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Мир перевода 2

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to exacerbate = to worsen;

to engender = зд. to cause;

competitive edge = advantage over competitors.

Сити ждет инвестора

Москва разорвала контракт с канадской фирмой Reichmann Asia Co. Ltd, которая ранее обязалась построить деловой и жилищный комплекс в районе Краснопресненской набережной

– московский Сити стоимостью $135 млн. «Альберт Рейхманн и возглавляемая им фирма оказались несостоятельными по отношению к выполнению взятых на себя обязательств (commitments) в российской столице», – заявил ИТАР-ТАССпервый зампремьера правительства Москвы, отметив, что, согласно контракту, в нынешнем году истек(expired) срок, до которого правительство Москвы не имело права заключать соглашение с другими компаниями на застройку в этом районе.

Под контракт канадская корпорация 20 месяцев назад получила территорию практически в центре Москвы в аренду на 49 лет. Договор предусматривал, что к концу нынешнего года здесь должно быть сооружено 30 различных зданий, в том числе два высотных корпуса, торговый центр и многое другое. Администрация Москвы выполнила свою часть контракта, вложив в освоение этого участка $40 млн. Однако он до сих пор пустует, поскольку компания г-на Рейхманна не инвестировала «ни копейки, ни доллара», сказал представитель московского правительства.

Говоря о строительстве на Краснопресненской набережной, он сообщил, что уже открылся уникальный в Москве и России двухъярусный пешеходный мост, соединяющий будущий деловой центр «Москва-Сити» и набережную Шевченко. В скором времени строители приступят к возведению делового и офисного центра в Сити – Дома России, высота которого достигнет 400 м. Это сооружение обещает стать самым высоким в Москве, так как даже высота знаменитых «сталинских» высоток не превышает 150 м.

Комментарии обязалась – undertook;



– proved unable to (ср. несостоятельный

insolvent; bankrupt);



двухъярусный – two-tier;

«высотки» – high-rises (Stalin's sky-scrapers).

Тема: Протокол и стиль одежды (для перевода «под запись»)

The Policies of Dressing

I know you are just starting reading this, but stop! Look down. What are you wearing right now? Whether you are at home, scouring the want ads or at the office leisurely reading this issue, take a moment to look at how you are dressed and the image you are projecting. Did you sleep an extra Fifteen minutes this morning and then skimped on the dressing extras, like polishing your shoes or completely pressing your shirt?

Like it or not, the world judges you by what you wear, at least on a first impression basis. Clothes to some degree defineyou. "People still underestimate the value of business dress," says Laurie Sagle of the employee training company, Training Works! "As the [Russian] market continues to change, clothes become more important, giving you an edge" (advantage).

After having worked in the Russian market for over six years, she says many people don't realize the importance of business dress, especially women. "What is most appropriate (acceptable) generally tends to be pretty dull. There is a big confusion between fashion and business dress." Sagle attributes this to the changing clothing market in Russia, wherefashion options (selection, choice) have multiplied in recent years. She simply asks her clients: "What do you want 10 emphasize, your body or your brain? It may be a little blunt," she says, "but people need to understand the difference insocial and business dress."

Another misconception is thinking you need to spend a lot of money to improve your business image. The most important thing is simple grooming. "Make sure you are clean from your shoes to the top of your head," emphasizes Sagle.

Dress Code

What is necessary or appropriate often depends on the line of work. The more conservative business sectors, such as banking, and law require grey, navy or black suits for both women and men. But whatever the sector, there are basic rules for office dressing. Keep it professional and clean. Leave the fashion pieces for social occasions, unless you work in the fashion field.

Business dressing only begins with the first interview. Because you want to be hired for a position, you present yourself in the best possible way, from resume to interview attire. But what you wear and how you wear it, after you have landed the job, can mean promotion or even dismissal, especially in the conservative areas of employment. A colleague of mine, who worked for an extremely prestigious and fashionable magazine in New York, told me about her office's unwritten rule of dress: whatever you wear, make sure that it's black. Everyone dresses in black, from the designers to the receptionists. The company

even went so

faras to require

black desk accessories (канцпринадлежности),

meaning the



throw out your

red stapler if it wasn't hidden in your

desk drawer.


unwritten rule also affected internalpromotions. People didn't get promoted if they did not "fit in," which included dressing in what is considered a fashionable andappropriate way. Although this case may seem a little extreme, it illustrates the fact that often, how you dress for work can impact how far you go in your job.

