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160  Diagnosis of Latent TB Infection

who are going to covert do so within 2–7 weeks post exposure113; however, it can occur up to 3 months later. An agreement between TST and IGRA results show better concordance after this window period.114 Clinical guidelines work on the assumption that TST and IGRA conversion happen at similar time periods. Interestingly, there is some recent evidence, however, that responses to certain antigens develop more rapidly than ESAT-6/CFP-10 which opens the possibility of detecting ultra-early responses to MTB infection.115 Such factors must be considered if an IGRA is used to screen contacts of a TB patient.


Reversion is the process by which a previously positive test result becomes negative. With respect to IGRAs, in untreated exposed individuals, reversion from a baseline positive test could be due to an acute resolving M.tb infection, a phenomenon which was relatively recently described.116,117 In a UK study, the authors observed similar declines in RD1-specific T-cell responses in TST-positive (who were given chemoprophylaxis) and TST-negative subjects.116 Given that the TST-negative subjects did not receive chemoprophylaxis, it is possible that the bacterial burden in these untreated contacts may have declined spontaneously and resulted in declining RD1-responses.116 Spontaneous IGRA reversion occurs almost exclusively in TST-negative exposed contacts and about 50% of such contacts tend to revert.118,119 This figure of 50% reversion has also been reproduced in the HIV cohort.120 However, it must be noted that incident TB incidence has been shown to be eight-fold higher in those with reverted QFT-GIT (1.47 cases/100 personyears) than among those with persistently negative QFTs (0.18/100 person-years) (p= 0.011), though the numbers of cases were small in both groups.121

Other interpretations of IGRA reversion other than bacillary clearance cannot be ignored given the observational nature of current evidence. Peripheral T-cells may migrate to the site of disease over time and be undetectable in the blood IGRA. Alternatively their frequency may wane below the threshold of detection in some individuals despite continued presence of infection. Determining the risk of disease in such individuals over time would aid our understanding of the underlying host–pathogen status it reflects. In untreated survivors of TB from the pre-antibiotic era, both IFN-γ positive and negative responses exist suggesting bacillary clearance at least in some.122


There is a lack of data regarding the use of IGRAs for serial testing. The small-scale studies that are available all showed large variation in the rates of conversions and reversions.123 No firm conclusions have been drawn about cut-offs for serial testing. There are case reports of IGRA responses increasing in size prior to individuals with LTBI progressing to active TB, or at the time of reactivation.124 However, there is no large-scale statistically valid evidence to support the use of longitudinal IGRA fluctuations to monitor latently infected persons for pre-emptive therapy of incipient active TB.


An obvious use for IGRAs is in TB treatment monitoring; if serial IGRA testings were to reflect disease activity or bacillary burden or both, then proof of cure would be possible, a particularly useful tool when testing new antimycobacterials. IGRA reversion has been well documented in a proportion of those adults treated for TB, both active and latent.125 However, this proportion is insufficient to infer true causality or be generalizable, and very low rates of reversion have been found in children.126,127 Moreover, a systematic review which summarized studies which had attempted to quantify changes in IGRA response with treatment found wide inter-individual variation in the rate of decline (with responses actually increasing in some patients) and, crucially, these kinetic changes did not correlate with clinical outcomes (such as the rate of response to therapy or future relapse).128 In summary, current IGRAs cannot be used for treatment monitoring or as a test of cure.


Longitudinal studies which have provided the first evidence of spontaneous IGRA reversion (in other words spontaneous clearance of infection)116 have advanced our understanding of the natural history of LTBI.

The ability of the IGRA to distinguish between BCG vaccination and M.tb infection has allowed reappraisal of the role of BCG in protection against disease. The effectiveness of BCG against severe childhood TB including meningitis and miliary TB is well accepted.129 Its ability to protect against adult forms is more controversial130,131 but was generally believed to be associated with containment of an established infection.132 TB contact investigations from several different settings have yielded data suggesting that BCG vaccination might also protect against acquisition of M.tb infection.2,64


Patients in whom LTBI screening is recommended fall into two groups: those at-risk of new infection due to TB exposure or individuals who are at increased risk of infection and progression to active disease due to host factors (such as age, underlying medical conditions, medications, and social risk factors).

