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<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="0,0,20,0"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Make}" FontSize="24" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Model}" FontSize="24" /> </StackPanel>

<Button Content="Check In" Width="100" Height="50" Margin="0,0,20,0" />

<TextBlock Text="{Binding CheckedInDateTime}" FontSize="24" />

</StackPanel> </DataTemplate> </ListView.ItemTemplate>

</ListView> </StackPanel>

This produces the following visual result:

With the preliminary work out of the way, we can turn our focus to implementing the

Command. The first order of business is to implement the command that represents a “check in” for a car. I’ll create a class caled CheckInButtonClick that implements ICommand. Then, I’ll use the Control + [dot] keyboard combination to implement the ICommand interface:

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This provides a stubbed out set of methods and the event declaration like so:

public class CheckInButtonClick : ICommand


public bool CanExecute(object parameter)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;

public void Execute(object parameter)


throw new NotImplementedException();



First, I need to merely answer the question “can this be executed”? Here I could write logic to decide whether or not this command can be executed based on the current state of the

Car object that is passed in as a parameter. Ultimately, I’ll return a bool. In our case, since I’m going to keep this simple, I’ll merely return true. This command can always be executed regardless of the state of the object.

public class CheckInButtonClick : ICommand


public bool CanExecute(object parameter)


return true;


. . .


In actuality, I would probably want to check to see whether if this instance of Car has already been checked in prior to allowing it a second time. I’ll leave the implementation of that business rule to you for experimentation.

Now, I need to associate the command with my Car class:

public ICommand CheckedInCommand { get; set; }

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public Car()


CheckedInCommand = new CheckInButtonClick();


I create an auto-implemented property of type ICommand, then in the Constructor, set the property to an instance of the CheckInButtonClick() command class. Now I have a class that can be Commanded, in other words, that I can bind a Command to.

Next, I’ll want to tell the command what to do when this command is executed? That’s what we’ll do in the Execute method. In this case I want to set the CheckedInDateTime property to DateTime.Now. Also, per my note, above, I want to format that for proper display.

I have two options. I can either implement this in my model (i.e., a public method on my Car class) or the classes I use to generate by View Model (i.e., the CarDataSource class). Which one you choose depends on how accessible you want to make your View Model and how flexible you want to make your Command. If you were to either make your Data Source a property of the App OR make all the methods of your Data Source class static, AND you don’t mind your Command being tied specifically to your CarDataSource class, then you could implement the Execute command like so:

public async void Execute(object parameter)




And in your CarDataSource, you would implement the CheckInCar() method like so:

public class CarDataSource


. . .

public static void CheckInCar(Car car) { _cars.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == car.ID)

.CheckedInDateTime = String.Format("{0:t}", DateTime.Now);



However, this approach has one obvious downside. The Command is now coupled to the CarDataSource. It could not be used as a more general purpose command. That might be fine for your purpose, however another option is to make the CheckInCar() method a public property of the Car class itself:

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public class Car


. . .

public void CheckInCar()


this.CheckedInDateTime = String.Format("{0:t}", DateTime.Now);



And I can call this method from the Command’s Execute() method like so:

public async void Execute(object parameter)


//CarDataSource.CheckInCar((Car)parameter); ((Car)parameter).CheckInCar();


I prefer this.

Next, I’ll need to wire up the binding correctly. I will want to fire the Command when I click the button, AND I’ll want to pass in the current instance of the Car to the Command’s Execute() method. To do this, I’ll add the following XAML in the Button’s declaration:

<Button Content="Check In"

. . .

Command="{Binding CheckedInCommand}"


. . . />

In this case, the CommandParameter is bound to it’s parent binding which is defined in the ListView’s ItemSource:

<ListView x:Name="myListView" ItemsSource="{Binding}" >

… which in turn is bound to:


. . .

DataContext="{Binding CarsViewModel, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}">

To me, this is a bit confusing. It looks like I’m binding the ENTIRE CarViewModel to the CommandParameter. However, the correct way to interpret this … the ListView’s ItemSource expects a collection. Then each item is then bound to just one instance of that collection,

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therefore the CommandParameter=”{Binding}” means “bind to the current instance of the Car class”, not to the entire collection. That was a little tricky for me to understand at first. The key is understanding how the DataContext flows down from the page, into the ListView and then into the ItemTemplate.