Unproperly Dressed

Another colleague, a department supervisor at a major international computer firm in Moscow, worked with a talented computer consultant at his firm. Although the consultant was highly skilled, he lacked what is considered a proper business suit. Unfortunately, it impacted (affected) his promotion opportunities. Because he didn't quite look the part, unintentionally or not, he was not asked to join business meetings with clients. Companies can be very particular about the image they want to project, and as an employee of that company, they will be particular about the role of image you project as their representative. My colleague wanted to tell the man to invest in a decent suit for client meetings. Yet discussing such a subject can be difficult- A little self-evaluation can go a long way (help).

The rule that image consultants offer is to dress for the position you want, no matter what level you may be with a company. If you are a receptionist, but strive (want) to move into the marketing department, then

look at how

the marketing director presents himself or

herself. If


are the shoes you want to

fill, then put

yourself in the position where you can be


for the

part. Although skills are

extremely important, part of the battle for a promotion is presenting yourself as capable of doing the job. Dressing appropriately demonstrates that you have enough wherewithal to know how to present yourself to clients and other employees. It also creates a sense of self-confidence and pride necessary to lead a team of employees or impress outside contact. Does the marketing director ever come to work in jeans or other casual wear, or is it suit and tie every day?

Bright Is Out

I remember working in a law firm in Washington, DC, where the decor was traditional American antiques and the unwritten rule of the firm was dress well – and conservatively. Black, grey and navy Brooks Brothers[10] suits abounded in a place where Hugo Boss[11] would be considered living dangerously. A secretary was hired for one attorney, and though she may have been extremely competent, she was also very festive. Every holiday, she would come to work dressed to thenines in the garb of the season – Halloween meant an orange shirt, white nylon pantyhose with orange pumpkins and some sort of spider earrings to match! I'm not sure how many holidays she made it through, but unfortunately, it wasn't many. Ithink it was sometime soon after the orange bat shirt that she was cleaning out her desk. Perhaps it wasn't specifically herholiday wear that lead to her dismissal, but I can't help but think that it contributed. Quirks can be tolerated, although they usually only come from superiors. I know art directors and partners in international law firms who tend to walk around the office in their sock feet (без обуви), leaving the shoes somewhere under the desk. Yet these types of people generally have proven themselves with a firm to the degree that such things become "endearing" (charming) – a part of the process in producing their quality work.

In the Western world, where fashion traditions have been built over the generations, there are stricter codes of proper business attire. In Russia, the rules are less strict. Company handbooks don't usually specify the ties that are acceptable or the appropriate length of your hair. Many businesses allow employees to wear jeans in places that would be unheard of in the States – and people seem more sympathetic to the weather. I was delighted during my first summer in Moscow to enjoy the freedom of working for an international publishing firm, without having to wear the dreaded (ненавистные) nylons with my summer suits.

Ashleigh Morris

Комментарии scouring the want ads = looking through jobs pages; skimped on the dressing extras зд. пренебрегли деталями; edge = advantage;

blunt = straightforward;

social – светский; зд. вечерний, нарядный; grooming – уход за собой;

attire = garb = clothes;

dressed to the nines зд. разодетая в пух и прах; pumpkins – тыквы;

quirks – выходки, причуды.


What does it mean for you to be fashionably dressed today?

Do you like today's fashions?

Do you think people should dress differently at home and in the office? What should be the difference between casual wear and business style?

Do you agree with the opinions, expressed in the article?

Did you find useful the article on protocol in Part I?

Тема: Social Life (передача юмора и иронии)

Russia's Chaos: A Hit at U .S .Cocktail Parties

Russia is once again sexy in America. Human nature being what it is, the chaos and confusion reigning over there have put Moscow back on the front pages of newspapers and on the covers of magazines, and have made it a prime topic of conversation among the in-crowd at social (светские) gatherings.

This has raised my stock (зд. вес) at cocktail parties – something 1 might actually enjoy if I weren't worried sick about the crisis in Russia.

I am always introduced as "the woman from Russia," and many linguistically naive Americans have had entire conversations with me without realizing I am a fellow countryman. It apparently does not surprise them that a newly arrived Muscovite with a Scottish name speaks perfect American English with a slight Boston accent.

In any case, I am widely hailed as an unrivaled expert on Russia, and, depending on my interlocutor's degree of savvy, I am called upon to answer questions ranging from "Do they have food over there?" to "What effects will the events in Chechnya have on foreign investment?" My favorite query came from a friend who asked, "Whatever happened to that guy with the mark on his head?"

