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persuade – убеждать

persuasive – убедительный

acronym – акроним ( слово, образованное из начальных букв слов,

составляющих фразу или предложение)

promotional tools – средства и методы рекламно-пропагандистской


sales promotion – стимулирование сбыта; продвижение товара

public relations (PR) – пиар, связи с общественностью; престижная

деятельность компании, сочетающая

информацию, рекламу и пропаганду

personal selling – личная продажа; продажа товаров через торговых

представителей фирмы

marketing communication mix – комплекс маркетинговой коммуникации

institutional advertising – рекламирование достоинств компании

(институциональная реклама)

free sample – бесплатный образец товара

coupon – купон ( талон, дающий право на скидку)

point-of- purchase – реклама на месте продажи-покупки

sweepstake – (зд) тотализатор

hardware – аппаратное оборудование (ЭВМ)

software – компьютерные программы

configure – выполнять конфигурацию, конфигурировать (заказ)

vehicle order – заказ на поставку (изготовление) автомобиля

foolproof – (зд) совершенный; верный, надёжный

competitions – конкурсы для покупателей

sales reps = sales representatives - торговые представители

press release – пресс-релиз, краткое обращение или видеоклип,

сделанные для средств массовой информации с

извещением о компании и её товарах

sponsorship – спонсорская поддержка

lobbying – лоббирование, воздействие

publicity – гласность, публичность; паблисити

medium – средство, способ

news media – средства массовой информации


1. What is promotion?

2. Interpret the acronym AIDA.

3. Identify the four basic promotional tools.

4. Which of the four promotional tools is the most important for consumer


5. What examples of sales promotion can you give?

6. What is the biggest advantage of personal selling over the other forms of


7. Explain the role of public relations in marketing.

II. Vocabulary exercises

1. Complete the statements:

1. Marketing is the process of

a) coordinating resources to meet organizational goals

b) moving money from person to person and business to business

c) developing, pricing, distributing and promoting the goods and services that

satisfy consumers’ needs or wants

d) making decisions about alternative sources and uses of funds

2. A process that involves examining your current marketing situation,

assessing your opportunities, setting your objectives, and developing a

marketing strategy is termed

a) market segmentation

b) market testing

c) marketing research

d) strategic marketing planning

3. The combination of the four P’s is known as

a) product mix

b) marketing mix

c) promotional mix

d) merchandise mix

4. The two most common product categorizations involve

a) the degree of tangibility and the product’s use

d) the degree of quality and customer demand

c) the degree of preference and personal consumption

d) the degree of substitution and the product life cycle

5. The only variable that ultimately generates income is

a) positioning

b) branding

c) advertising

d) pricing

6. Charging a high price for a new product during the introductory stage and

lowering the price later is known as

  1. penetration pricing

  2. value pricing

  3. skimming

  4. prestige pricing

7. Most producers do not sell their goods directly to the final users; they work


  1. sales reps

  2. marketing intermediaries

  3. retailers

  4. trade salespeople

8. Promotion involves

a) grouping customers with similar characteristics, behavior, and needs

b) developing an effective price for goods and services

c) designing and selecting marketing channels

d) informing potential customers of the product’s existence, its features, and

its advantages, and persuading them to try it

9. A well-known acronym AIDA stands for

a) Attention, Interest, Desire, and Ability

b) Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action

c) Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action

d) Advertisement, Interest, Discount, and Advice

10. Advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling are

four basic

  1. elements of marketing

  2. channels of distribution

  3. promotional tools

  4. pricing strategies

11. The dominant form of promotional activity is

a) advertising

b) sales promotion

c) public relations

d) personal selling

12. PR is the abbreviation for

a) personal responsibility

b) personnel resources

c) profitable relations

d) public relations

2. Choose the necessary word or word-combination and put it in the

sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian.

marketing mix marketing promotion

intermediaries market segmentation brand

product life cycle exchange process price

PR tangible target markets

advertising intangible price war

1. A market can be defined as all the potential customers sharing a particular

need or want. According to this definition, …….. begins and ends with the


2. When you participate in the …….. , you trade something of value (usually

money) for something else of value, whether you’re buying dinner, a car, or

a college education.

