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Department of machinery parts restoration

Department of machinery parts restoration graduates engineers in speciality «Equipment and technology for enhance of wear-resistance and restoration of machinery parts». It was founded on the 1st of April, 1991.

The curriculum of the department is intended for preparing specialists which are able to work in accordance with new priority lines of the development of welding science and technologies – managing the surface properties. Except fundamental, general and special disciplines in welding, welding deposition, sputtering and machinery parts restoration such additional disciplines as physicochemical and metallurgical principles of metals manufacturing, principles of metal working, heat treatment of welded joints, tribotechnics, principles of surface engineering, surface physics, corrosion and metal shielding, electron-beam technology, exertions and deformations are also taught.

Language study


1. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Why?

2. Answer the following questions.

3. Speak on the topic “”.

4. Communicative situations:

Appendix 1

Speaking Lesson

Topic: The secret of success

I. What’s success for you?

Having loads of money, being simply happy, being famous, being lucky, being fashionable, having a good job, being in love, having a wonderful home, having a family and kids…

II. How would you define success

  • for your company/school?

  • for yourself at work?

  • for yourself at home?

  • for yourself as an English student?

  • for your children/ friends?

III. Write your own definition of success:

To be successful is...

IV. Do you agree or disagree with the following quotations:

If you think you can you can if you think you can’t you“ are right” Henry Ford

“Success isn’t the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success” Albert Shweitzer

“Success has a simple formula: do your best and maybe people will like it ” Sam Ewing

“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do” Bob Dylan

V. Answer the following questions:

1. How much do you think success depend on

a) working hard b) optimism c) luck

2. How do you think we should measure success

a) formal qualifications b) size of house c) amount of money in the bank

3. What are the disadvantages of being successful in life?

4. If you suddenly became very successful in life what would you do differently?

5. What do you fear more success or failure? Why?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being successful while you are still a child?

7. What is more significant to you success or happiness?

8. Who’s the most successful person you know? Why do you think they are so successful?

9. If you could be exceptionally successful at one thing in particular? What would it be? Why?

10. If somebody you cared about asked for advice on how to be successful in life, what advice would you give them?

11. How has your definition of success changed since you were younger, how do you think it might change as you become older?

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