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6. Запомните следующие примеры:



Ваша комната в два раза

Your room is twice as large as mine.

больше моей.



Этот ящик в три раза тяжелее

This box is three times as heavy as


that one.

Он в два раза старше.

He is twice as old.

Моя комната в два раза меньше

My room is half the size of yours.




Мой чемодан в два раза легче

My trunk is half the weight of yours.




Ex. 23. Give the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives and adverbs.

Equal, tidy, sophisticated, public, amusing, thin, quickly, far, bad, badly, difficult, interesting, tiny, quietly, slowly, little, much, deeply, bitter, highly.

Ex. 24. React to your friend’s statement as in the model.

Model – This train is fast. That one isn’t very fast.

Yes, this train is faster than that one.

1.This film is very interesting. That film isn’t very interesting. 2. Mary’s hair is long. Ann’s hair isn’t very long. 3. Your jeans are new. My jeans aren’t very new. 4. This cottage is expensive. That cottage isn’t very expensive. 5. London is big. Manchester isn’t very big. 6. This girl is attractive. That girl isn’t very attractive.

Ex. 25. Rewrite these sentences using double comparatives.

Model – It costs a lot to live in London, and prices are still rising.

Life in London is becoming/getting more and more expensive.

1.My dog’s already big, and it’s still growing. 2. The weather’s beautiful, and it’s improving. 3. As the party continued, he became increasingly tired.

4.Los Angeles is a big city, and it’s growing. 5. I’m very optimistic about the state of my affairs. And my optimism increases. 6. I earn much, and I’m becoming rich.


Read & Speak English

Ex. 26. Change sentences according to the model.

Model – This bridge is narrower than that wide one.

You are quite right. It is not so wide as that one.

1.This monument is less impressive than that one. 2. This camera is cheaper than that one. 3. Mary is taller than her sister. 4. Peter is more absent&minded than Jack. 5. Our city is younger than Moscow. 6. My elder brother is older than Jack’s elder brother.

Ex. 27. Agree with your friend’s statement.

Model – George is thoughtful. So is Edith.

Edith is as thoughtful as George.

1.Gatchina is a beautiful town. So is Pavlovsk. 2. His pictures are good. So are his poems. 3. She is so busy. So am I. 4. The girls are young. So are the boys. 5. Mary is hardworking. So is Helen. 6. He is happy. So is his wife.

Ex. 28. React as in the model.

Model – This task is difficult. (that task).

But that task is more difficult. It’s the most difficult task.

1.Andrew is gloomy. (Philip). 2. The mountains in Scotland are high. (the mountains in the South). 3. The air is clean. (the air in the country). 4. My computer is good. (his computer). 5. Our situation is bad. (their situation).

6.Our kitten is little. (their kitten). 7. Her brother is good&looking. (my brother).

8.This way is very dangerous. (that way).

Ex. 29. Make up sentences, using the adverbs given in the chart according to the following model.

Model – Nick speaks French well, Ann speaks French better than Nick, and Peter speaks French best (of all).

Ex. 30. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model – Which player is the best on the team, John or Joe?

They are both good, but John is better than Joe.

Which picture is the worst in the gallery, this one or that one?

They are both bad, but this one is worse than that one.



1. Which team is the best in the league, “Spartak” or “Dinamo”? 2. Which student is the worst in the group, Mike or Andrew? 3. Which shop is the worst in Paris, that expensive one or that small one? 4. Which boy is the best in the party, the tall one or the short one? 5. Which piano is the worst in the shop, a black one or the brown one? 6. Which coffee is the best, Nescafe or Pele? 7. Which market is the worst, the new one or the old one? 8. Which shirt is the worst, the blue one or the white one?

Ex. 31. Use superlatives to describe the things below.

Model A good film – The best film I’ve ever seen.

1.an amusing book;

2.a very uncomfortable bed;

3.an exceptionally interesting lecture;

4.a very exciting tennis match;

5.a really awful singer;

6.an extremely cheap computer.

Ex. 32. Express your argument.

Model – That woman is not very young, is she?

No, she isn’t as young as she used to be.

The city is not very clean, is it?

No, it isn’t as clean as it used to be.

1.The trains are not very fast, are they? 2. His plays are not very talented, are they? 3. Mary is not very slim, is she? 4. The day is not very short, is it? 5. The air in the room isn’t very fresh, is it? 6. He is not very accurate, is he? 7. The watch isn’t very slow, is it? 8. The problems are not so great, are they?