Although TB screening of new migrants arriving in the UK has historically been aimed at identifying active TB disease at the time of their arrival to the UK, data have clearly shown that the prevalence of active TB in migrants is low.133,134 As the reactivation of LTBI plays a critical role in determining TB epidemiology in low-TB burden settings, screening for LTBI is likely to be of benefit when targeted at high-risk populations including migrants and TB contacts.

In the last few years, a systematic LTBI-screening program has been introduced in the UK, initially in high-risk local authority areas with a high-TB incidence (20 per 100,000 population) or a high-TB case burden. Screening is currently being undertaken in those aged 16–35 years who are from or regularly visit high-inci- dence countries. In 2017/18, 15,102 IGRA tests were carried out,

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16.6% (2,507) of these were positive of which 64% (1,605) commenced treatment and 69% (1,107) completed treatment (PHE, unpublished data).

Selection of which adult migrants to screen has been controversial and hampered due to a lack of empirical data. The 2006 NICE guidelines recommended screening adults from countries with TB incidence >500/100,000 and sub-Saharan Africa. However, Pareek and colleagues highlighted that these guidelines were not being closely adhered to; using multicenter screening data and health-economic analysis, Pareek et al. were able to highlight that screening as per the 2006 NICE guidelines would miss the majority of migrants with LTBI and that it would be most cost-effective to screen at an intermediate threshold (150–250/100,000) using single-step IGRAs.26,68 It is this threshold which has been operationalized in the recent collaborative TB strategy for England.135

Policy and guidelines for the use

of IGRAs

Over time, IGRAs have become more routinely used in the UK and elsewhere. As clinical experience and published data have accumulated, international and country-specific guidelines/ recommendations on how IGRAs should be used have evolved. Although the target groups remain unchanged (recent migrants from high-TB burden countries, contacts of smear-positive patients and individuals with compromised-immune systems) the role of IGRAs appears to be better understood.

The WHO has now recommended that either TST or IGRA can be used to diagnose LTBI.15 Unit costs suggest that in resourcelimited settings the TST would be used in preference to IGRA. Mirroring the WHO’s change in position, other countries including the US, Canada, and UK recommend using either the IGRA or TST to diagnose LTBI. However, it is important to highlight that guidelines in the UK are divergent depending on the population being screened.18 Although 2016 UK NICE guidelines primarily recommend using TST to identify LTBI in most risk groups (close contacts and healthcare workers), IGRA is the recommended screening tool for migrants being screened as part of the national latent TB screening program.

In HIV-positive individuals, national guidelines on screening for LTBI are different between countries and even within countries. The British HIV Association recently updated its guidance: it previously recommended a complex screening algorithm which required the clinician to use single-step IGRA after taking into consideration the patient’s country of origin, duration of antiretroviral therapy and CD4 count136; however, evidence suggested that adherence to this guidance was sub-optimal.137 New guidance now recommends that single-step IGRA should be used to screen those individuals from mediumand high-TB burden countries or those from a low-TB burden setting with risk factors for TB.136 Interestingly, 2016 UK NICE guidance recommends that HIV-positive patients who are severely immunosuppressed (CD4 count <200 cells/mm3) should have concurrent TST and IGRA testing whereas all others should be tested using either IGRA alone or concurrent TST and IGRA.18 This is also supported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention, WHO guidance, and

US guidelines,1517,138 although, the WHO guidelines state that isoniazid preventative therapy can be initiated for HIV-positive individuals without undertaking a TST or IGRA.15

With respect to iatrogenically immunosuppressed individuals with IMID, although most countries recommend screening for LTBI, guidance is heterogeneous on which specific screening test/ strategy to follow (single-step IGRA, TST alone, or both TST and IGRA); dual testing is however widely used aiming to minimize false-negative results given the high risk nature of these patients.21 In the UK, national guidelines from NICE recommend either using a single-step IGRA or IGRA and TST in parallel.18 By contrast, the American College of Rheumatology recommends using either TST or IGRA to diagnose LTBI.139,140

Guidelines on how best to operationalize IGRAs in children reflect the fact that the evidence supporting their use in children is more limited. UK guidelines recommend age-stratified guidelines where a hybrid TST and IGRA approach is used although the TST is identified as the primary screening tool.18 Similarly, the US guidelines recommend that children under the age of 5 should have a TST in preference to IGRA.138



In 2017, the WHO published a target product profile (TPP) of desirable test characteristics. First, for such a test to have utility in high-TB burden and low-income settings, it should ideally be based on a sample type more easily accessible than sputum, with a high PPV for progression from infection to active TB.92

It is clear that both the TST and IGRAs that are recommended to diagnose LTBI have a low PPV for the future development of TB, and therefore as they stand are currently insufficient to identify the proportion of people with LTBI who will develop active disease.85,88,90 Therefore there has been a widespread focus on trying to improve on technologies already available as well as explore the use of other biomarkers, tests, and clinical risk scores.


