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60  Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis

of intense interest. The 85th complex is a group of three major extracellular Ags of MTB encoded by separate genes and secreted by actively proliferating MTB cultures.165169 Two of these Ags, 85A and 85B, bind to fibronectin and are of molecular weights 30–32 kDa. Ag 85B is identical to a previously recognized MTB Ag termed Ag 6, or the α-Ag,170 the gene of which has been cloned by Matsuo et al.171 This protein, which will be designated 30 kDa here, contains specific and cross-reactive determinants, stimulates blastogenesis and IFN-γ production by T cells from healthy donors, and elicits DTH in sensitized guinea pigs. Immunization with 85th complex proteins confers protection against respiratory challenge with MTB in guinea pigs.172 Also T-cell responses to the 30 and 32 kDa Ags are preserved in tuberculin reactors, but not in patients with active TB.173 It is possible that the 30 kDa Ag is involved in virulence174 and/or immunosuppressive circuits.47 The 30 kDa α-Ag recently has been identified as MTB mycolyl transferase.175

Cytokines in resistance to MTB and immunopathology of TB

MTB and its components are potent inducers of cytokine production by monocytes/macrophages. Initial studies have shown that PPD directly stimulates monocytes to produce IL-1,176 TNF-α,44 IL-2R,177 and TGF-β.178 Also, purified proteins of MTB culture filtrate, such as the 58 kDa Ag (identified as MTB glutamine synthetase179,180), are potent inducers of TNF-α. Binding of fibronectin by the 30 kDa Ag enhances cytokine production by monocytes174 and, therefore, the interaction of MTB and the host may lead to further in situ amplification of cytokines. Furthermore, the 30 kDa Ag induces both IL-1047 and TGF-β.46 MTB and its cell wall component, LAM, also induce TGF-β.27 Therefore, it appears that the cytokine milieu of the tuberculous lesion, containing mycobacteria and its constituents, may be particularly biased to excess expression of TGF-β. In fact, immunoreactive TGF-β was present both in Langhans’ giant cells and epithelioid cells of tuberculous granulomas of patients with untreated TB.181


Rook first suggested in 1983 that the secretory products of mononuclear phagocytes may induce the characteristic symptoms (fever and weight loss) and tissue necrosis of TB.182 Although TNF-α is the most likely candidate, other cytokines such as TGF-β have also been associated with cachexia.183 Although both TGF-β and TNF-α may be involved in tissue damage, the stimulation of collagenase production by fibroblasts, activation of endothelial cells by TNF-α, and inhibition of endothelial growth by TGF-β have been reported. Additionally, TGF-β promotes fibrosis,184 and excess TGF-β has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases associated with fibrosis.185

TNF-α may have beneficial as well as detrimental effects. TNF-α leads to the inhibition of growth of M. avium in human monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages. TNF-α activates macrophages through the enhancement of both ROI and RNI.186 Bermudez et al. have demonstrated that injection of TNF-α with or without IL-2 inhibits the growth of M. avium complex in vivo.187

The role of TNF-α, however, in the intracellular growth containment of MTB by mononuclear phagocytes is not totally clear. The combination of IFN-γ, calcitriol, and TNF-α, however, decreased the growth of MTB in blood monocytes.188 TNF-α is an important mediator of growth inhibition of MTB by human alveolar macrophages.42 Together with the heightened production of TNF-α,45 and the limitation of production of the macrophage-deactivating cytokine, TGF-β,189 alveolar macrophages may be poised to inhibit initial MTB growth. Because IFN-γ enhances the production and effects of TNF-α, the MTB growth inhibitory effect of TNF-α may be even greater after the development of CMI. By contrast, pretreatment of human blood monocytes with TGF-β increases intracellular mycobacterial growth. As noted, MTB induces TGF- β, and through autoinduction, TGF-β may amplify its own production at the sites of MTB infection.46

In addition, the local synthesis of TNF-α correlates with granuloma formation in mice infected with BCG, and injection of the anti-TNF-α antibody has been shown to decrease the number and size of granulomas and the development of epithelioid cells, allowing for massive replication of BCG.190 Granuloma formation is critical to the containment of mycobacteria. The effect of TGF-β on the formation of granulomas presently is not known. However, because TGF-β inhibits the production of a number of chemokines, its effect may be one of altering the cellularity of granulomas. Overall, the balance of production of deactivating and activating cytokines as well as other products of the cellular constituents of granulomas likely contributes to the fate of infecting mycobacteria within them and ultimately to the expression of disease.