Ex. 33. Translate the proverbs from English into Russian and memorize them. Find Russian equivalents.

1.The more haste, the less speed.

2.The more, the merrier.

3.The more you have, the more you want.

4.The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

5.The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh.


Read & Speak English

Ex. 34. Translate the following sentences, using much, far, a great deal, still with the adverbs in comparative degree.

1.Мой брат говорит по&французски намного лучше, чем по&английски.

2.Некоторым людям гораздо больше нравится путешествовать зимой, чем летом. 3. По воскресеньям я встаю намного позднее обычного.

4.Перед экзаменами студенты, как правило, значительно больше и усер& днее занимаются. 5. Моя сестра гораздо чаще меня ходит в театр.

6.Вчера наши спортсмены играли еще быстрее. 7. Со словарем вы пе& реведете статью намного точнее. 8. Сегодня солнце светит гораздо ярче, чем вчера.

Ex. 35. Translate the following sentences using the words from the text.

1. Чем больше он работал, тем больше денег он зарабатывал. 2. Многие молодые люди были беднее датчанина. 3. Капитан был такой же одино& кий, как и его друг. 4. Это был самый злой человек в команде. 5. Чем дольше он жил, тем больше наслаждался жизнью. 6. Капитан был гораздо старше его и знал жизнь лучше. 7. Я отдам деньги самым бедным людям. 8. Они боялись подойти ближе. 9. Они чувствовали себя хуже и хуже. 10. Он нанял на работу больше моряков, чем прежде. 11. Он становился богаче. 12. Чем моложе человек, тем больше у него энергии. 13. Он был самым добрым человеком на корабле. 14. Корабль отплыл раньше, чем остальные корабли в порту. 15. Этот рассказ не такой знаменитый, как тот. 16. Он выяснил больше об этой болезни, так как прочел больше ме& дицинских справочников. 17. Это было самое тяжелое время в его жиз& ни. 18. «Летучий голландец» – самый необычный рассказ, который я ког& да&либо читал.

Ex. 36. Translate the following jokes into English.


A: Когда должна начаться вечеринка? В: Чем быстрее, тем лучше.

А: Сколько людей должны прийти? В: Чем меньше, тем лучше.

А: Но чем больше, тем веселей. Мне кажется, ты не очень радуешься предстоящей вечеринке.

В: Потому что, чем больше ты расспрашиваешь о ней, тем меньше она мне нравится.




Прощаясь со своим учителем, одна из учениц сказала: «Учитель, кото& рый придет на ваше место, будет уже не таким хорошим.» Господин Льюис был счастлив услышать такие слова. «Что вы, он будет ничуть не хуже, а даже лучше.» «Да нет, – заметила ученица, – я училась до вас у пяти учителей, каждый новый был гораздо хуже прежнего.»


Студент: Но я не думаю, что я заслуживаю единицы.

Профессор: Я тоже так не думаю. Но это – самая низкая оценка, которую я могу поставить (to give).

The Use of Articles With Some Adjectives

and Numerals + Noun Употребление артикля в словосочетаниях: порядковое числительное/прилагательное

впревосходной степени + существительное

1.Если определение существительного выражено прилагательным в превосходной степени или порядковым числительным, то оно употреб& ляется с определенным артиклем the.

This is the best film I’ve ever seen.

They live on the second floor.

2.Прилагательные в значении существительных употребляются с определенным артиклем the: the old; the rich; the poor; the blind.

There are special schools for the blind and the deaf.The wounded were taken to hospital.

Ex. 37. Supply the required articles.

1. On ... second floor the window was open. 2. She was ... laziest woman in the village. 3. I told him that there is a special school for ... blind. 4. ... wounded should be taken care of. 5. I entered the room and saw ... woman. She was ...

most beautiful woman among the guests. 6. I ate three bananas; she pressed me to have ... fourth but I couldn’t. 7. ... deaf cannot hear the music but they can compose. 8. For ... first term we shared one room in the hostel. 9. He was sick and he behaved as ... sick man. 10. As soon as the curtain came down at

... end of ... third act she was on her feet. 11. That Sunday it was ... highest


Read & Speak English

temperature in the shade. 12. He became rich and as the majority of ... rich he didn’t remember his poor youth. 13. His job is ... most important thing in his life. 14. Our government doesn’t pay any attention to ... disabled. 15. This film is ... best at the festival. 16. He is ... most learned person in the family. 17. We should remember ... dead. 18. ... deaf and ... dumb talk to each other with the help of their fingers.