As previously stated the current IGRAs require specialist lab facilities, not always available in high-TB burden settings. For this reason there has been some research drive toward an IGRAlike test that would be more practical in low-resource, field-based settings. The C-TB skin test has been developed as a replacement for the TST. It uses the same RD1 antigens that are present in the IGRA (ESAT-6 and CFP-10) but importantly these are in a form that can be administered as a skin test, thereby bypassing the need for expensive laboratory processing. It performed similarly to IGRA in terms of specificity with higher positivity observed in those patients with the higher levels of M.tb contact, and outcome was not affected by the BCG status.141 In the subset of patients with active TB, C-TB test sensitivity (67%) was lower than that observed for both QFT-GIT and T-SPOT.141 Sensitivity was significantly decreased in HIV-infected patients with CD4 counts <100.142 Further work is also required to understand how this

162  Diagnosis of Latent TB Infection

test performs in different populations and its predictive power for progression from LTBI to active TB disease, and it must also be remembered that the patient must return for the size of induration to be read.143


There have been a number of approaches to try and improve upon the already available technologies, including quantification of IFN-γ in the QFT-GIT or the number of IFN-γ SFCs in the T-SPOT, additional antigens and additional secreted markers such as cytokines and chemokines; all of which will be discussed later.


Additional cytokines

Although IFN-γ is a fundamental cytokine in the immune response to MTB there has been interest in alternative and additional secreted markers that may improve diagnostic sensitivity and improve the ability to differentiate between active TB and LTBI. Results suggest that different cytokine profiles are associated with different clinical stages of TB infection.122,144148

Downstream chemokines such as inducible protein 10 (IP-10), monocyte chemotactic protein-2 and monokine inducible protein secreted by IFN-γ-activated macrophages (in addition to IFN- γ) have been of particular research interest.149 It is thought that because they are downstream and induced by IFN-γ these chemokines may serve as a more amplified readout than IFN-γ itself, thereby yielding higher sensitivity.149

IP-10 is secreted by multiple different immune cells, and when released acts as a chemoattractant to inflammatory cells.150 A review of IP-10 concluded that IP-10 was similar to IFN-γ overall but may have improved sensitivity in young children or those with low CD4 counts secondary to HIV-infection.151 Studies have shown that IP-10 levels are elevated in patients with active TB. The sensitivity of this test either alone or in combination with IFN-γ improves diagnostic accuracy.

In addition to IP-10 and IFN-γ, TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-1ra, IL-2, IL-13, and macrophage inflammatory protein-1β responses have been found to be higher in LTBI and active TB cases than in TB-uninfected children.152

Again it must however be noted that these studies are small patient numbers and have yet to be demonstrated in large studies and none as yet are being used in routine clinical evaluation.

Although not a specific secreted marker, the monocyte/lymphocyte ratio in peripheral blood is a readily available biomarker that has been linked to a number of prospective cohort studies in pregnant women and infants in sub-Saharan Africa. Studies have shown that an elevated monocyte/lymphocyte ratio was associated with increased risk of development of TB disease before the appearance of symptoms.153155

Additional antigens

Additional antigens have shown promise not only in increasing sensitivity of IGRA but also distinguishing LTBI from active TB, discriminating recent from remote LTBI, and predicting progression of LTBI to active TB.

Additional antigens increase the sensitivity of the IGRA by improving detection of IFN-γ in vitro.12 In one of the first studies of supplementary antigens, the addition of a new antigen (Rv3879c) improved test sensitivity when compared with the standard T-SPOT; combining the next-generation assay and TST in confirmed and highly probable cases further gave a sensitivity of 99%.12 Similar improvements have been observed for the QFTGIT by incorporating a novel antigen (Rv2645).156