Murine peritoneal macrophages respond to IFN-γ by increasing their control of the replication of MTB.191,192 Murine bone marrow macrophages also are activated by IFN-γ for increased containment of MTB, but the response to IFN-γ is specific to the strain of MTB used; some are more affected than others. In contrast to these animal studies, Douvas et al. have reported that IFN-γ does not activate growth containment of MTB in human blood mono- cyte-derived macrophages and, in fact, enhances MTB growth.193 Rook et al., however, have found that although IFN-γ has little effect on MTB growth inhibition in human blood monocytes, it enhances MTB growth inhibition by monocyte-derived macrophages.194 We found a modest effect of IFN-γ on MTB growth inhibition by human monocytes.195 The mechanism by which IFN-γ exerts its macrophage activation is partly through the induction of the enzymes necessary for conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 to the active metabolite of vitamin D, i.e., 1,25-dihydroxyvi- tamin D3.188 This metabolite in turn induces the differentiation of monocytes into macrophages with increased capacity to contain MTB growth. In addition, IFN-γ induces the production of RNIs which have been found to be bactericidal against MTB.57 Bermudez has shown that TGF-β produced by monocytes upon ingestion of M. avium blocks the activity of IFN-γ.196 This effect of TGF-β may in part be secondary to inhibition of the expression of IFN-γ receptors or the IFN-γ response. In MTB-infected human monocytes, the modest growth inhibition by TNF-α and

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Acquired resistance to MTB  61

IFN-γ were mitigated by TGF-β.195 In addition, neutralization of TGF-β activity enhanced MTB growth containment.197 Inhibition of iNOS and, thereby, reduced production of NO, may in part be the basis for macrophage deactivation by TGF-β.198 In addition, TGF-β inhibits the production of IFN-γ by T cells in response to MTB and other stimuli.199 This effect occurs in part by counteracting the TH-1 promoting cytokine, IL-12, which is necessary for induction of IFN-γ expression.

Infection of macrophages by MTB leads to either apoptosis (decreased viability and enhanced immunity) or necrotic cell death (spread of infection) which in turn determines the outcome of infection. The type of cell death is regulated by eicosanoid lipid mediators, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2, proapoptotic) and lipoxin A4 (LXA4, pronecrotic); the latter being induced by the more virulent mycobacterial strains.200 Arachidonic acid derivatives leukotrienes, PGE2, and lipoxin A4 (LXA4) have opposing roles in mycobacterial immunity. PGE2 induces macrophage apoptosis and restricts MTB growth in macrophages whereas LXA4 ablates the protective effect of PGE2 in the macrophage leading to necrosis. Mayer-Barber et al. recently outlined the role of IL-1-induced eicosanoids in the counter regulation of type 1 IFNs in mice. Inability to produce IL-1 and/or excess production of type 1 IFNs has been attributed to an eicosanoid imbalance (decreased prostaglandins and increase leukotrienes) that correlates with severe pathology and tissue necrosis.201 PGE2 expression is enhanced by IL-1β but reduced by type 1 IFN, a potent inhibitor of IL-1β. In addition, IL-10 also leads to reduced PGE2 as IL-10 promotes type 1 IFN production. Thus, in the presence of IL-10 and type 1 IFN, IL-1β expression is abrogated and consequently PGE2 levels decrease. This results in macrophage necrosis and increased growth of MTB. Together these findings demonstrate that the balance of cytokines mediating macrophage resistance against MTB can be modulated by the levels of type 1 IFNs.

Studies assessing host-directed therapies targeting eicosanoids to enhance host immunity and limit long term sequelae of TB disease are therefore warranted.

Class II-restricted cytotoxicity—Role in protection and immunopathology

As noted, cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) appear during the course of experimental MTB infections.135 Most of the support for CTL as an effector mechanism in MTB is based on in vitro studies. Blood T lymphocytes from MTB or Mycobacterium leprae-infected individuals are cytotoxic for monocytes pulsed with mycobacterial Ags. The cytotoxicity was found to be a property of CD4T cells. Recently, Boom et al. demonstrated that CD4 T-cell clones from PPD-reactive individuals were cytotoxic to mycobacterial Ag-pulsed or MTB-infected monocytes.202 The cytotoxicity was independent of the profile of cytokines released by these clones (IL-2 vs. IL-4) and was a common property of these T-cell clones.