Ex. 38. Translate the sentences into English paying special attention to the use of articles.

1. Это было самое важное событие в его жизни, он получил первую зарпла& ту. 2. Богатые тоже имеют проблемы. 3. У нас очень мало санаториев для раненых. 4. Он самый способный ребенок в семье. 5. Бедные должны пла& тить меньше за квартиру. 6. Дума хочет разработать новый закон для по& жилых. 7. Сытый никогда не поймет голодного. 8. В Европе я видел много приспособлений для удобства инвалидов. 9. Третья попытка оказалась ус& пешной. 10. 22 декабря – самый короткий день в году. 11. Мы хотим улуч& шить качество развлекательных телевизионных программ (television entertainment) для молодежи. 12. Глухие обычно громко разговаривают. 13. Лучший выход для нее – купить второй телевизор. 14. Он самый застен& чивый юноша, которого я когда&либо знала. 15. Существует специальная азбука для слепых. 16. Невежественные обычно боятся тех, кто интересу& ется вещами, которые они (сами невежественные) не понимают.

Ex. 39. Fill in articles where necessary.

Next morning ... king Midas began to touch ... objects that were near his bed. He wanted to know whether he really had ... Golden Touch. So he laid...

finger on ... chair, and on ... other things but they remained ... same as before. Midas was disappointed. Suddenly ... earliest sunbeam shone through ...

window. It seemed to Midas that ... bright yellow sunbeam was reflected in rather ... strange way on ... white covering of ... bed. This white covering was now ... brightest gold. ... Golden Touch came to him with ... first sunbeam.

Midas jumped out of ... bed, and ran around ... room, seizing everything. He pulled aside ... window curtain and ... curtain grew heavy in ... hand – ... mass of ... gold. He put on his clothes, and was happy to see himself in ... suit of ...

gold cloth. He took out ... handkerchief, made by little Marygold — his daughter. That was also turned into ... gold. ... last transformation did not quite please ...

king Midas. He remembered when Marygold climbed on his knee and put ...

handkerchief in his hand. It was ... daughter’s work, but now he could not use it, – ... handkerchief was so hard.



(A Swiss Legend)

Long ago the emperor of Austria2 wanted to make Switzerland3 a part of his empire, and he sent a man named Gessler4 to rule the people. Gessler was a tyrant. He ruled the bold Swiss people with a hand of iron. He had many soldiers and did whatever he wished. But there was one thing he could not do, – he could not make the brave, free people of Switzerland bow down to him when he came among them.

He was very angry at this, and tried to think of some way in which to make them feel his power. In those days, as now, every town had a market place. Here the people

came to buy and sell goods. The men and women came down from the mountains with milk and cheese, goats and other animals; they sold these in the market and bought goods which they did not have in their mountain homes.

In the market place of Altdorf5, a Swiss town, Gessler put up a tall pole. On the top of this pole he placed his hat, and this hat was the sign of Gessler’s power. Then his soldiers went about the town shouting an order to the people: “Every man, woman or child who passes by the pole must bow to the hat to show their respect for Gessler.”

From one of the mountain homes near Altdorf there came into the market& place one day a tall, strong man by the name of William Tell. He was a famous archer, for it was in the days before the mountain people had guns, and he shot bears and wild goats with his bow and arrows.

He had with him his little son, and they walked across the market place. But when they passed the pole, Tell did not bow to the hat on the pole. There were spies of Gessler in the market place, and they at once went to the tyrant and reported the incident. “Tell refused to bow to Gessler’s hat on top of the pole!” Gessler at once commanded his soldiers to bring Tell to him, and Tell came, leading his little son by the hand.

“They tell me you shoot well,” said the tyrant. “I shall not punish you, but you must show me your skill. Let your boy stand a hundred steps from here. Place an apple on his head. You stand here and shoot the apple off his head with one of your arrows.”


Read & Speak English

All the people who heard him turned pale with fear, but Tell looked straight at Gessler without any fear, and took out two arrows.

