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IV. Brush up your grammar

A. Grammar Folio:

Conditional Sentences.

If – constructions.


Subordinate clause


Principal clause



Type 1

If I have more time

Present Simple

I’ll come over

will + infinitive


Type 2

If I had more time

Past Simple

I would come over

would + infinitive


Type 3

If you had gone there

Past Perfect

you would have seen him

would + have + V3


1. Type 1.

Придаточные условные предложения I типа выражают реальные условия выполнения действия. Глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения употребляется в Present Simple, а главного – в Future Simple.

If I stay in my present job, I will get a raise.

Если я останусь на своей теперешней работе, то получу прибавку.

2. Type 2.

Условие, содержащееся в условном придаточном предложении II типа,

рассматривается говорящим как маловероятное, предположительное или нереальное. В придаточном предложении условия употребляется Past Simple, а в главном – сочетание глагола would (could, might) c инфинитивом без частицы to.

If I knew her number, I would send her a fax.

Если бы я знал её номер, я бы отправил ей факс.

Если сказуемое придаточного предложения выражено глаголом to be, то для всех лиц и чисел может употребляться форма were.

If I were you, I would talk to him

Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы поговорил с ним.

3. Type 3.

Придаточные условные предложения III типа выражают нереальное условие совершения действия в прошедшем времени. В придаточном предложении употребляется время Past Perfect, а в главном – сочетание глаголов would (could, might) с перфектным инфинитивом.

If I had known his background, I would never have employed him.

Если бы я знал, какова его квалификация, я никогда бы не нанял его.

Время придаточного условного предложения определяется наличием в нём обстоятельства времени или по контексту.

4. Type 2 and Type 3 mixed.

Придаточные условные смешанного типа бывают двух видов:

a) условие относится к прошедшему, а следствие к настоящему или будущему времени:

If you had visited this city last year, you would know it better now.

Если бы вы побывали в этом городе в прошлом году, вы бы теперь лучше его знали.

б) условие относится к неопределённому времени, а следствие к прошедшему:

I would have invited them, if I liked them.

Я бы пригласил их, если бы они мне нравились.

Кроме союза if, придаточные предложения условия могут соединяться с главным при помощи других форм, например:

provided that, on condition that – при условии, если; при условии, что;

supposing that – предположим (допустим) что;

whether – если

unless – если … не;

Большинство альтернатив союзу if употребляются гораздо реже (так, whether используется в английском языке в четыре раза реже, чем if), a также носят более формальный характер и встречаются чаще в письменной речи.

Conditionals (придаточные условные предложения) часто

используются при проведении деловых переговоров.

B. Exercises

1. Combine phrases from columns A to B to make conditional sentences

(Type 1). For example, If you pay in dollars, we’ll deliver within seven

days. More than one answer may be possible in each case.



1 pay in euros

2 order today

3 finish everything tonight

4 deliver by end of the month

5 give us one-year guarantee

6 exceed the sales target

7 pay all the advertising costs

8 sign the contract now

a) pay you a higher commission

b) offer you a special discount

c) reduce the price

d) give you a bonus

e) pay all the transport costs

f) give you a 5% discount

g) deliver within a week

h) give you the day off tomorrow

2. Open the brackets using the first conditional. Translate the sentences

into Russian.

1. If the meeting (to finish) late, I (to spend) the night in London.

2. If sales (to go) well this year, we (to increase) our profits.

3. We (not to be able) to compete if we (not to modernize) our production


4. I (to feel) very disappointed if I (not to get) promotion this year.

5. They (to pay) him if he (to finish) his work.

6. They (to pay) him unless he (to finish) his work.

7. Unless they (to start) working harder, they (to lose) again.

8. If you (to ring) 0800756, they (to give) you some more information.

3. Combine phrases from columns A to B to make conditional sentences

( Type 2).



1 They would be disappointed

2 He would be a better manager

3 We could expand more rapidly

4 I would be grateful

5 Many people would be out of work

6 I wouldn’t argue

7 I would take the job

a) if I were you

b) if I was offered it

c) if we broke off the negotiations

d) if he focused on the issues, not

on personalities

e) if we had the finance

f) if this factory closed down

g) if you helped me with this problem

4. Open the brackets using the second conditional. Translate the

sentences into Russian.