Recently, a large prospective multicenter study demonstrated that a second-generation IGRA incorporating Rv3615c alongside ESAT-6 and CFP-10 had significantly higher diagnostic sensitivity than T-SPOT.TB and QFT-GIT (in those with suspected active TB). A negative test result was found to reduce the odds of TB post-test 7.7-fold compared to pre-test, thus this could be very useful as a rule-out test for a diagnosis of TB in clinical settings with a low-to-moderate prevalence of TB.111 This trend toward higher sensitivity of second-generation IGRAs has been referred to as the “first advancement in this field since the introduction of IGRAs.”157 The sensitivity meets the requirement for a triage test, as described by the WHO in a high-priority TPP.92

Generally, fewer studies have focused on the ability of using newly identified antigens to aid with the prediction of progression from LTBI to active TB. However, Rv3873 and Rv3879c were found to aid with disease progression prediction. Rv3873 and Rv3879c became positive prior to TST conversion suggesting that they were early markers of progression to active TB disease in children with recent household TB exposure.115

Heparin-binding hemagglutinin antigen (HBHA) is an antigen that has a role in maintaining latency; it is located on the surface of mycobacteria and aids with binding to host epithelial cells158 and inducing apoptosis in infected cells increasing virility, propagation, and facilitating infection.159,160 A recent review161 highlighted numerous studies in which LTBI has been associated with larger T-cell responses specific to HBHA, typically absent in active TB and controls.162165 These findings have also been observed in HIVinfected individuals.164,166 HBHA has a key role in maintaining latency and is a correlate of protection to not progress to active TB.

Antigen response has also been successful in discriminating recent from remote LTBI. Higher levels of whole-blood IFN-γ responses to MTB latency antigen Rv2628 have been shown in those with remotely acquired LTBI compared to those with recent LTBI, active TB, and the control group. Remote LTBI had a fivefold increase in IFN-γ response to MTB latency antigen Rv2628 than that in recently infected individuals (p < 0.003).167 For a list of the most promising antigens linked to latency and the studies’ key findings, see Table 9.4.

Characterization of all these additional antigens demonstrate great promise for the future development of more advantageous tests, however it is important to note that these studies have, for the most part, been small-scale and therefore one cannot yet draw any firm conclusions about their clinical utility in routine practice.


Currently, IGRAs are not designed for distinguishing between LTBI and active TB, therefore there has been increasing focus on new cytokine profiles and antigens that may aid us in differentiating between active TB and LTBI (see Table 9.4).

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Table 9.4  Summary of findings from studies of latency antigens


MTB antigens












Associated antigens

Main finding(s)



Chegou et al.169

Higher levels of IFN-γ in HHC vs. aTB




Chegou et al.170

Higher levels of IL-12, IP-10, IL-10, and TNF-α in aTB and HHC



Chegou et al.170

Higher levels of IL-12, IP-10, IL-10, and TNF-α in aTB and HHC




Commandeur et al.171

Higher number of IFN-γ/TNF-α producing CD8 in LTBI vs. aTB



Arroyo et al.176

Higher proportion of IFN-γ and/or TNF-α producing CD4 and CD8T cells in LTBI vs. aTB



Araujo et al.177

Higher levels if IFN-γ in LTBI vs. aTB and healthy controls




Bai et al.178

Higher IFN-γ in LTBI vs. aTB and HC




Commandeur et al.171

Higher number of IFN-γ/TNF-α producing CD8 in LTBI vs. HC




Hozumi et al.179

Induced stronger IFN-γ T-cell responses in LTBI than in aTB



Araujo et al.177

Higher levels if IFN-γ in LTBI vs. aTB and HC




Belay et al.180

Higher levels of IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-10 in LTBI vs. aTB and HC




Commandeur et al.171

Higher number of IFN-γ/TNF-α producing CD8 in LTBI vs. HC



Harada et al.156

Addition of Rv2645 (TB7.7) in QFT-GIT enhanced sensitivity over the QFT-G test in aTB.



Araujo et al.177

Higher levels of IFN-γ in LTBI vs. aTB and HC




Bai et al.178

Higher IFN-γ in LTBI vs. aTB and HC




Goletti et al.167

Higher IFN-γ in remote LTBI vs. recent LTBI, aTB and HC. Remotely acquired LTBI ×5 higher than recent LTBI



Chiacchio et al.166

Higher levels of IFN-γ in aTB and LTBI HIV −ve vs. HIV +ve




Delogu et al.164

Higher levels of IFN-γ in LTBI vs. aTB




Delogu et al.181

Lower IFN-γ responses observed in HIV-LTBI and HIV-TB. None of the six HIV-LTBI responding to HBHA-developed TB




