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The Heart of the Computer

The processor is the "brains " of the computer, the location of those fantastically small circuits. Think of it as an overworked adding machine that also can make simple logic decisions.

It can decide that two numbers are equal or not equal, that a certain condition does or does not exist in the circuitry. It can de­cide that things are true or false based on rules the programmer supplies to make that decision. This, combined with the ability to add and subtract at lightning-fast speeds and store the results of these processes, allows the programmer to give step-by-step in­structions to be carried out on command.

Текст 4.3. Переведите текст устно без словаря. Время перевода не должно превышать 5 минут. Значения выде­ленных слов вы сможете понять из контекста. Озаглавьте текст.

Although the idea of an automatic computing engine occurred first to Charles Babbage in 1832, it was more than a century later, in 1945, that John von Neumann set out the principles that were to fix the pattern of computer design for the next twenty years. We are now operating third and fourth generation computers, and looking ahead to the fifth, but these are generations marked by evolutionary changes in component technology rather than by rev­olutionary new concepts. Most of today's computers follow the von Neumann model, and probably many of tomorrow's will do so also. In particular, they have a rather rigidly organized store, hold­ing both instructions and data; and, although some overlap of op­erations occurs, in general they tiptoe through their programs in ministeps. There can be no doubt that computers of this kind are powerful, versatile tools; but it would be surprising indeed if one type of machine were to prove equally suitable for all types of problems; and it may be that some problems of practical interest to us are too difficult, or too expensive, to solve on von Neumann machines.

Текст 4.4. Переведите текст письменно со словарем. Время перевода не должно превышать 15 минут.

Personal Computer

The first personal computer (PC) was put on the market in 1975.

Today the personal computer can serve as a work station for the individual. Moreover, just as it has become financially feasible to provide a computer for the individual worker, so also technical developments have made the interface between man and machine increasingly "friendly", so that a wide array of computer functions are now accessible to people with no technical background.

A personal computer is a small computer based on a micro­processor; it is a microcomputer. Not all microcomputers, how­ever, are personal computers. A microcomputer can be dedicated to a single task such as controlling a machine tool or metering the

с. 99-102???

53. residual а остаточный

residual n 1. остаток; 2. разность

residue n 1. остаток; 2. осадок

54. destined а предназначенный

destine v 1. предназначать; 2. назначать

55. currently adv в настоящее время

current a современный, текущий; имеющийся

current n поток, ток

56. superficially adv поверхностно, на первый взгляд superficial а поверхностный, неглубокий

57. outmoded а устаревший

58. intend v 1. намереваться; иметь в виду; 2. предназначать

intended а предполагаемый; предназначенный

59. screen n 1. трафарет; 2. экран; 3. сетка; 4. отбраковка

screen v 1. защищать; маскировать; 2. проверять

screener n установка трафаретной печати

60. image n 1. изображение; 2. отражение; 3. подобие

image v формировать рисунок

to image a pattern onto a wafer переносить рисунок на полупроводниковую пластину

imagery n изображение, рисунок

61. background n 1. фон; 2. основа; 3. подготовка; 4. предпо­сылка, история вопроса

historical background история вопроса

background of experience накопленный опыт

62. behaviour n 1. поведение; 2. режим; 3. характеристика

behave v вести себя

transient behaviour переходный режим

63. apparent a 1. очевидный, явный; 2. наблюдаемый

apparently adv очевидно

64. merge v 1. сливаться, соединяться; 2. поглощать

65. backup л 1. поддержка; 2. резервирование

66. tradeoff n 1. согласование; 2. компромисс; 3. сравнитель­ная оценка; альтернатива

trade off v 1. согласовывать; 2. сопоставлять

trade-off studies сравнительные исследования

67. skill n умение, опыт

skilled a квалифицированный, опытный

skilful а искусный, опытный

68. constitute v 1. составлять; 2. основывать

69. versatility n разносторонность, многогранность

versatile a многосторонний, гибкий; универсальный

70. convenience n удобство

convenient а удобный, подходящий

71. workload n: load n 1. нагрузка; 2. груз

load v загружать

loaded a 1. нагруженный; 2. смонтированный

72. obstacle n препятствие, помеха

73. generation n 1. поколение; 2. порождение; 3. создание, об­разование

generate v 1. порождать; 2. производить, генерировать

generator n 1. генератор; 2. датчик, измерительный пре­образователь

74. remote a 1. отдаленный; 2. действующий на расстоянии, дистанционный

Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.