I went to a

party a few days ago

with a fairly sophisticated Washington crowd, leaning heavy

on (в основном)

government types with

a sprinkling of lawyers, doctors. I was having a great time

when I ran into the only Russian in the place:

His name was Kolya, and he was of a species immediately recognizable to anyone who has spent any time in Moscow. I half-expected him to sneak up to me and murmur, "Military watch? Rabbit hat? Maybe some postcards?"

The inevitable happened: He learned that I live in Moscow and speak Russian, and he became my faithful shadow for the rest of the evening. I did everything I could to shake him, not least because his date – a tough-looking woman from Pittsburgh who was immensely proud of her Russian beau – showed every indication of becoming violent.

But Kolya, with all the charm of the Russian male on the prowl, blithely ignored her and devoted himself to pestering(зд. донимать, «доставать») me. "What a woman! I love your world view. How old are you? Really, I would say you could not be over 25."

That I was, in fact, over 25 was as apparent to Kolya as it was to me. But it was pretty standard fare, and, as the evening progressed, his compliments grew more and more outrageous.

The really funny thing was the reaction of the party crowd. While I sighed and sought refuge, these normally blasesWashingtonians were endlessly amused by Kolya's "natural charm." When I complained that Kolya was a boor, my fellow guests accused me of being anti-Russian. My protests that Russians were not all like this fell on deaf ears (were ignored).

I feel the same way when I see cheap matryoshkas, or "nesting dolls," as they are called here, sold in fancy New York boutiques for $200. "This is not Russia!" I wail. "Don't be fooled!"

Back at the party, while the other invitees sipped champagne punch, Kolya put away an entire bottle of vodka. They smiled. He then began smashing crystal glasses on the floor, screaming that this was "old Russian tradition."

They laughed delightedly.

Kolya finally collapsed on the floor. When my old friend Robert, who was hosting the event, tried to get him out thedoor, Kolya broke Robert's finger. This really gave everyone a chuckle.

I can't wait to come back to Moscow.

Jean McKenzie ("The Moscow Times")

Комментарии in-crowd = high society; cp. to be in - to be in fashion/vogue [voug]; to be out = to go out of fashion;

hailed = зд. praised; savvy = knowledge;

sophisticated crowd зд. изысканное общество; sprinkling = a bit of;

species = type;

beau [bə:] фр. – ухажер;

on the prowl = in search of a woman; fare = thing;

blasé– пресыщенный, pr.[bla'zei]; boor – хам, грубиян


Share your experiences of staying in the West (US, Britain). Do you think the media gives the balanced picture of Russia? Do you think Westerners are sincerely interested in the current developments in our country?

V. Taxation Terms Mini Chart

(с вариантами символов УПС)

(tax) assessment

начисление налога,



реже – расчет налога



1. контрольная проверка



2. аудиторская проверка, аудит



(проверка отчетности независимой



специализированной фирмой-аудитором)



3. ревизия (в широком плане)


field audit




проверка с выездом на предприятие


(tax) avoidance

«избежание» налогов (снижение



уплачиваемых налогов законными





award of contact

присуждение контракта



пачка (документов, напр, деклараций,



платежных поручений и т.д.)


batch processing

пакетная обработка (режим работы ПК)



предложение, торги, тендер,


bidding documents

документы для торгов


cash method

«кассовый» метод; налогообложение



по поступлению денежных средств


check digit

контрольный разряд,



контрольная цифра


check value

контрольное число



контрольный признак



1. сбор налогов


(tax) collections (pl.)

2. сбор недоимок



3. налоговые поступления (сумма)


taxpayer in default

(налоговый) недоимщик




снятие с (налогового) учета



(tax) evasion

уклонение от налогов (незаконное




сокрытие или занижение налогов)



exempt (adj.)

1. освобожденный от налога (в узком







льготированный (в широком







to file (a return)

подать (декларацию)


(lax) fraud

(налоговое) мошенничество



to garnish

обращать изыскание на суммы,




причитающиеся недоимщику




от его дебиторов




доход (объект налогообложения)







late filing

просрочка подачи декларации


late f

legal entity

юридическое лицо



physical person

физическое лицо



mark-up method

метол расчета НДС на базе




(торговой) наценки







payment demand

платежное требование



payment order

платежное поручение



process, progress

1. технология, технологическая








2. процесс (в автоматизированной











Project Design,


п/т ршн

Project Decisions









выверка (данных ГНИ и







(tax) return

(налоговая) декларация; (налоговый)



расчет (документ, подаваемый




в налоговую инспекцию)




доход (бюджета) (ср.: income)



settlement account

расчетный счет



tax enforcement

система контроля за соблюдением




налоговой дисциплины



tax arrears, (ax in

недоимка (налоговая), недоплата



default, tax owing,




short receipts,








tax reliefs,

налоговые льготы







privileges, exemptions




taxpayer account,

лицевой счет








занижение декларируемых




налоговых сумм



VAT return

декларация по НДС



write-off waiving

списание, снижение (суммы



Тема: Перевод прецизионной информации

The Lady and the Age: She Lived Longer Than Anyone in Living Memory

The world's oldest person, Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, died on August 4, 1997, at the age of 122.