1. If he (to have) more spare time, he (to help) us.

2. If the General Manager (to be) here, he (to answer) your questions.

3, If our boss (to possess) more vision, skill, and determination, he (to lead)

the organization to success.

4. Unless they (to offer) more, I (not to accept) the job.

5. What you (to do) if you (to be) in his place?

6. Just imagine what the company (to be) like if we (not to have) the


7. Who you (to ask) if you (not to know) how to do it?

8. If I (to be) you, I (to use) polite language at all times.

5. Discuss the following questions in pairs:

What would you do if :

1 you saw two colleagues having an argument? I wouldn’t get involved.

2 a colleague criticized you?

3 you saw a colleague stealing something?

4 your boss never listened to your ideas?

5 your boss asked you to work till midnight?

6. Combine phrases from columns A to B to make conditional sentences

(Type III).



1 Her presentation would have been


2 He would have never solved the


3 Nothing would have happened

4 Jack would have finished his work

last week

5 We wouldn’t have wasted so much

time yesterday

6 We could have signed the contract


7 I wouldn’t havecancelled the


a) if everybody had come in time

b) if I hadn’t fallen ill

c) if all the documents had been in


d) if she had been more prepared

e) if it hadn’t been for his experience

and skill

f) if you had followed the


g) if it hadn’t been so difficult

7. Open the brackets using the third conditional. Translate the

sentences into Russian.

1. If we (to know) that the company was in financial difficulty, we (not to do)

business with them.

2. They (to go) out of business years ago if they (not to invest) in new


3. If Japanese businesses (not to adopt) TQM, the country (not to achieve)

such a resounding success in economy.

4. If we (to have) the right figures, we (can) avoid a costly error.

5. If we (to follow) his advice, we (can) lose a great deal of money.

6. The secretary (to send) the telex yesterday if the manager (to ask) her to

do it.

7. If Jane (not to forget) to wind up her watch, she (not to be late) for the


8. We (to go) to a concert yesterday unless we (to be) so busy.




“Marketing is everything and everything is marketing”.

(A popular English joke)

A. Marketing Defined

You probably already know quite a bit about marketing. People have been trying to sell you things for years, and you’ve learned something about their techniques – contests, advertisements, tantalizing displays of merchandise, price markdowns, and product giveaways. However, marketing involves much more than a fancy display of merchandise, a clever commercial, or a special contest. In fact, it takes a lot of planning and execution to develop a new product, set its price, get it into stores, and convince people to buy it.

The same is true for services as well. Suppose you’re going to open a restaurant. Think about all the planning and decisions you’ll have to make. How many items will you have on your menu? How will they be priced? Where will you locate? How will you get customers? What if another restaurant opens next door? These are a few of the many marketing decisions that companies must make in order to be successful. In fact, marketing is really an orderly and insightful process of thinking and planning for markets. It involves understanding customers and their buying behaviors, analyzing the external forces that affect businesses, developing the best product, finding the most effective way to sell it, creating consumer awareness, and outsmarting competitors. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. Notice that marketing involves an exchange between two parties – the buyer and the selling organization – both of whom obtain satisfaction from the transaction. This definition suggests that marketing plays an important role in society by helping people satisfy their needs and wants and by helping organizations determine what to produce.

If you set out to handle all a firm’s marketing functions, you would be very busy indeed. In smaller companies, it’s quite common for only one or two people to be responsible for all the marketing decisions. In larger organizations, however, the trend today is to involve cross-departmental teams of specialists from research to production to advertising – and even include customers – in strategic marketing planning. As David Packard of Hewlett-Packard put it: “Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.”

Successful marketing rarely happens without careful planning. Strategic marketing planning is a process that involves evaluating your current marketing situation, analyzing your opportunities, setting your objectives, and then developing a marketing strategy to reach those goals.

Exhibit 4.1. The Strategic Marketing Planning Process




Current Marketing


* Review past / current


* Evaluate competition

* Examine internal


and weaknesses

* Analyze external


Opportunities and


* Assess your opportunities

* Set your objectives

Marketing Strategy

* Segment your market

* Choose your target


* Position your product

* Develop your marketing


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