeping petty cash.


  1. How many times had Clifford tried to quit smoking before he finally succeeded?

  2. How much times was Clifford trying to quit up to smoke before he finally has succeeded?

  3. How many times Clifford tried quitting to smoke before did he finally succeed?


  1. Would you rather me to say them the truth or to hide truth?

  2. Would you rather I told them the truth or hid it?

  3. Would you rather me speak the truth or to hide it?


  1. You didn't need to order more of the French wines. We've got it enough in the stock.

  2. You needed not to order more of the French wine. We've got them enough in stock.

  3. You need not have ordered more French wines. We've got enough of them in stock.


  1. Having launch product like this required to possess vision.

  2. To have launched the product like this required possessing a vision.

  3. To have launched this product required to possess a vision.

Communication Practice

1. Think of a verb and use it in the imperative form expressing:

  1. an invitation

  2. an instruction

  3. an order

  4. supplication

  5. response to thanks

  6. advice

2. In a dialogue with your partner express:

  1. conviction – disagreement

  2. polite request – refusal

  3. advice - agreement

Writing Practice

1. Write an invitation to your birthday party to five friends using different language means.

2. Write as many responses to thanks as you know.


Keys to Ex.7 (p.7):

This paragraph in the original reads:

The way I see it, life is a jelly doughnut. You don't really know what it's about until you bite into it. And then, just when you decide it's good, you drop a big glob of jelly on your best T-shirt.

My name is Stephanie Plum, and I drop a lot of jelly globs, figuratively and literally. Like the time I accidentally burned down a funeral home. That was the mother of all jelly globs. I got my picture in the paper for that one. I'd walk down the street and people would recognize me.

"You're famous now," my mother said when the paper came out. "You have to set an example. You have to exercise, eat good food, and be nice to old people."

Okay, so my mother was probably right, but I'm from Jersey and truth is, I have a hard time getting a grip on the good example thing. A good example in Jersey isn't exactly the national ideal. Not to mention, I inherited a lot of unmanageable brown hair j and rude hand gestures from my father's Italian side of the family. What am I supposed to do with that?

(Janet Evanovich. Ten Big Ones.-N.Y.: St.Martin’s Paperbacks, 2005, p.1)

Keys to Ex.8 (p.8):

  1. is

  2. from

  3. to

  4. the

  5. until

  6. down

  7. of

  8. in

  9. for

  10. world

  11. worst

  12. with

  13. is

  14. to

  15. the

  16. with

  17. to

  18. a

  19. do

  20. her

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