3, …….. means dividing a market into smaller, relatively homogeneous

groups. Its objective is to group customers with similar characteristics,

behavior, and needs.

4. An important step in the strategic marketing planning process is choosing

your …….. or specific groups of customers to whom a company wants to

sell a particular product.

5. A firm’s …….. consists of product, price, distribution (or place), and


6. Some products are predominantly …….. , whereas others are mostly …… ;

however, most products like Intuit’s software programs fall somewhere

between these two extremes.

7. The …….. for electronic products are now recorded in months. At

Panasonic, consumer electronic products are replaced with new models

on a 90-day cycle.

8. The Levi’s name is a strong ……. . A pair of the company’s flagship 501

blue jeans consists of about 2 yards of denim, 213 yards of thread, 5

buttons, and 5 rivets, and sells for an average …….. of $50.

9. Everything seems to sell at a discount these days. Sometimes discounts

get out of hand and can cause a …….. between competitors.

10.Basically, …….. are of two main types: wholesalers and retailers.

11. …….. may take the form of direct, face-to-face communication or indirect

communication through such media as television, radio, magazines,

newspapers, direct mail, the Internet, and other channels.

12 Because consumers and investors support companies with good

reputations, smart companies use …….. to build and protect their


13. …….. not only determines what we buy, but it shapes our view of the

world. It tells us which remedies to take for headaches and indigestion,

how we should dress, and what we should eat.

3. Market Structure.

a) Word-building. Complete the chart to form derivatives.

basic word


derivative suffix


lead (v)



challenge (v)

бросать вызов


follow (v)

следовать за


compete (v)



fail (v)

терпеть неудачу


share (n)

доля, часть


monopoly (n)



niche (n)



b) Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

1.In many markets there is a firm with a much larger market share than its

competitors, called a ………..

a. market leader b. monopolist c. multinational

2. A company that is number two in an industry, but which would like to

become number one – think of Pepsi vs. Coke, Reebok vs. Nike, JVC vs.

Sony – is known as a ………….

a. market challenger b. market competitor c. market follower

3. A smaller company in an industry, more or less content with its existing

market share, is called a ………….

a. market challenger b. market follower c. market sharer

4. Small, specialized companies, which target segments within segments, are

called …………

a. market failures b. market followers c. market nichers

5. One single producer in the market who can fix an artificially high price is

called a ………..

a. market competitor b. monopolist c. market leader

6. A market in which it is normal to have only one supplier – e.g. utilities such

as water and sewage, gas, electricity – is called a …………

a. conglomerate b. natural monopoly c. pure monopoly

4. Military Metaphors: Business as War

We use a lot of military metaphors to describe the day-to-day operations of business. Complete the texts by inserting the words in the boxes.

  1. An Offensive Strategy

arsenal attack blitz campaign inroads

invade mobilize tactics troops weapons

We’ve been making successful (1) ……… into their market share for 18 months, and now is the time for a change of (2) ……… . We’re going for a frontal (3) ……… . We have an excellent product, and if we use all the (4) ……… in our (5) ......... , we should be able to convince consumers of this fact. We will (6) ……… all our resources and launch a media (7) ……… . This will be the most expensive (8) ……… in our history. We have also recruited twenty new sales reps and we are going to send our (9) ……… into the field, to (10) ……… their market.

b) A Defensive Strategy

capture defense deter fight mission

retaliate territory war withdraw

We are going to dig in and defend our (1) ……… . This is a suicide (2) ……… by our competitors. They probably expect us to (3) ……… , and a small price cut won’t (4) ……… them. We have enough cash reserves to win a price (5) ……… , so I suggest that we cut our price by 20% immediately. The best form of (6) ……… is attack. You’ll see, they’ll (7) ……… within two weeks. This is a (8) ……… they’re going to lose. There is no way they are going to (9) ……… our market.