CD4 blood lymphocytes and clones from BCG-vaccinated subjects have been shown to be cytotoxic to mycobacterial-Ag- pulsed monocytes.203 Interestingly, the cytotoxic CD4 clones also suppressed proliferation of BCG-specific T-cell clones in response to BCG. Whether the suppression of T-cell responses was a consequence of cytotoxicity for Ag-presenting cells or direct

suppression of T-cell responses was not resolved by this study. Macrophages that have ingested MTB or have been pulsed with soluble products such as PPD are targets of the CTL response.160,203 Recent studies have indicated that human alveolar lymphocytes that were expanded in vitro by IL-2 and PPD performed well both in class I- and class II-mediated cytotoxicity against MTB-pulsed target cells.

Most investigators have speculated that the cytotoxicity mediated by CD4 cells may be a default mechanism by which MTB is released from overburdened and, therefore, dysfunctional effector cells. Presumably, once the organisms are released, they will be ingested and killed by fresh monocytes drawn to the fray. Alternatively, CTL, by lysing host cells, must be considered a factor in immunopathology. Clearly, additional in vivo studies in experimental animals will be necessary to resolve the relative importance of these two diverse sequelae of CTL.

Role of humoral immunity against MTB

Although animal and human studies continue to define the role of CMI in TB,204 emerging evidence also suggests a significant role of B-cell and humoral immunity in host response to MTB.205 Seibert and colleagues were the first to study antibody responses to MTB proteins and polysaccharides (LAM) following BCG vaccination in rabbits. They showed that antibody responses to MTB polysaccharides in addition to MTB proteins conferred more protection against TB disease as compared to rabbits who developed antibodies to MTB proteins alone. Likewise, inability to mount an antibody response following immunization to MTB polysaccharides was also associated with more extensive disease and higher mortality in rabbits.206 Inadequate B-cell function and humoral host immune responses have been similarly associated with increased susceptibility to TB by multiple studies in humans, including children and HIV-infected individuals.207 Demonstration of the benefits in survival, CFU reduction, Ag clearance, and mycobacterial dissemination in mice after administration of monoclonal antibodies against mycobacterial polysaccharides such as arabinomannan and LAM and mycobacterial proteins such as 16 kDa α-Acr, MPB83, and heparin binding hemagglutinin further solidifies the notion that humoral immunity has an important role in protection against MTB.205,206

Antibody-mediated protection against MTB occurs through several mechanisms. Intracellular killing after antibody mediated opsonization due to phagolysosomal fusion, increased macrophage Ca+ signaling, and enhanced oxidative burst has been demonstrated.205,207 Additionally through TH1 activation, cyto- kine-driven immunomodulation, complement activation, and direct antimycobacterial activity, it is very likely that humoral immunity hugely contributes to MTB host responses.207,208

Mouse,209 non-human primate (NHP), and human studies210212 show that B cells and Ab regulate anti-TB immunity. Notably, serum IgG from subjects with latent TB (LTBI) is superior to that from those with active disease in mediating macrophage anti-TB functions in vitro.211 Monoclonal and serum-purified IgA derived from LTBI subjects inhibit MTB infection in epithelial cells, whereas monoclonal IgG from patients with active TB promotes

62  Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis

infection of these cells.212 Sera from healthcare workers that remain uninfected despite prolonged TB exposure protect against MTB in an Ab-dependent manner, suggesting innate resistance mediated via natural Ab may play a role in TB control,210 a notion supported by our finding that blood and/or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of uninfected mice, NHP, and humans harbor Ig (IgM/IgG), that recognize MTB Ags including carbohydrates. These data implicate IgM, IgG, IgA, and natural Ab in regulating immune responses to MTB to modulate protection and/or influence disease and infection outcomes. B cells and Ig are required for (i) optimal granulomatous response and protection against MTB,209 modulating lung neutrophil infiltration, IL-10 production, and immunopathology; (ii) activating Fcγ receptor (FcγR)- deficient mice are more susceptible to MTB, and those lacking the inhibitory FcγRIIB, more resistant,209 suggesting that Ig can regulate anti-TB immunity by engaging FcγR on Ag-presenting cells with Ag–Ab complexes; (iii) B cells are required for optimal BCG-elicited Th1 response,209 which, together with ability of B cells to modulate T-cell memory,209 suggest a role for B cells in vaccine-engendered protection against MTB.

Although the extent of protection provided by B-cells and humoral immunity against MTB is yet to be ascertained, it is becoming increasingly clear that TB vaccines that can additionally induce antibody-mediated host response will likely be more effective.

