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Phonetics book.doc
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Прочитайте слова по транскрипции.

sing [siŋ]

ring [riŋ]

ding [diŋ]

song [soŋ]

king [kiŋ]

long [loŋ]

thing [θiŋ]

ping-pong [piŋ poŋ]

wrong [roŋ]

gong [goŋ]

bang [bæŋ]

wing [wiŋ]

[n - ŋ - ŋk]

in – ing – ink [in – iŋ - iŋk]

sin – sing – sink [sin – siŋ - siŋk]

thin – thing – think [θin – θiŋ - θiŋk]

win – wing – wink [win – wiŋ - wiŋk]

Упражнение № 79.*

Прослушайте пословицы. Найдите для каждой из них подходящий русский эквивалент.

  1. Seeing is believing

  2. Saying and doing are different things

  3. A creaking door hangs long on the hinges

[ŋk] [ŋg]

  1. First think, then speak

  2. As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks

  3. Hunger is the best sauce

[n] [ŋ]

  1. No living man all things can

  2. Better die standing than live knelling

  3. Among the blind, the one eyed man is king

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Сочетание согласного с [w]

В английском языке согласные звуки перед [w] изменяют свое качество.

Упражнение №80.

Прочтите следующие слова по транскрипции, обращая внимание на сочетание согласного с последующим [w].

twelve [twelv]

twenty [twenti]

twice [twais]

quick [kwik]

swim [swim]

dwarf [dwo:f]

dwell [dwel]

twins [twinz]

Упражнение № 81.*

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  1. No sweet without sweat

  2. He gives twice who gives quickly

  3. Between and betwixt

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Правила чтения:

[зυ] – в 1 типе слога nose


[o] – во 2 типе слога pot, got, lot

Исключения: both [bзυθ] don’t [dзυnt] won’t [wзυnt]

[o:] – в 3 типе слога: port, fork

o – [ʌ] – перед m, n, l, v, th: come, comfort, won, London, colour, glove, cover, mother, brother

[o:] – перед r board, roar.


[зυ] – в остальных случаях coat, boat

Исключения: broad [bro:d]

ll small, call, исключение: shall [∫æl]

a+lk [o:] - talk, stalk (буква l не читается)

l + согласная – bald,false

o – [зυ] – перед ld – old, cold

ng – [ŋ] – на конце слова – sing, long

kn – [n] – know, knit, knight ( буква k не читается)

Упражнение № 82.

Отработайте чтение следующих слов.

all, talk, won fall, also, coat, chalk, come, knitting, gold, sold, company salt board oar brother wall road, open both cold cock got oak not boat small, car, box, star, mother, comfort, walk, ball, bring, wing, morning, singing, thinking, forth, north dog, god, smog, nose, rose, order, dove, don’t, glove, long.

Обобщающее упражнение.

Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов и прочитайте их, объясняя правила:

none, rose, road, fold, pork, knife, false, knee, wing, nothing, among, month, woke, vote, bold, no, port, pot, lot, know, cord, quick, link, sport, sort, pink ink knock, son, love knit, rather, sitting, swim, both, blank, some, above, ring, balk, dome, spoke, slot, doll, off, twinkle, green.

Интонационное упражнение.

Прочтите текст, обращая внимание на интонацию.


Every morning we like to begin our day with a cup of tea at breakiast-time. We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe did not know anything about tea.

Some people had heard about tea, but very few of them knew what to do with it.

There is a story about an English aailor who went to coutries in the east, the west and the south. He was in India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a “tea party”. When her friends came to a “tea party”, the old woman brought in a large plate and put it in the middle of the table. There were a lot of brown tea-leaves on it. The old woman’s friends began to eat them. Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves.

At that time the sailor came in. he looked at the table and said, “Mother, what did yiu do with the tea?”

“I boiled it, as you said.”

“And what did you do with the water?”

“I threw it away, of course,” answered the old woman.

“Now you may throw away the leaves, too,” said her son.

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