5. Pricing Strategies

Match up the remarks below with the names of different pricing strategies in the box:

1. market penetration pricing

2. market skimming

3. cost-plus (cost-based) pricing

4. loss-leader pricing

5. prestige pricing

6. discount pricing

a. We charge an extremely high price because we know people will pay it.

Our brand name is so famous for quality – we can make huge profits.

b. We just worked out the cost of producing a product and added a markup to

provide a profit. All the while, we keep an eye on competitors’ prices,

making sure not to exceed them.

c. We sell different items at a reduced price in return for the purchase of a

large quantity, payment in cash, rapid payment, etc.

d. We’re going to charge a really high price to start with. We can always lower

it later , when the product is no longer a novelty and competition heats up.

e. Like all supermarkets, we offer half a dozen or more different items at a

really low price each week. We lose on those, but customers come in and

buy lots of other stuff as well.

f. We decided to launch the product at a very low price, almost at direct cost,

hoping to get a big market share. Then we can make profits later because

of a big sales volume.

6. Branding

Translate the text in writing. Select the appropriate expressions to

complete it:

In a market containing several similar competing products, producers can augment their basic product with additional services and benefits such as customer advice, delivery, credit facilities, a warranty or guarantee, maintenance, after-sales service, and so on, (1) ……… distinguish it from competitors’ offers.

Most producers also differentiate their products by branding them. Some manufacturers, such as Yamaha, Microsoft, and Colgate, use their name (the “family name”) for all their products. Others market various products under individual brand names, (2) ……… many customers are unaware of the name of the manufacturing company. (3) ……… , Unilever and Proctor & Gamble, the major producers of soap powders, famously have a multi-brand strategy which allows them to compete in various market segments, and to fill shelf space in shops, (4) ……… leaving less room for competitors.

(6) ……… famous manufacturers’ brands, there are also wholesalers’ and retailers’ brands. (7) ……… , most large supermarkets now offer their “own-label” brands, many of which are made by one of the better-known manufacturers.

Brand names should (8) ……… be easy to recognize and remember. They should also be easy to pronounce and, especially for international brands, should not mean something embarrassing in a foreign language.

(9) ……… a name and a logo, many brands also have easily recognizable packaging. Of course packaging should also be functional : (10) ……… , the container or wrapper should protect the product inside, be informative, convenient to open, inexpensive to produce, and ecological.

1. a. as a result of b. in order to c. thus

2. a. although b. since c. so that

3. a. Consequently b. Despite c. For instance

4. a. for example b. however c. thus

5. a. There b. That c. This

6. a. As a result of b. In addition to c. Owing to

7. a. For example b. Furthermore c. However

8. a. i.e. b. of course c. therefore

9. a. As well as b. Despite c. So as to

10. a. although b. in other words c. on account of

7. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

Разрабатывать новый продукт; осведомлённость потребителей; обмен между двумя сторонами; удовлетворять нужды и потребности; стратегическое планирование маркетинга; исследовать свои сильные и слабые стороны; оценивать свои возможности; выбирать целевой рынок; комплекс маркетинговых операций; аспекты, которые нужно учитывать при продаже товара; название марки; упаковочный материал; жизненный цикл продукта; внедрение, рост, бум и спад; назначать цену; издержки и накладные расходы производства и сбыта продукции; уровень спроса; формула ценообразования; резко снижать затраты; увеличить объём продаж; извлечение сверхприбыли; ограничить возможности получения прибыли; цена со скидкой; платить наличными и сразу; вполне доступная цена; осуществлять сбыт без посредников; упрощать коммерческие операции; количество торговых точек; четыре составляющих маркетингового комплекса; внимание, интерес, желание и действие; средства и методы продвижения товара на рынок; создавать компании имя или имидж; стимулирование сбыта; бесплатные образцы товаров и купоны; личная продажа; тратить вдвое больше; далёкий от совершенства; торговые представители; убеждать покупателя; программы связей с общественностью; размещать рекламу в средствах массовой информации.

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