The microbiome

There is growing appreciation that the gut microbiota can extend its influence to distal sites. A direct link to the microbiota was established when introduction of a species of gut-residing filamentous bacteria resulted in the generation of Th17 cells and rapid induction of autoimmune arthritis.213 Gut dysbiosis has been shown to enhance systemic release of PGE2 and subsequent development and accumulation of M2 Macs in the lung. The beneficial effects of undigested dietary fiber and its fermentation products, especially short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are now well documented.214 SCFAs, notably acetate, propionate, and butyrate regulate cellular B cell antibody responses and T-cell effector functions.214 Indole-3-propionic acid, a metabolite produced by Clostridium sporogenes and other gut commensals, has recently been shown to exhibit anti-mycobacterial activity.215 However, another study found that anaerobic specifically SCFAs potentially increased TB susceptibility by blocking IFN-γ and IL-17A production via induction of regulatory T cell (Treg) expansion.216 These studies underscore the power of the gut microbiota-released metabolites in influencing disease outcome at distal sites.



From 17% to 25% of patients with active TB are unresponsive to PPD skin tests.217219 In a more recent population study in which TB was newly introduced into the community, the prevalence of TB morbidity and mortality were high, and tuberculin anergy

was present in as much as 50% of patients.220 These data indicate that the expression of anergy in a population may depend upon the length of time that they are exposed to TB. In patients with pulmonary TB, tuberculin anergy correlates with the activity of TB; patients with far-advanced disease have a higher frequency of tuberculin anergy. Tuberculin anergy correlates with measurements of in vitro T-cell responses (see “T-cell Responses”).

T-Cell responses

In vitro blastogenic responses of blood T cells to PPD are absent in approximately 40% of patients with active TB, including most skin test-nonreactors and some reactors.221225 Hyporesponsiveness to mycobacterial Ags has been described in various geographic areas and, therefore, seems to be relatively constant regardless of prior immunization with BCG. Several studies have indicated that the responses to nonmycobacterial Ags and mitogens are intact, so that depression of tuberculin reactivity is relatively specific.221–224,226,236,312 The basis for the lower mononuclear cell responsiveness during TB is due to functional suppression of T-cell production of the TH-1 cytokine, IL-2, and the expression of IL-2 receptors.225,228 However, the relative number of the main T-cell subpopulations, namely CD4 and CD8 cells, are unaltered.222,228 Moreover, the frequency of PPD-reactive T cells is not significantly lower than that of healthy skin test-reactive subjects.229 In a recent study, both blastogenesis and IFN-γ production by blood mononuclear cells were decreased, but improved during treatment.230 Importantly, suppression of MTB-induced IFN-γ production also appears to correlate with the extent of pulmonary TB.231 Rakotosamimanana et al. recently showed that “modern” mycobacterial strains such as Beijing and Central Asia strains tend to induce lower levels of IFN-γ production from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) compared to the “ancient” strains such as East African-Indian strains in index TB cases and their household contacts.232 Similarly, multidrug-resistant TB patients show significantly less IFN-γ production and dysregulated IL-10, IL-8, and IL-12 levels compared to drug sensitive TB strains.233 These concerning findings are likely suggestive of adaptation and evolution in the more pathological strains.

Frequencies of MTB-specific IFN-γ+CD4+ T cells that expressed immune activation markers CD38 and HLA-DR as well as intracellular proliferation marker Ki-67 were substantially higher in subjects with active TB (ATB) compared to those with LTBI.234 Further, there are higher frequencies of MTB-specific caspase-3+IFN-γ+CD4+ T cells in ATB compared to LTBI.235 Caspase-3 is expressed by CD4 T-cells downstream of anti-CD3 mediated TCR activation and modulates apoptosis during bacterial infection. Caspase-3+IFN-γ+CD4+ T cells were also more activated compared to their caspase-3-negative counterparts.187 Furthermore, the frequencies of caspase-3+IFN-γ+CD4+ T cells decreased in response to anti-TB treatment.

A lack of correction of low T-cell responses by IL-2, which has been observed in two of three studies,225,231,236 may reflect low lymphocyte IL-2R expression.225 However, the possibility of interference with the interaction of IL-2 and IL-2R by another mediator has been sought (see subsection “Suppression by Monocytes and Regulatory T-cells”). In parallel to the dysregulation of IL-2 and

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Immune responses in human TB  63

its receptor, other studies have shown that patients with TB have a defect in the production of IFN-γ to different Ags of MTB.231235,237 239 Overall, the results of these in vitro experiments indicate that CD4T cells from patients with TB are limited in their expression of the TH-1 cytokines, IL-2, and IFN-γ, in response to MTB Ags.