“Go there!” he said to his son. Two of Gessler’s soldiers led the boy a hundred steps away from Gessler and then placed an apple on the boy’s head. They had some pity for Tell in their hearts, so they made the boy stand with his back to his father.

“Face me!” Tell cried in a clear voice, and the boy immediately turned and faced his father. He stood straight, with his head up. Tell put the arrow in the bow and then bent it slowly ready to shoot. He could look no more and shut his eyes.

The next moment a great shout rose from the crowd. The arrow hit the apple and cut it in two. The people shouted with joy, but Gessler was not pleased, and said in an angry voice to Tell:

“You were not so very sure of your first shot. You put a second arrow in your belt. Why did you do that?”

“The second arrow was for you, tyrant, if I missed my first shot,” said Tell. “Seize him!” shouted the tyrant, and his soldiers rushed forward. But the people also threw themselves upon the soldiers, and Tell, now drawing his bow again, shot the tyrant through the heart. Then, taking his boy by the hand, he fled quickly to the lake, got into a boat standing there, rowed to the other

shore, and so escaped to the mountains.



William Tell [Dпбдаиг= DнЙд]


Austria [Dlëíêf~]


Switzerland [DлпfнлидиеЗ]


Gessler [DЦЙлди]

5Altdorf [DoäíÇiÑ] – Альтдорф, город, в котором установлен памятник Виль& гельму Теллю.


emperor [DЙгйики] (n) – император empire [DÉãé~fè] – империя

rule (n)

1.править, руководить

The king ruled the country for 30 years.

2.rule (v) – правило

You should know this rule.



as a rule – usually, generally – обычно, как правилоAs a rule I have coffee in the morning.

bold [ДзмдЗ] (adj) – brave, courageous – смелыйHe was as bold (brave) as a lion.

bow [Ä~ì] (v) – кланяться, опустить голову

He stood with a bowed head at the funeral. bow (n) – лук, самострел

way (n)

1.road, path – дорога, путь

I met him on the way.

2.direction – направление

Which way is the house from here?

3.a manner or method – способ, манера, образ действия

What’s the best way to do it?

be in the way – мешать, стоять поперек дороги

I couldn’t get through the gate because your car was in the way. by the way – между прочим

By the way he is always right.

in a way (in some way(s)) – в некоторой степени; в чем&то

In a way I can see what you mean though I disagree with you. pole (n) – столб, шест

He looked out of the window and saw a flagpole in the yard. place (v) put – помещать, ставить, класть

He placed the book on the shelf.

shout [p~ìí] (v) – кричать

I can hear you, there’s no need to shout. pass (v)

1.move – миновать, проходить

No one is allowed to pass the gate of the camp.

2.give by hand – передать, передавать

Please, pass me the salt.

3.spend time – проводить время

How shall we pass the evening?

4.succeed in – выдержать экзамен

She passed her driving test.

shoot (v) (shot)


He shot at a bird but missed it.

2.снимать фильм

The film was shot in California. respect (n) admiration, honour – уважение

He is held in the greatest respect by his friends.


Read & Speak English

in all respects – во всех отношениях; in some respect – в какой&то степени

The new job is better paid and more interesting in all respects. spy (v) (on smb)


He spied on his neighbour.

2.spy (n) – шпион

Believe me, I’m not a spy.

refuse (v) – отказывать, отказываться

He refused to marry her. lead (v) (led) – вести, привести к

This road leads to the city.

He led the army.

lead someone to do something – склонять к чему&либо, заставлять

What led you to believe I was ill? punish (v) – наказывать

Motorists should be punished severely for dangerous driving. face (v)

1. стоять лицом к кому&либо, чему&либо

The house faces the park.

2.встречать смело

She couldn’t face her problems. face music – держать ответ

After failing the exam he had to face the music. face to face – лицом к лицу

A lot of people prefer discussing business matters face to face. miss (v)

1.промахнуться, не достичь цели

He shot at me but missed.

2.be late – опоздать

Again I missed the bus.


Her children have gone to Australia and she missed them very much. miss the point – не понимать сути

Will you say it again, I missed the point.

rush (v) – hurry – мчаться, торопиться

They rushed up the stairs. rush hour – «час пик»

I try to get to work before the rush hour starts. throw (v) (threw, thrown) – бросать, кидать

She threw the ball 50 metres.

throw a party – устроить вечеринку

Do you know a place where we could throw a party?


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