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20. What are md and ms degrees in Great Britain? What right do medical students get obtaining the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery?

After passing the finals the students are given the B.M. and B.S. degrees. The degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery give the right for the registration as a general practitioner. Besides these degrees they have the degree of Doctor of Medicine (D.M.) . This degree is a postgraduate qualification obtained by writing a thesis based on the original work. It is not required for practice. Such degree in surgery is termed a Mastership (M.S.).

The Human Body

21. What parts does the face consist of?

The front part of the head is the face. Its upper part is composed of the forehead and the temples. The two sides of the lower face are called the cheeks. The two jaws (upper and lower) form the framework of the mouth. The lower jaw also gives shape to the chin. The oral cavity contains the tongue and the teeth, the necks of which are enveloped into the gums. The two margins of the mouth are the lips. The organs of the special senses in the face are the eyes and the nose. The eye is set in a bony socket called the orbit. The eyes are protected by the eyelashes and the eyebrows. The ear includes three principal parts: the external and the middle ear and the internal ear. The nose which we use for smelling, breathing and sneezing has two openings called nostrils.

22. What are the principal organs in the chest and abdominal cavity?

The trunk consists of the chest, the abdomen and the back. The upper cavity, the chest (thorax), contains the heart and lungs. In the lower cavity, the abdomen, there are the kidneys, the stomach, the liver, the gall bladder, the spleen, the urinary bladder and the intestines or bowels.

23. What are the upper and lower extremities divided into?

The upper extremity is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. Between the upper arm and the forearm there is the elbow. The joint between the forearm and the hand is called the wrist. Each hand has four fingers and one thumb. At the tips of the fingers there are the fingernails. The parts of the lower extremity are the thigh, the lower leg and the foot. The back of the lower leg is called the calf. Between the thigh and the lower leg there is the knee joint. The joints between the lower legs and the feet are the ankles. The foot consists of the heel, the sole and the t

24. What are the principal parts of the skeleton?

The skeleton is the bony framework of the body supporting the soft tissues and protecting the vital organs within the skull, rib cage and pelvis.

The 206 bones that comprise the adult human skeleton are usually divided for the purpose of study into two parts: the central axial skeleton, consisting of the bones of the skull, rib cage and the vertebral column, and the appendicular skeleton, consisting of the bones of th shoulders, arms, hips and legs. The axial skeleton is designed primarily for the support and protection and therefore is quite rigid although the flexibility of the vertebral column allows it a certain degree of movement.

25. Name the systems of the body and their functions.

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