Evidence for involvement of TH-2 cytokines derives from studies of protozoal infections and leprosy.240,241 The TH-2 cytokines, IL-4 and IL-10, are cross-modulatory in that they limit TH-1 responses and increase antibody production.242 Both of these cytokines have been shown to have macrophage-deactivat- ing effects.243,244 An increase in the frequency of IL-4 producing T cells in TB has been shown.245 However, no correlation to low blastogenesis or IFN-γ production in response to mycobacterial Ags was found. Hirsch et al. also showed that stimulation of PBMCs with PPD or 30 kDa α-Ag induced higher secretion of TGF-β but not TNF-α or IL-10 in TB patients compared to PPD reactive household contacts.

Suppression by monocytes and regulatory T-cells

A predominant role for blood monocytes in the suppression of T-cell responses has been indicated by several studies examining immune responses of patients with TB. Depletion of adherent monocytes from PBMCs of patients caused enhanced T-cell blastogenesis,221 and production of IL-2225 and IFN-γ.246 Conversely, small numbers of monocytes (2% of T cells) added back to T-cell cultures have been shown to suppress T-cell production of IL-2.224 Blood monocytosis is a well-documented feature of active TB. DNA-labeling studies indicate that monocytes from patients appear to be less mature than those of healthy subjects.247 Furthermore, monocytes from tuberculous subjects display stigmata of in vivo activation as they spontaneously express IL-2R mRNA, display surface IL-2R, and release IL-2R upon in vitro culture.176 We have shown that in freshly obtained mononuclear cells from patients with active TB, NF-κB) is already activated.248 The cytokine profile of monocytes from patients with TB is also consistent with the notion that these cells are activated in vivo. When compared to monocytes of healthy subjects, production of the proinflammatory cytokines, TNF-α,91 IL-1,34 and IL-660 are enhanced by tuberculous monocytes upon in vitro stimulation with PPD or lipopolysaccharide. As noted, expression of IL-2R is similarly increased.176 The presence of NF-κB-binding motifs in the promoters of these molecules links their transcriptional upregulation with the activation of NF-κB.

The mechanisms by which monocytes suppress T-cell responses in TB have been partially clarified. As noted, monocytes from TB patients express low numbers of IL-2R and shed IL-2R upon in vitro culture. When cultured with exogenous IL-2, monocytes from patients remove IL-2 from supernatants.176 However, consumption of IL-2 by monocytes is not sufficient to explain lowered T-cell responses.225 Other studies have indicated that upon isolation, monocytes from TB patients with active pulmonary TB contain immunoreactive TGF-β, and that the concentration of TGF-β in cultures of unstimulated and MTB-stimulated monocytes from TB patients is higher than that in PPD skin test-reactive healthy subjects.181 Importantly, neutralization of TGF-β enhanced both

T-cell blastogenesis and production of IFN-γ in response to PPD in mononuclear cells of TB patients. Overall, excess production of TGF-β by monocytes may be central to low in vitro T-cell responses during TB. However, cytotoxic CD4 lymphocytes160 and Fcγ-receptor-positive T cells222 may also contribute to the suppression of T-cell responses during TB.

A critical and as yet unanswered question is the significance of the suppression of T-cell responses to mycobacterial Ags in patients with TB. Depressed T-cell responses may be a factor in the pathogenesis of reactivation TB. Alternatively, depressed T-cell responses may be an associated feature of active TB. Also, the relationship between suppressed responses in the blood and regulation of the immune response locally at the site of infection must be addressed.

Maintaining an efficacious anti-TB Th1 T effector (Teff) response is dependent on counter-regulation by an additional subset of CD4+ T cells, termed natural regulatory T cells (Tregs). Treg cells are commonly identified by constitutive expression of CD25 (IL-2 receptor), FoxP3 (transcription factor), and reduced expression of CD127 (IL-7 receptor) and are responsible for suppressing Teff cell proliferation and cytokine expression.226 The main suppressive mediators expressed by Tregs are IL-10 and TGF-β. Tregs are recognized as important in regulating inflammation. Treg have been reported to be increased in number and suppressive of MTBstimulated production of IFN-γ227 but this has not been a consistent finding. Blocking studies that a subpopulation expanded in TB, HLA-DR+ Teff are compromised to Treg-mediated suppression mediated through the β-chemokine receptor CCR5 as well as through the negative regulatory molecule, PD-L1.249 Both CCR5 and PD-L1 are reported to promote Treg suppression. HLA-DR+ Teff express higher levels of Th1/Th17 cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-17, and IL-22) that negatively regulate Tregs.