Dreesman et al.182

HBHA-induced IL-17 production by CD4+ T lymphocytes was associated with protection in 3 years higher in LTBI vs. aTB




Hougardy et al.163

Higher concentrations of IFN-γ in LTBI vs. aTB




Loxton et al.162

Induces IFN-γ, IL-2-, and IL-17-coexpressing CD4(+) T-cells in HHCs (LTBI) but not in aTB




Wyndam-Thomas et al.165

Higher IFN-γ secreted by CD4+ T lymphocytes in LTBI vs. aTB and HCs




Wyndam-Thomas et al.183

Increased IFN-γ in HIV positive patients with LTBI and aTB



Promoting factors




Chegou et al.169

Higher levels of IFN-γ in HHC vs. aTB



Chegou et al.169

Higher levels of IFN-γ in HHC vs. aTB




Arroyo et al.176

Higher proportion of IFN-γ and/or TNF-α producing CD4 and CD8T cells in LTBI vs. aTB




Chegou et al.170

Higher levels of IL-12, IP-10, IL-10, and TNF-α in aTB and HHC







Chegou et al.170

Higher levels of IFN-γ in HHC vs. aTB

Ag85 (Rv1886c)


Alvarez-Corrales et al.173

Higher concentrations of IFN-γ and Il-17 in exposed vs. aTB




Schwander et al.184

Higher proportion of IFN-γ producing cells secreted Ag 85 in BAC from HHC than in BAC from HC



Li et al.185

Rv3615c as an additional stimulus in IGRA improved the diagnosis efficiency in active TB. No LTBI group




Millington et al.13

Rv3615c was at least as immunodominant as ESAT-6 and CFP-10 in both aTB and LTBI




Whitworth et al.111

Incorporating Rv3615c alongside ESAT-6 and CFP-10, had significantly higher diagnostic sensitivity than T-SPOT.TB and QFT-GIT



Dosanjh et al.12

In recently exposed children HHC increasing IFN-γ responses to RV3873 predicted progression to aTB



Dosanjh et al.12

In recently exposed children HHC increasing IFN-γ responses to Rv3879c predicted progression to aTB

Abbreviations:  HC, healthy controls; HHC, household contacts; aTB, active TB; BAC, bronchoalveolar cells.

163  diagnostics LTBI in need clinical unmet The

164  Diagnosis of Latent TB Infection


Discrimination between LTBI and active TB has been demonstrated with combinations of TNF-α/IL-1ra and TNF-α/IL-10 achieving correct classification of 95.5% and 100% of cases, respectively.152 IFN-γ combined with CXCL10 was able to discriminate between active TB and LTBI with a sensitivity of 89.6% and a specificity of 71.1%.168


A number of studies have highlighted different responses to a number of antigens (RV0081, RV1737, RV0867c, Rv2389c, and Rv1886c), however these studies are all small and are as yet a long way away from being clinically applicable169173 (see Table 9.4 for more details).


Quantifying IGRA responses

Studies have explored whether the amount of IFN-γ in the QFTGIT or the number of IFN-γ SFCs in the T-SPOT that define a positive test result has an influence on the ability to predict TB. The hypothesis being the more positive the IGRA the more likely you are to progress to active TB.

A recent Norwegian study has explored the prognostic value of quantifying the QFT-GIT IFN-γ level response in a low-TB incidence setting.174 IGRA results from 44,875 individuals were included for prospective analyses. The QFT results were categorized into low-positive (IFN-γ 0.35 to <1.0) medium-positive (IFN-γ 1.0 to <4.0), and high-positive (IFN-γ> 4.0 IU/mL). Incident TB was reported in 257 individuals; of those TB occurred in 219/257 (85%) with positive QFT-GIT (low 17/219 [8%], medium 46/219 [21%], and high 156/219 [71%]), 33/257 (13%) individuals with negative IGRA and 5/257 (2%) individuals with inconclusive results.

