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2. Read the extracts again and point out the facts that helped you decide which city is being described.

3. Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

1. Which description appeals to you most? Why? Choose two or three phrases which you find evocative.

2. Have you been to any of these cities? Do the extracts reflect your experiences?

3. Do the extracts make you want to visit any of these cities?

4. Complete these sentences using appropriate phrases from the text. Make any changes to the phrases that are necessary.

1. No matter how stressed you feel, once you let the beauty on the beach and the warmth of the sun … on you, you will begin to wind down and relax.

2. The old town is built on the edge of a cliff overlooking the gorge, using up every bit of spare space. Some houses are even built into the cliff face and people … in a warren of narrow cobbled streets.

3. The medieval clock tower offers a landmark which is visible wherever you are in the town, making it very easy … .

4. It is difficult … exactly what makes this grey, industrial town such a popular tourist destination.

5. It’s very easy … the charm of the market stall holders and people often end up spending much more than they’d expected to.

6. Far too often historic town centres are carved up and charming old buildings torn down … .

5. Look at the adverbial phrases below and decide which of them have negative or limiting meaning.

under no circumstances, quite often, only after a long night, never, not until he’d finished, seldom, at once, frequently, only then, usually, only after a long wait, not a word, rarely, even in the summer, on no account

6. Rewrite the sentences below, starting with the word or words given.

Example: You will rarely see such a superb example of modern architecture.

Rarely will you see such a superb example of modern architecture.

1. I rarely visit a city more than once, but this place is really special.


2. I had never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful before.

Never before…

3. You should not go out alone at night under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances…

4. You will only be able to see and feel the heart of this beautiful old town by wandering down its narrow side streets.


5. You will only begin to understand the special charm of this place after you have spent an evening there.

Only after you…

6. You can’t really understand exactly how beautiful the view is until you clomb to the top.

Not until…

7. Speak about your plans for the holidays. Use at least ten expressions from Ex. 5 and 6.

III. Follow-up activities

1. Describe your home town or a place you know well.

2. You are a tour guide in one of the cities mentioned in the texts (decide which one). Tell your tourist group about the main attractions of this city.

IV. Additional tasks

Task 1. Read Juliette’s e-mail to her friends and correct her mistakes. There are at least twenty mistakes.

From: Juliette <juliette@kanga.com>

Subject: Australia

Attachments: Picture of Sydney Harbour

Dear all,

As I didn’t write for so long, I thought it was time I dropped all you a line or two from not-so-sunny Australia! The weather has got quite bad here unfortunately in sydney over the last few days. I think summer is finally over! Never mind it, it’ll give me the chance to do all the things I’ve been putting off while I’ve been lying on the beach taking it easy!

Life here is great – I’ve just found a job which is working in a cafe little and friendly near the harbour. Actually, Lena, it’s the place recommended your friend. It only is a few hours each week, but the pay is good and there are working there some great people. the most of them are also travelling round the world like me. In fact, a few days ago I met someone thinking he met you all in Vietnam. Do you remember an English guy called Kim? He says it was somewhere in the mountains – he told me the name, but I can’t remember it.

Anyway, I’m here in Australia for almost a month now. As you know, Marcella decided to for a while stay in Thailand with Yuichi. They seem totally in love! He is really nice actually. I’m sure Marcella has told you all about it by now! Anyway, I was really glad to stop moving after all the buses, trains and planes I was taking to get here from Bangkok. Well, I say “moving”! Often the buses would stop in some remote town or village for what was feeling like ours! Nobody dared get off in case the bus suddenly left without them. At the time I wished I flew here, but looking bak, it was an experience I suppose! Consequently, I spent when I first arrived a few days relaxing and wandering round the city and then I went on a trip along the coast for a couple of weeks before going to the Blue Mountains for few days. The mountains, which aren’t that far from Sydney actually, absolutely are incredible – very beautiful and peaceful.

So, what about you lot? You must e-mail me back and let me know all the gossip back home. Miguel and Virginia, how’s the new house? And how are you two, Lena and Stefan? By the way, are you hearing the new “Superhead” CD yet? If not, you should check out it – it’s brilliant! It was where you first met at their concert, wasn’t it?

Well, I’ll finish now as I’ve got to go and work at the cafe. I miss you all lots – if only you are all here with me. Now that I’ve stopped travelling around for a while, I’ll write more often – I promise! Hope you like the picture! Write back soon.

Lots of love

Juliette xxxxx

Unit 2

Modern Lifestyle

Confessions of a Shopaholic

I. Vocabulary work

1. Study the following words.

Beckon, discreet, elated, supercilious, awe-stricken, high-powered, squint, weirdo, gimmick, outperform, canny, stunned, windfall, twinge, eligible, stutter, poignant, mesmerized, jostle, denounce, misconstrue.

2. Fill in the appropriate prepositions.

1. He fell … disfavour with his superiors.

2. The local shopkeepers were all trying to rip … the tourists.

3. The prosecuting lawyer tried to catch the witness … by clever questioning.

4. It is obvious that their eyes glaze … at long lists of technical terms.

5. The sight of her just bowled him … .

6. His anger surprised him: he was more keyed … than he had anticipated.

7. There were hundreds of boys and girls milling … on the lawn.

8. The word ‘profession’ is taking … a new meaning.

3. Make up compounds. Use them in the sentences of your own.

























4. Insert the words in the sentences below.

beckon, equity, thrust, elated, itemize, supercilious, twinge, flabbergast, ebb, muffle, curt, flippant, denounce

1. She felt a … of toothache.

2. He smiled … when I described my modest collection.

3. They shared the work of the house with reasonable … .

4. The sound of the bell was … by the curtains.

5. He gave a … answer.

6. They were all … to hear of the victory.

7. I was absolutely … when she told me the price.

8. The minister’s action was … in all the newspapers.

9. I could see her … to me from the other end of the room.

10. A hospital is scarcely the place for such … remarks about death.

11. Let’s … the bill.

12. The actress said she had been perfectly happy until fame was … upon her.

13. His courage slowly … away as he realized how hopeless the situation was.

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