Regulation by monocyte-stimulatory Ags

The basis for the Ag specificity of suppression in TB has been studied intensively. As noted, PPD is a direct stimulus for monocytes to produce IL-1,171 TNF-α,44 IL-2R,177 and TGF-β.175 As noted, both the polysaccharide, LAM, and protein mycobacterial products also have the capacity to stimulate the production of TGF-β by monocytes.46 The 30 kDa α-Ag of MTB also has the capacity to stimulate the expression of TNF-α, TGF-β, and IL-10 by monocytes. Thus, the intense interaction of MTB with mononuclear phagocytes may create a cytokine milieu that is conducive to immunoprotection during latent MTB infection, and one of the immunosuppressions during active TB. The direct stimulatory properties of MTB components with the host mononuclear phagocytes most likely underlie the extensive tissue damage in TB.

Immunopathogenesis of TB: bronchoalveolar lavage cells

Studies indicate that alveolar cells and their functions reflect the pattern of activity found in the interstitium. A fundamental observation is that the cells from the lung do not represent

64  Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis

the cells from the blood either phenotypically or functionally. Initially, Lenzini et al. analyzed the cellular pattern in the BALF of several patients with various lung diseases.250 One patient with acute TB had 53% lymphocytes and 45% alveolar macrophages (normal 6% to 10% lymphocytes, 90% to 95% macrophages). In another patient with chronic TB, there were 20% lymphocytes and 80% macrophages. Recent studies also have demonstrated a lymphocytic alveolitis.251256 Schwander et al. have demonstrated an alveolitis in TB-involved BAC, characterized by an abundance of immature macrophages (20%–25%) and alveolar lymphocytes. However, the presence of memory (CD45RO+) alveolar lymphocytes and their state of activation were similar.256

Schwander et al. have found that BAC from TB patients have enhanced blastogenic responses to PPD, the 30 kDa Ag, and LAM, and an increased PPD-induced frequency of IFN-γ producing cells.257 The frequency of IL-4- and IL-10-producing cells were not expanded. Others have reported an enhanced production of IFN-γ and IL-12 by BAC of TB patients.258

There has been an explosion of new information derived from studies of the transcriptome.259,260 TNF-α, IFN-γ, and the Th1 axis appear to be important in protective immunity in mice and humans. During active TB, the dominant signature is that of IFNinducible genes, complement-related genes, myeloid function, and inflammation. By contrast, B and T-cell signals are decreased.261 The neutrophils and monocytes are the principal sources of type 1 IFNs. Furthermore, in TB, overexpression of IFN response genes, including STAT1, IFITs, GBPs, MX1, OAS1, IRF1, and other genes, were also detected early in TB contacts who progressed to active disease. In vitro studies have shown that distinct mycobacterial molecules and signaling pathways are involved in the induction of this family of type 1 IFNs during MTB infections. High levels of type 1 IFN are preferentially induced by virulent strains because of the mycobacterial virulence factor ESX-1 protein secretion system. Several mechanisms underlying the pathogenic role of type 1 IFN in TB have been described, including induction of IL-10 and negative regulation of the IL-12/IFN-γ and IL-1β/PGE2 hostprotective responses. However, there is also evidence that type 1 IFN may play a protective role in certain contexts. Although high levels of type 1 IFN have negative effects during the course of MTB infection, tonic I IFN signaling or low levels of type 1 IFN in the context of low mycobacterial loads may in turn have positive effects by priming host-protective responses.


TB in HIV infection

HIV is the greatest known risk both for reactivation of latent MTB infection262,263 and for the development of primary TB upon exposure to infectious persons.263 However, the main impact of HIV on TB has occurred in developing countries where the prevalence of both MTB and HIV infection is high. The range of the median CD4 count at the time of diagnosis of TB varies widely,264 and includes both normal and low CD4 counts. In the US, TB occurs relatively early in HIV infection; in 50%–67% of cases, it occurs at a mean of 6–9 months before another acquired immunodeficiency

syndrome (AIDS)-defining condition.265 The early onset of TB in HIV-infected individuals underscores the virulence of MTB, and suggests a strict requirement for a fully competent cell-mediated immune response for protection against MTB. HIV infection increases the likelihood of a negative TST in MTB-infected people,266 which correlates with the number of CD4 cells.