Similarly, a European study in 10 different countries explored whether the amount of IFN-γ in the QFT-GIT or the number of SFCs in the T-SPOT that define a positive test result had an influence on the ability to predict TB. The incidence ratio (IR) for a QFT-GIT test result below 0.35 IU/mL IFN-γ was 0.001 suggesting that the current cut-off for positivity is the best predictor for progression and IR of 0.003 for a cut-off less than 5 SFCs/250,000 in the T-SPOT. In using cut-offs at different levels although the NNT came down for both IGRAs, there were a significant proportion who developed TB with a lower quantity of SFC/IFN-γ that were missed.85

Recent data from the UK PREDICT cohort has also explored the quantification of IGRA response. Each IGRA-QFT-GIT and T-SPOT was given four levels of strata. Higher quantitative results for both IGRAs were strongly associated with higher TB incidence rates; however, using higher thresholds to aid with the prediction of progression to active TB led to a marked loss in sensitivity across the board in that the majority of the incident TB would be missed if thresholds increased. Even within the highest strata, the PPV was <5%. NPV was good in all positive groups at >99%.175 These studies highlight the inherent limitation of the IGRA technology currently available.

Improving PPVs requires new technologies


Advances in our understanding of the immune response to MTB are helping to profile the cytokine function of predominantly T-lymphocytes to stratify TB-exposed persons into the different clinical stages of infection.

In contrast to IGRAs, which measure IFN-γ responses, a recent study has focused on categorizing CD4+ T-cells into three main subsets: effector T-cells (IFN-γ only), effector-memory T-cells (both IFN-γ and IL-2), and central memory T-cells (IL-2).144,186

A number of studies have shown enhanced expression of T-cell activation markers as a correlation of risk prior to developing TB. In recent studies, activated HLA-DR CD4T cells were higher in those infants and adolescents who developed TB disease.187 These infants were part of a vaccine trial; they were IGRA negative and the results were from baseline. Conversely, in the same study, high levels of Ag85A antibodies and high frequencies of IFN-γ-specific T-cells were associated with a reduced risk of disease.187,188

Others have described CD27–IFN-γ+CD4+ T-cells as predictive markers of TB disease.189191 CD27 is expressed on naive T-cells and early effector lymphocytes and appears to decrease as people progress to active TB; this also appears to be true for the HIV-positive population.192

Pollock and colleagues found that CD4+ TNF-α-only-secreting T-cells with an effector phenotype accurately distinguished active TB from LTBI.193 Rozot et al. found that in combining MTB-specific CD4 TNF-α T-cell and MTB-specific CD8 T-cell responses were a potential tool to differentiate active TB and LTBI. Studies from South Africa have also shown that HLA-DR expression is able to differentiate between active and latent TB in a highHIV burden setting194 (Table 9.5).

It is well reported that recently infected contacts are at higher risk of progression to active TB and this is the greatest risk factor for progression to TB in immunocompetent individuals.195,196 Neither IGRA nor TST are capable of discriminating recent from remote infection at present and targeting recently infected persons will continue to depend on epidemiological risk factors until such a test is developed.

The TNF-α-only TEFF signature has been shown to be significantly higher in those with recently acquired LTBI, compared with those with remotely acquired LTBI, with the former’s signature

Table 9.5  CD4+ T-cell subset cytokine profiles with clinical correlates

CD4+ T-cell





Clinical correlates


IFN-γ only

Higher antigen burden



Breakdown of immune control



Transition from LTBI to active TB


TNF-α only

Higher antigen burden



Active TB

Effector memory


Persistently low antigen load

Central memory

IL-2 only

Cleared or treated infection; LTBI

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being similar to those with active disease. This study was able to discriminate between these groups with high sensitivity and specificity.197 This suggests that those with LTBI who are at-risk of developing active TB have evidence for subclinical inflammation and/or immune activation that may have the potential for translation into a sensitive and specific test. This may be of great use in risk stratifying those who are IGRA positive and aid with betterdirected chemoprophylaxis.


Although much of the preceding chapter has focused on T-cell- based immunodiagnostics, research is increasingly focusing on transcriptomics and proteomics as diagnostic tools in LTBI.

Transcriptomics, in general, analyzes changes in genetic expression related to the transcriptome and has been used in studies to differentiate patients with active, latent, and recurrent TB.198 By contrast, proteomics evaluates changes in the proteins produced from specific tissues and cells. In TB, this concept has been used to identify proteins present in the serum of patients with active TB.199

