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сборник лексических упраж. для биоэкологов.docx
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Сetaceans – китообразные

bowhead whale – полярные гринландские киты

humpback whale – горбатый китб горбач

fin whale – сельдяной кит

sperm whale – кашалот

1. What is the largest whale?

2. What are specific features in communication of whales?

3. What are the reasons of whales going extinct?

4. Were whales always in danger?

5. Which whale population has recovered?

14. Read the text and translate it.

Water conservation - Why should we conserve water?

Water is one of the most important resources on this planet. Without water life on our planet wouldn't be possible and we should really do everything that is in our power to ensure enough water for our future generations. Though oceans cover almost three quarters of our planet that will mean very little to future thirsty generation because we need freshwater to survive, and freshwater is not an infinite source.

Will there be enough water for all in years to come? Even now there is not enough water for all people in our planet, so you can imagine what is going to happen in years to come, especially in poor countries whose population is constantly growing. Many of these poor countries do not ensure proper sanitation which leads to dirty, unhealthy water and many waterborne diseases.

Almost two billion people in the world lack basic sanitation facilities but to most of us this is really hard to imagine since we have never experienced living in such conditions. But if you think that the water in our cities is pure as can be then you are very wrong because all you need to do is take a look at the United Nations report that states how 95 percent of the world’s cities still dump raw sewage into their water supplies.

We seem to be constantly forgetting that freshwater resources are limited and that water scarcity is already big problem in many parts of the world. Just imagine how would you manage even for couple of days without the water, and you will see straight away how important water is, and perhaps you'll cherish it more than you do now. 

Globally speaking we couldn't be doing less for water conservation then we are doing it now, and if we continue doing so even countries of developed world will learn the real importance of water (on the hard way of course). While some poor countries in Africa and Asia experience how it is to live with limited and almost no water resources, the other countries like United States use too much water. For instance two-fold increase in population size in the United States since 1900 has caused six-fold increase of water use in United States.

What should we do to conserve water? Limit the use of household water to really necessary levels; this may in the end result in things like much shorter showering but at least we'll be doing that bit extra for global water conservation, and make things a bit easier for our future generations. 

Always keep in mind that as the world population keeps growing water is becoming more and more precious resource that could in the future even become the cause for new wars. And water's original idea was to create and support life, not to destroy it.

Are the following statesments true or false?

1. Water is the most precious resourse in life.

2. Freshwater resources are limited and the world population deals with the problem of water scarcity.

3. Nowadays people don’t dump sewages into the water.

4. We should limit the use of water to to conserve it.

5. Freshwater is an infinite resource and there is nothing to worry about the shortage of water.