Although anergy is common in HIV infection, HIV-infected patients with TB often have a positive cutaneous DTH response to PPD. Over two-thirds of HIV-infected patients with active TB who do not have other AIDS-defining conditions are tuberculin reactive, whereas only one-third is tuberculin reactive once another AIDS-defining condition has developed.267 MTB-induced T-cell proliferation and cytokine production (IFN-γ and TNF-α) have been shown to be increased in symptomatic and asymptomatic TST-positive HIV-infected TB women who were studied as part of a mother–infant cohort.268 These data support the concept that T-cell responses to MTB are boosted by active TB even in the presence of HIV-related immunosuppression. However, more subtle defects in CMI may be sufficient to increase susceptibility to TB. Also, defects in native resistance may account for some of the increase in predisposition to TB. The known abnormalities in T cell and mononuclear phagocyte function in HIV infection may provide clues.

Immunosuppression makes the diagnosis of TB in persons living with HIV challenging. Several biosignatures that can accurately detect active TB from other lung diseases in HIV-infected individuals have now been identified.269273 Differential gene expression of activating Fcγ receptor (FcGR1A) is of particular interest as it has been shown to successfully distinguish active TB from latent TB regardless of HIV status or genetic background.274 Gene expression of BATF2 has also been shown to have a highnegative predictive value in diagnosing active TB-coinfected individuals.275 In fact, recently Verma et al. have shown that gene expression of FcGR1A and BATF2 in addition to plasma protein levels of IFN-γ and CXCL10 have the potential to identify active TB even in advanced HIV patients with a CD4 count of <100 cells/µL).276

TB-associated immune reconstitution syndrome (TB-IRIS) in HIV patients initiated on anti-retroviral therapy (ART) can occur due to paradoxical worsening of TB features or due to unmasking of TB infection and is characterized by an exaggerated inflammatory response. Low baseline CD4 counts (50–100 cells/µL), short interval between initiation of ART and TB treatment, and disseminated TB are considered as major risk factors for TB-IRIS.277 The immunopathogenesis of TB-IRIS, however, is poorly understood. The role of mycobacteria PPD—specifi- cally, IFN-γ-producing Th1 cells in TB-IRIS,278 enhanced NK cell activation279 and, increased neutrophils and its mediators such as S100A8/S100A9280 have been recognized. Tran et al. interestingly also showed that HIV-TB-coinfected patients who developed TB-IRIS showed dysregulation of the complement system and imbalance between the effector C1Q and the inhibitor C1-INH prior to the initiation of ART.281 They also observed differences in monocyte gene expression at baseline prior to initiation of ART among TB-HIV-coinfected patients who developed TB-IRIS suggesting a possible role.282 Narendran et al. in a prospective cohort study showed that elevated baseline levels of IL-6 and C-reactive

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HIV and pathogenesis of TB  65

protein in HIV-TB-coinfected patients may have a predictive role in TB-IRIS as well.283 Corticosteroids are the mainstay of TB-IRIS treatment and have been shown to rapidly improve symptoms and decrease need for hospitalizations.284 A double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled study proved that initiating prednisone with ART in TB-HIV-coinfected patients with CD4 counts of <100 cells/L (after exclusion of rifampin-resistant TB, hepatitis B, and Kaposi’s sarcoma) reduces the risk of TB-IRIS by 30% and can be used as a preventive strategy.285 TB-IRIS causes significant morbidity and possibly mortality in resource poor countries and there is a need for better diagnostic tests, prognostic biomarkers, and novel therapeutic interventions.


During infection with HIV, CD4T helper cells are progressively depleted and profoundly impaired with respect to proliferation and production of TH-1 cytokines.286 HIV and MTB-induced synergistic immune activation leading to apoptosis of HIVinfected CD4+ lymphocytes and bystander uninfected CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes partly explains the cell loss.287 In contrast, B-lymphocyte activity increases during HIV infection resulting in a polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia. The mechanisms of progressive T-cell dysfunction include selective loss and functional impairment of memory T cells, immunoregulatory dysfunction of mononuclear phagocytes, active immunosuppression by products of HIV such as gp120 and tat, and excessive production of immunosuppressive cytokines.288 Each of these mechanisms also may impact on susceptibility to TB in HIV infection. The production of immunoregulatory cytokines in HIV infection may be especially important with regard to TB. In a cohort of over 100 HIVpositive individuals, a selective loss of IL-2 and IFN-γ production in response to recall Ags correlated with an increase in phytohe- magglutinin-stimulated IL-4 and IL-10 production,263 indicating that a decline in TH-1 function and an increase in TH-2 function occur concurrently during HIV infection. However, Zhang et al. have shown that despite low TH-1 responses, IL-4 and IL-10 were comparable in HIV-infected and -uninfected TB patients.289 Thus, the switch in the balance toward TH-2 function in HIV infection does not entirely explain the increased susceptibility to TB in HIV-infected persons.


