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Model 4 Ann had a dog.

Did she have a bird?

1.He had some English books.

2.We had a holiday in Bulgaria.

3.I had a cup of tea for breakfast.

4.They had a good time in London.

5.She had coffee with her friends.

6.He had a Japanese camera.

7.We had a lot of relatives in Estonia.

8.She always had white jeans in the summer.

Ex. 23. Open the brackets using the proper tense form of the verbs “to be” and “to have”.

1. “How many French books he (to have) at home?” “Last year he (to have) only three books, now he (to have) a lot.” 2. Today Nick (to be) very busy but tomorrow he (to have) more time to call you. 3. Usually she (to be) very nervous at the exam. 4. Last week he (to be) ill. 5. I hope I (to have) enough money in the future to go to Australia. 6. They (not to have) any pictures on the walls. 7. George’s wife (not to be) a teacher, she (to be) a writer. 8. Yesterday she (to be) very tired and (not to have) dinner. 9. Next week he (to be) free and (to have) some rest. 10. “Where you usually (to have) lunch?” “I (to have) lunch at home.” “And your sister?” “She (not to have) lunch at home. She (to have) lunch at the University.” 11. “What (to be) their children’s names?” “Their names (to be) Peter and Helen.” 12. Ann (to be) fond of mathematics and I (to be) fond of geography. 13. “How often you (to have) English classes?” “I (to have) English classes twice a week. Last year I (to have) them three times a week.”


Read & Speak English

Present Indefinite (Simple) and Present Continuous

Характеристика действия


Present Indefinite

Present Continuous









Обычное, регулярное,

Длительное действие,


повторяющееся действие.

процесс, протекающий в



определенный момент




или период времени.













be + ing

















1) usually, generally, always,

1) now, at present, at the


never, often, seldom,



every day, sometimes

Listen! Look!

2) будущее действие,

I see... I hear...







связанное с графиком,

2) будущее запланированное








The Earth moves round the

Look, it is moving.



She is living in that flat now.


She lives in London.

He is working in the garden

I work in my garden every day.

at present.


The next train leaves in an

He is leaving for Moscow








Do you

Are you


work on Sundays?


working now?


Does he

Is he





They don’t

They aren’t



speak French.


working now.

He doesn’t

He isn’t








(For Spelling Rules see Appendix 2).



Ex. 24. Fill in the empty boxes with the examples from text and explain the use of tenses.

Present Indefinite

Present Continuous





Ex. 25. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tenses of the verbs in brackets.

1. The telephone (to ring). Someone (to want) to talk to you. 2. Jane (to like) reading. She often (to borrow) books from the library. 3. The postman (to walk) up the path. He (to come) twice a day. 4. John (to have) a lot of things to do. He (to read) papers, (to write) business letters and (to receive) visitors. 5. What (to be) this dreadful smell? – Something (to burn) in the kitchen. 6. He always (to get) good marks in his examinations. 7. “What Nick (to do) now?” “He (to do) his homework. It usually (to take) him an hour and a half to do his homework”. 8. When Peter (to read) a book in English, he always (to keep) a dictionary near him. When he (not to know) the meaning of a word, he (to open) the dictionary and (to look up) the word. 9. Come in and join me. I (to have) a cup of coffee. I usually (to have) one about this time. 10. “Look, the guests (to put) their hats and coats on.” “Yes, because they (to leave)”. “Why they (to leave) so early?” “Early?! It’s midnight!” 11. My friend always (to tell) me the truth, but I see that he (to tell) a lie now. 12. You (to drink) coffee every day? What’s the brand of the coffee you (to drink) with such pleasure? 13. “You sometimes (to go) abroad?” “I (to travel) inside the country, as a rule.” 14. “Michael (to walk) to his college?” “I (not know). I think generally he (to walk) but today he (to go) on his motorbike.”

Ex. 26. Translate into English.

1. Пожалуйста, не говори так громко. Я занимаюсь. 2. «Ты пишешь от крытку Мэри?» «Да, я всегда поздравляю ее с праздниками.» 3. «Поче му ты молчишь?» – спросил он. «Потому что я предпочитаю молчать в таких ситуациях.» 4. «Посмотри, идет дождь. Мы не можем поехать за город.» «Что касается меня (as for me), я не боюсь дождя. Я езжу за го


Read & Speak English

род в любую погоду.» 5. Ученые постоянно изучают погоду. Климат ста новится (get) теплее. 6. «Я иду на концерт поп музыки. Джейн идет со мной. Хочешь пойти с нами?» «С удовольствием!» 7. Становится темно. Я хочу попросить Марка включить свет. 8. Она очень рассеянная. (absent minded). Она всегда оставляет свою сумку в аудитории. 9. «Он опять занят сегодня?» «Нет, у него выходной (day off).» 10. «Почему он играет на компьютере? Я всегда прошу его не играть по вечерам.» «У него нет уроков, поэтому он играет.» 11. По вечерам, когда она приходит с рабо ты, она обычно готовит ужин. Сегодня она очень устала. Она сидит у ка мина и читает. 12. «Приходи к нам на чашку кофе.» «Я не могу. Я ремон тирую (repair) свою машину.» 13. «Что ты здесь делаешь?» «Я покупаю новые туфли. Я обычно покупаю туфли в этом магазине.»