(1 —10) to count the layers, to count dice, countable benefits; an initial mode; originally the computer is gigantic; complicated arrangements; to record large amount of information; to distribute functions, the distribution of wafers; to view achievements; to view the resources; the point of view of an engineer; to protect en­vironment; the environments of the spacecraft

(11 — 20) despite the circumstances; to accomplish the task; to call for amplification; an amount of acid; the sequential positions of slices, the sequence of operations; the sequence of events; to i use computers in commerce; to expose transactions; to monitor production processes; an average amount of alloy; to increase memory-size

(21 — 30) the memory capacity is spectacular; to store infor­mation; regardless of the advances; to feed information through the input-output ports; the instructions are retrieved on command; to fill an entire space; to depend entirely on gap; to issue com­mands

(31 — 40) to read information from the memory; to affect the instrument readings; to interpret the commands; to mount sub­strates; to mount IC on a single printed card; to need a flexible processing system; the flexible processing system; the flexibility of the procedure; to execute computing operations; to execute a task; to implement sputtering, to implement a substitution; to incorpo­rate many components

(41 — 50) to distinguish objects at a distance; to distinguish tools; to link the tops; the link between two species; the sequence of facilities; to establish new facilities; to hinder the passage; to hinder the availability; to fail to insert; the failure of a processor; the device failed; to improve the tool without fail; to consume much energy; to restrict the consumption; a highly restricted arti­ficial language; the origin of an error; an erroneous response; to receive an error message

(51 — 60) the trend of development; to check the performance of an operation; to denote residual errors; a current event, current efforts to define; superficial knowledge; the mode of handling information; to intend to complete, an intended perfection; the im­age of a mask

(61 - 70) the background of the screen; the background of an engineer; the background of the technique; the behaviour of elec­trons; an apparent shift; an apparent mark; roads merge; to trade off the responses; prediction tradeoff; the versatility of micropro­cessors; a convenient pattern; the convenience of processing

(71 — 74) an obstacle to designing; the fifth generation of the computers

Задания к Основному тексту.

4.9. Запишите кратко содержание первой части (I) Ос­новного текста с помощью предикативных групп, напри­мер:

1.... comes from a Latin word; 2. ... was designed as a tool; 3.... are considered to be a complicated machine, etc.

4.10. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следу­ющих речевых отрезков:

1. средство для сбора, записи, анализа и распределения огромной массы информации; 2. попытки понять процес­сы мышления; 3. интенсивное применение компьютера для моделирования; 4. решение сложных математических задач; 5. хотя компьютеры применяются для различных целей; 6. независимо от размера и назначения системы компьютера состоят; 7. управлять операциями всей систе­мы, подавая команды; 8. развитие микроэлектронных ком­понентов привело к появлению микрокомпьютера; 9. удов­летворить необходимость в малых, но относительно гиб­ких процессорных системах; 10. определить различие меж­ду двумя микропроцессорными схемами; 11. препятство­вать широкому распространению таких систем; 12. часто не могут понять пользователя

4.11. Устно переведите вторую часть (II) Основного тек­ста.

4.12. Письменно в виде аннотации изложите по-русски содержание второй части (II) Основного текста.

4.13. Задайте вопросы собеседнику по содержанию Ос­новного текста. Типы вопросов:

1. What is the (computer) like? 2. What is the (computer) used for? 3. What does the (computer) do in (commerce)? 4. What do you know about the (central processing unit)?

4.14. Дайте определения следующих терминов:

1. input-output ports; 2. memory capacity, 3. average speed of main memory; 4. primary and secondary storage; 5. punch cards; 6. small-scale integration; 7. interpretation of instructions

Проверьте, сможете ли вы перевести.

4.15. Переведите, обращая внимание на форму выраже­ния обстоятельств:

1. The design effort necessary for assembling several dice within the same package was more easily and earlier achieved than the integration of several discrete components onto a single die. 2. Being quite different from vacuum tubes and transistors, masers operate entirely on quantum principles. 4. Using the same mask-making programs and machines as for silicon, we use pho­tolithography to define the topology of resistors, capacitors and interconnections. 5. In order to shorten the time required to per­form instructions, it is desirable to perform as many operations as possible in parallel. 6. To be more economically competitive, more and more systems will incorporate micros. 7. By fabricating dozens of transistors together on a single small silicon chip, using the same fabrication techniques used for single isolated transis­tors, a whole flip-flop could be integrated. 8. Viewed from the outer space the most striking feature of the Earth is the large ex­panse of water.

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Текст 4.5. Прочитайте текст и составьте аннотацию на английском языке.

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