Mononuclear phagocytes, including blood monocytes and tissue macrophages, may be infected with HIV in vitro and in vivo.290 Because MTB is an intracellular pathogen, mononuclear phagocytes may be affected particularly by dual infection with HIV and MTB. Cumulatively, studies indicate that the number of monocytes; expression of cytokines including IL-1 and TNF-α; production of oxygen radical production; expression of phenotypic markers such as class II MHC, CR1, and CR3; and microbicidal activity against several pathogens are preserved.290,291 Ag presentation by monocytes, however, is decreased, whereas accessory cell function for T-cell responses to mitogens is normal.292 Microbicidal activity of alveolar macrophages from subjects with AIDS is normal for Toxoplasma gondii and Chlamydia psittaci and killing is upregulated by IFN-γ.293 However, these latter responses for MTB have not been studied fully.

Several immunologic and effector functions of alveolar macrophages from HIV-infected subjects are up-regulated, including the expression of markers of activation294 and the expression of cytokines such as IL-1,295 IL-6,296 and TNF-α.297 Whether these findings relate to the immunopathogenesis of TB in coinfected subjects is not clear. Furthermore, there is an expansion of CD8 lymphocytes in the lungs of patients with HIV infection. As noted, CD8T cells lyse Ag-pulsed alveolar macrophages in a class I-restricted manner.298 Whether CD8 cytotoxicity against MTBinfected alveolar macrophages is blunted in coinfected patients and/or contributes to pathology is unknown.

Impact of TB on HIV infection

The impact of TB on the progression of HIV infection has been recognized widely. However, to date, this effect is most notable in Africa where 12 of the 15 million coinfected patients have originated.299 Because the response of HIV-infected TB patients to antituberculous drugs is similar to HIV-uninfected TB patients, the increased morbidity300 and mortality300,301 in coinfected patients is attributable to worsening of HIV disease. For example, in Uganda, the mortality of TB in HIV-infected patients is 30%; this finding has been found to be due primarily to progressive HIV disease, and not to the TB disease.302 Serum levels of β2 microglobulin, a marker of HIV disease progression, were twofold higher in HIV-infected Ugandan patients with pulmonary TB than in HIVinfected nontuberculous subjects and HIV-seronegative patients with TB.268 Data from the US have shown that HIV-infected patients with TB have reduced survival, more opportunistic infections, and a greater decrease in CD4 counts relative to CD4matched controls.300 In fact, the development of TB and associated immune activation leads to induction of HIV viral replication and an increase in plasma HIV RNA.303 This increase is particularly significant in HIV-infected TB patients with higher CD4 counts and at the site of TB infection.304

Replication of HIV in vitro and presumably in vivo in both lymphocytes and monocytes requires activation by various stimuli such as Ags, mitogens, growth factors, and cytokines including TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6. These stimuli initiate viral replication in part through activation of NF-κB that, in turn, binds to the longterminal repeat in the promoter region of HIV, thereby stimulating viral transcription. Recent research has suggested that the activation of MAP kinase pathways, especially p38 MAP kinase pathway, is also critical in HIV-1 replication.304 Blood monocytes from patients with TB release increased amounts of TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6 upon stimulation,46 and display spontaneous NF-κB and p38 MAP kinase activation.248 Furthermore, mycobacteria, and protein and polysaccharide constituents of mycobacteria, enhance HIV replication in latently infected cell lines305 and in HIV-infected monocytes.304 Finally, MTB and PPD induce HIV replication in alveolar macrophages from HIV-infected patients.306 Monocytes from patients with pulmonary TB have been found to be more susceptible to infection with HIV in vitro than monocytes from healthy subjects.307 The increased susceptibility was not attributable to increased viral entry, reverse transcription, or the number of infected cells, suggesting that either integration or viral transcription was upregulated in these cells. The role of monocyte-derived

66  Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis

cytokines in the enhanced replication of HIV in patients with TB is being examined. Other studies have indicated that TB generates a cytokine microenvironment (TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-2) enhancing the infection of lymphocytes by HIV.308 Cumulatively, these data indicate that the cytokines that may be relevant to protection against MTB may be deleterious for persons with HIV infection, and that anticytokine therapy may be effective at limiting HIV replication during the treatment of active TB in HIV-positive subjects.

Recently, we have shown that TB occurring prior to initiation of ARTs is associated with diminished latent reservoirs of virus.309 The underlying mechanism is not yet known. This may, however, be proof of principle for purging latent reservoirs by immune activation.


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