Ex. 27. Translate the jokes from Russian into English using the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous Tenses.


А: Почему ты к нам никогда не приходишь?

Б: Мне очень жаль, но я очень занят. Я играю в оркестре (band), и мы даем концерты в ночном клубе каждый вечер (perform/every night).

А: Тогда ты свободен днем, не так ли?

Б: Конечно нет, каждое утро у нас репетиции (rehearsals).

А: Тогда ты отдыхаешь (have a rest) между репетициями и концертами? Б: Нет, я даю уроки музыки в это время (in between).

А: Когда же ты спишь? Б: Во время репетиций.


Мама: Ты совсем не интересуешься домашним хозяйством, а тебе уже 15 лет. Твоя учительница говорит, что ты пропускаешь (miss) уроки кулинарии.

Мэри: Да, я правда ненавижу готовить и иногда пропускаю эти уроки. Мама: Но ты же хочешь выйти замуж (get married), не так ли? Только

плохая жена не умеет готовить.

Мэри: Да, ты права, мама, но ты же слышала об обучении во время работы. (on the job training).


Пожилой человек с гордостью сообщает своему врачу:

«Я не пью, не курю, я никогда не хожу в кино или театр, я никогда не занимаюсь пустой болтовней (idle talk), рано ложусь спать, придержива



юсь диеты (keep to a diet). Завтра я буду праздновать свой 80 й день рождения.»

«Но как?» – удивленно спрашивает врач.


Капитан корабля кричит своим матросам: «Кто внизу?» «Это я, Бил ли, сэр,» – отвечает один. «Что ты там делаешь, Билли?» «Я делаю ... мм

... ничего, сэр.» «А Том там?» «Да, сэр.» «А что ты там делаешь, Том?» «Я помогаю Билли, сэр.»


Почему ты идешь под зонтом? (carry an umbrella). Ты думаешь, идет дождь?


Но солнце тоже не печет (shine).


Тогда почему же ты идешь под зонтом?

Видите ли, когда идет дождь, папа берет зонт; когда печет солнце, мама хочет использовать его. Сейчас единственный случай (the only time), когда я могу взять зонт.

The Use of the Indefinite Article (a/an)

Неопределенный артикль a/an

1. Неопределенный артикль a/an может употребляться только с ис числяемыми существительными, стоящими в единственном числе (во множественном числе артикль a/an не употребляется).

Следующие примеры помогут понять, какие существительные назы ваются исчисляемыми, а какие неисчисляемыми.





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a boy – many boys

bread – a loaf of bread

a book – a lot of books

butter – a pound of butter

a dog – five dogs

excitement – much excitement

a car – hundreds of cars

money – a lot of money

a house – many houses

beauty – great beauty




Read & Speak English

Запомните, нижеприведенные существительные в английском язы ке, как правило, неисчисляемые, они не употребляются во множествен ном числе и с артиклем a/an.

Например: advice, furniture, money, news, information, progress, trouble, weather.

No news is good news.

Preparations are in progress.

Money is a good servant but a bad master.

Her hair is beautiful.

Однако в отдельных случаях некоторые неисчисляемые существитель ные могут становиться исчисляемыми (paper, hair, beauty, work, etc.) и тогда употребление артикля подчиняется общим правилам.

It is a work of art.

She is a real beauty.

There is a hair on your jacket.

2. Неопределенный артикль a/an (с исчисляемыми существи тельными) всегда употребляется в следующих конструкциях:

It is a book.

This is a bird and that is an animal.

There is a table at the window.

I have a dog and he has a cat.

He is a teacher and I am a doctor. She is a nice girl.

I saw an unusual bird. What a clever man!

BUT: What nasty weather!

Ex. 28. Supply a/an or –.

Model What’s this? (juice) It is juice.

What’s this? (box) It is a box.

1. What’s this? (water); 2. What’s this? (bread); 3. What’s this? (taxi); 4. What’s this? (bag); 5. What’s this? (suitcase); 6. What’s this? (perfume); 7. What’s this? (chocolate); 8. What’s this? (glass); 9. What’s this? (glass of water); 10. What’s this? (box of chocolates); 11. What’s this? (bar of chocolate); 12. What’s this? (passport).



Ex. 29. Fill in the blanks with a/an where necessary.