Calment, who had lived in a retirement home for the past 12 years, was born on February 21, 1875 to a well-off Aries family of shop owners.

Calment's life spanned 17 French presidents, the execution of Tsar Nicholas II, the birth and death of the Soviet Union and two world wars. She was born in the year Bizet's "Carmen" was first staged and Tolstoy published 'Anna Karenina," a year before Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

According to the "Guinness Book of Records," no woman reached 122 before. It says the only man to live as long was Chigechiyo Izumi of Japan, who died in 1986 at the age of 120 years and 237 days.

Van Gogh Still Had His Ear

At the age of 14, she met Vincent van Gogh. She recalls him as "ugly as sin ... bad tempered, a grumbler and smelling of alcohol," although at that point the artist was still "with his ear."

At 20, she saw the first film, "The Sprinkled Sprinkler"1 by Louis Lumiere, which was shown along with the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II.

She remembers traveling to Paris when the Eiffel Tower was still under construction and was 70 when French women were first allowed to vote. But her favorite memory is her first helicopter ride, in 1939. "I thought I was a little bird in the clouds. It was a magnificent feeling."

Calment gave up smoking only five years before her death and was still riding a bicycle at 100. "All my life I've put olive oil on my skin and then just a puff of powder. I could never wear mascara, I cried too often when I laughed," she said.

The so-called "Doyenne (зд. старейшина) of Humanity," who heard best if spoken to loudly in the right ear in a thickAries accent, was legendary for her aphorisms and jokes like this one: "I've only ever had one wrinkle, and I'm sitting on it."

Extraordinary Case

"She was an exceptional case," said Jean-Marc Robine, a longevity expert (gerontologist) with the National Institute of Medical Research. "By chance, she was endowed with (had) an extraordinary genetic makeup."

He said research into her ancestors determined that unusually high proportion of them lived far longer than the norm for their eras, including many in the 17th and 18th centuries who lived into their 70s. Her father died at 94 and her mother at 86.

Robine remarked on her "extraordinary resistance to sickness, stress and depression." "There's nothing exceptional about her lifestyle," he said. "She was not athletic, not a health fanatic – simply interested in everything but not really passionate about anything."

At 21, Jeanne married her cousin, Fernand Calment. The couple had an only daughter, Yvonne, born in 1898, who gave them their only grandson. After she was widowed, Calment lived alone in her apartment in central Aries until the age of 110.

Calment celebrated her birthday every year in the presence of international journalists, but last January, Calment was placed under the guardianship of a local association after being judged incapable of looking after own affairs(недееспособна) and died of "natural causes."

Aries mayor Michel Vauzelle said that the whole town was in mourning for her. "She was the living memory of our town. She gave us comfort and hope with her vitality, her sense of humour, her tenderness. In short, we hoped she could be immortal."

Tiny in physical stature, Calment was a grandmother by 1926, but soon found herself alone after her grandson was killed in a road accident in 1960 at the age of 36.

Rotten Deal

One person had no reason to celebrate her longevity. He was lawyer Andre-Francois Raffray, who bought Calment's Aries apartment under an annuity arrangement when she was 90. Raffray never took possession of her property as he had planned, dying in 1995 aged a mere 77. "In life, people sometimes make rotten deals," she said at the time.

Doctors were constantly amazed by her longevity. "At 122 Madame Calment's heart, lungs, digestion and kidneys were all doing fine," said the physician Denis Mery. "Her intellectual faculties also remained astonishing for a woman of her age," he added.

But Calment had been decreasingly active, and celebrated her 122-nd birthday very quietly on doctors' orders because of her increasing frailty.

In 1996, however, she made a funk-rap, techno and dance compact disc shortly before her 121st birthday. Entitled Maitresse du temps (Mistress of Time), the funk-rap disc featured the former piano teacher singing four tracks, including one in English.

"I sleep like a baby," she told the daily Le Figaro shortly before she passed away, adding: "One hundred and twenty-two years old. Who could ask for more?"

Комментарии annuity arrangement – право пожизненного проживания; frailty = poor health.

Тема: Real Estate Development and Hotel Business (Revision)

Marriott Enter Moscow Market with Opening of Grand Hotel