Over the last few years a number of investigators have published whole blood transcriptomic studies. These have predominantly focused on high-TB burden settings to describe the host immune response to M.tb infection.200203 Investigators have been able to show that the transcriptomic signature of individuals with LTBI and active TB differ201,203 and can also give information about the response to treatment.204,205 However, it is important to note that these studies are highly dependent on accurate clinical phenotyping of patients and host biomarkers may be region/ country/strain specific. Although identifying host biomarkers is undoubtedly of clinical utility, a crucial development in TB control would be to be able to identify those individuals with LTBI whose blood profile identifies them at-risk of developing active TB in the future. A recent study from South Africa has been able to identify a gene signature, which predicts the risk of developing future TB although the gene signature only had predictive ability for up to 18 months post infection. The overall sensitivity in two independent cohorts was 53.7% and 66.1%.200 Further study has identified a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based transcriptomic signature, “RISK4,” which has been shown to predict the risk of progression to active TB disease in diverse African cohorts of recently exposed household contacts of index TB cases; this four-gene signature predicted risk of progression with similar accuracy in four cohorts from three sub-Saharan African populations with heterogeneous genetic backgrounds, TB epidemiology, and circulating M.tb strains. However, notably, it performed poorly in the Ethiopia group.201 There has been increasing focus on using transcriptomics in this way with PCR-based versions of published transcriptional signatures, for example “DIAG3,” the three-gene diagnostic signature reported by Sweeney and colleagues,206 and “DIAG4,” the four-gene diagnostic signature reported by Maertzdorf and colleagues207 as further examples.

These tools undoubtedly hold promise but they remain a research tool at present and their position in the clinical diagnostic pathway needs further evaluation and testing. Transcriptional profiling could improve the detection of incipient TB and has the potential to develop into a screening test for risk of progression,

for example, during TB contact investigation. The increase in PPV of these tests compared with IGRAs appears small however because of low specificity.200,208 It is also important to note that the infrastructure required to implement and support such technologies would be difficult in resource limited settings.


Until new technologies become validated, approved, and commercially available, exploiting the high NPV of IGRAs and applying clinical risk stratification to those who are IGRA positive would appear to be the best approach; thus, focusing on those at the highest risk of developing TB and prioritizing existing prevention strategies. Evidence suggests strategies should particularly focus on HIV-infected individuals, preferentially with on-going viral replication, and on close contacts of infectious cases of TB.

In the negative HIV cohort clinical scoring systems have been applied in a variety of settings both in adults and children in an attempt to identify those at high risk of progressing to active TB. A recent Peruvian cohort study followed contacts of pulmonary TB cases. Over a 10-year period 65 (3%) of 1,910 contacts developed TB. They found that risk factors for TB were low body-mass index, previous TB, age, sustained exposure to the index case, the index case being in a male patient, lower community household socioeconomic position, indoor air pollution, previous TB among household members, and living in a household with a low number of windows per room.209

In children, another simple algorithm focused specifically on the exposure variables in children contacts aged 3 months to 6 years. The 10-point score took into account maternal TB and sleep proximity, index case infectivity, duration of exposure, and exposure to multiple index cases. The odds of being MTBinfected increased by 74% (OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.42–2.12) with each 1-point increase in the contact score.210 Another 8-point scoring system was developed and validated in child contacts in Taiwan. The score included reaction to TST, smear-positivity, residence in high-incidence areas, and sex of the index case.211

These studies show that risk scores could facilitate targeted treatment and resources to those more likely to benefit through the identification of high-risk children and adult contacts. These could be of use as an addition to prioritizing screening, clinical education, and surveillance for all high-risk contacts. In the future, it may also be useful to combine clinical risk stratification within IGRA positive groups and transcriptomics to further try and identify those who will progress to active TB.


Over the last 15 years, immunodiagnostics for TB have developed rapidly, especially with respect to IGRAs, for the diagnosis of LTBI. The rapidly expanding evidence base underpinning the use of IGRAs indicates that they are more specific, and of equivalent sensitivity to TST, resulting in their widespread incorporation into national TB control policies. Despite great progress in the field, as yet, no test, biomarker, or signature, has been identified that meets the necessary requirements for a prognostic test. As outlined by the WHO, the field is yearning for a highly predictive test that can help target those who will progress to active TB disease and therefore benefit most from LTBI treatment.

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Currently available IGRAs have several limitations and future research is actively seeking to develop next-generation IGRAs, novel T-cell diagnostics, and biomarkers, which are likely to further improve immunodiagnostics for TB. Any test will need to be validated in different populations, geographic locations, and accuracy ensured in varied TB burden settings. Given that a large pool of TB disease is in resource-limited countries, such a test needs to be practical and require minimal infrastructure and follow-up. Addressing the huge latent pool of TB is the only way we are going to make headway in achieving the global end TB strategy.


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