1. What ... strange answer!

2. What ... good children!

3. What ... beautiful eyes she has!

4. What ... long hair she has!

5. What ... interesting information!

6. What ... wonderful news!

7. What ... dull article!

8. What ... lovely blouse!

9. What ... slender girls!


1. The students are making ... good progress.

2. He bought ... expensive car.

3. They are short of ... money and cannot buy ... dog for their child. 4. I don’t think I’ll go to ... work tomorrow.

5. He likes ... modern furniture and his wife prefers ... ancient furniture. 6. Let me give you ... piece of ... advice.

7. We had ... fine weather in England.

8. He is full of ... interesting bits of ... information.

9. He has ... rich collection of ... unusual exotic butterflies. 10. She always gives ... advice on how to survive.

11. This is ... welcome news.

12. This film is making ... lot of money in America.

13. “Who wants ... cake?” “I’d like ... piece of ... cake, please.” 14. I usually have ... breakfast at 8.

15. I found ... kitten in the street and brought it home.

16. “Would you like ... cup of ... tea?” “Oh, yes and can I have ... ice cream?” 17. In the living room there are ... armchairs and ... sofa.

18. He met ... nice girl at the disco. She was ... wonderful dancer. She had ...

blond hair.

19. He was ... lawyer by ... profession.

Ex. 30. Rewrite these sentences changing the words in italic type from the singular to the plural and from the plural to the singular. Make other necessary changes.

1.There is a bridge over the river.

2.Is there a plate on the table?


Read & Speak English

3.There was a cake on the plate.

4.There were covers on the typewriters.

5.Are there desks in those classrooms?

6.What a bright student he is!

7.There is a glass on the tray.

8.She is a smart girl.

9.There is a sheet of paper on the table.

10.They are students and we are laboratory assistants.

11.He is a school boy and she is a school girl.

12.Do you have pencils?

13.There is a stamp on the envelope.

14.Were there empty boxes in the corner?

15.She has a flower in her hand.

16.There is a row of hooks on the wall.




by Katherine Mansfield

With a heavy heart Miss Meadows1 was walking along the cold corridors that led to the music hall.

Forms Four, Five and Six were waiting for her there. She struck the piano with her baton. “Silence, please! Immediately!” Her voice sounded cold and hard. She was still thinking of the letter she had received that morning. It filled her with unhappiness. “... I feel more and more strongly that our marriage could be a mistake. Not that I do not love you. I love you as much as it is possible to love a woman, but I don’t think I am a marrying man.” Alone in the world again! Oh, how painful it is! Hadn’t she known that nothing would come of it?

Miss Meadows said in a voice of ice: “Page fourteen, please. A lament2.” What could be more tragic than a lament! How she had always looked forward to their meetings! How good looking Basil3 was! And he knew it, too. “The headmaster’s wife keeps inviting me to dinner. I never get an evening

to myself.”

“But can’t you refuse?”

“Oh, well, I can’t hurt her. And then it may ruin my chances.” The voices were silent, the piano was waiting.

“Quite good,” said Miss Meadows, but still in such a voice that the younger girls felt frightened.

Suddenly the door opened. A little girl in blue came up to her. “Well, Monica, what is it?”

“Oh, if you please, Miss Meadows,” said the little girl, “Miss Wyatt4 wants to see you.”

The headmistress was sitting at her desk. “I sent for you just now because this telegram has come for you. I hope it isn’t bad news.” Too excited to say anything, Miss Meadows opened the telegram.

“Don’t think about letter was mad bought hatstand today Basil.” She rose. She half ran towards the door.

“Oh, just one minute, Miss Meadows,” said Miss Wyatt firmly. “I must say I don’t like my teachers to receive telegrams in school hours.”


Read & Speak English

Filled with hope, love and joy she ran back to the music hall.

“Page 32,” she sang out and turned away so that nobody could see that she was smiling.

We come here today with flowers and joy ...

“Stop! Stop!” cried Miss Meadows. “This is awful. What’s the matter with you today? Think, think of what you’re singing. Use your imagination. It should sound warm, happy and eager. Once again. Quickly. Now then!”

And this time Miss Meadows voice sounded over all the other voices – full, deep and rich.


1 Meadows [DгЙЗзмт]

2 Lament – элегия

3 Basil [DÄÉfòáä]

4 Wyatt [Dï~fèí]


strike [ëíê~fâ] (v) (struck)

1.hit – ударять, бить

He struck (on/upon) the table.

2.поражать, производить впечатление, казаться; привлекать внимание

That strikes me as rather silly.

His attention was struck by the unusual change.

3.приходить в голову; понимать

An idea suddenly struck him.

It struck me immediately that I had made a mistake.

strike hands – ударить по рукам

striking (adj) attracting attention – поразительный, замечательный

striking likeness

strikingly (adv) in a striking manner – поразительно, удивительноa strikingly beautiful woman

Strike the iron while it is hot; strike while the iron is hot. (proverb) – Куй железо, пока горячо.

look forward to – ожидать чего л. с нетерпением (с удовольствием)We are looking forward to seeing you again.

look after – заботиться о ком л., чем л.; присматривать, ухаживать за кем л., чем л.

Who will look after the children?


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