Unfortunately, when I run the app, I may not get the results I was hoping for visually. I would expect the value of CheckedInDateTime to change and then be presented on the screen when I click the Check In button. It does not. I assure you, the value is being changed in the data model, but because Car is not notifying the user interface of this property change, the user interface does not know it should update it’s presentation of the data.

Do you recall what we need to do to tell the user interface that a property changed?

Yes, we need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface on the Car class, then in the CheckedInDateTime setter, call the NotifyPropertyChanged() method that the interface forces us to implement. Let’s implement that now using the Control + [dot] technique from earlier.

Note: Keep in mind that this is not part of Commands per se, however if your Commands will be updating properties, you very well may need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged to enable some user interface update like we’ll do from this point on in the lesson.

public class Car : INotifyPropertyChanged


. . .

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)


if (PropertyChanged != null)


PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));




In this case, I really only care to call the NotifyPropertyChanged() method on the setter of CheckedInDateTime. So, I’ll change the current implementation from an auto implemented property:

public DateTime CheckedInDateTime { get; set; }

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To full property using the snippet: propfull [tab] [tab]

The full implementation after making the appropriate changes to the full property:

//public DateTime CheckedInDateTime { get; set; }

private string checkedInDateTime;

public string CheckedInDateTime


get { return checkedInDateTime; } set {

checkedInDateTime = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("CheckedInDateTime");



Now when I click the Check In button, you can see the update in the user interface:


The beauty of a Command is that it keeps the separation of concerns in tact while allowing you to handle events triggered on the user interface that affect an instance of your view model. We talked about the implementation of the ICommand interface and walked through a complete example. We also looked at a practical implementation of the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.

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Windows Phone 8.1 Development for Absolute Beginners – Page 256

Lesson 25: Advanced Binding with Value Converters

The last piece of the puzzle we’ll need before building our next complete exercise app is to understand Value Converters. In short, sometimes you want to use data in your View Model that is not in the correct format or must be in some way modified before you can bind to it. A Value Converter allows you to perform a conversion on the data to format the data, change the value of the data, perform calculations on the data and more.

In fact, in this lesson, I’ll demonstrate how diverse your value converters can be.

I’ve created a “Before” folder. Please make sure you download this and unzip it to a directory called BindingWithValueConverters.

Here I have the beginnings of a weather app. In this example, I’m randomly generating weather, however in a real app you would obviously be pulling weather from an online weather service.

Notice the structure of the classes that will form the data model. First, there is a DayForecast defined as so:

public class DayForecast


public DateTime Date { get; set; } public Weather Weather { get; set; }

public ObservableCollection<TimeForecast> HourlyForecast { get; set; }


For a given day (the Date property) the Weather property will indicate the defining attribute of the day (whether sunny, cloudy, rainy or snowy … I’ve reduced the number of options for simplicity’s sake). I’ve used an enum called Weather to denote the various values of

Weather. Finally, the HourlyForecast property is made up of an ObservableCollection<TimeForecast> … precisely 24 TimeForecast objects, to be exact, one for each hour of the day from 0 (midnight) to 11pm (hour 23) as indicated by the Hour property. TimeForecast is defined as:

public class TimeForecast


public int Hour { get; set; }

public int Temperature { get; set; }


How will we create data for the Temperature of each TimeForecast object? I’ve created a FiveDayForecast class which has a single method, GetForecast(). Its job is to deliver an

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ObservableCollection<DayForecast> to the MainPage.xaml. This class also has a helper method called generateRAndomTimeForecast that creates 24 hours with a random temperature and returns those as an ObservableCollection<TimeForecast> for use in the DayForecast.HourlyForecast property:

private static ObservableCollection<TimeForecast> generateRandomTimeForecast(int seed)


var random = new System.Random(seed);

var forecast = new ObservableCollection<TimeForecast>();

for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)


var timeForecast = new TimeForecast(); timeForecast.Hour = i; timeForecast.Temperature = random.Next(105); forecast.Add(timeForecast);


return forecast;


How will this data be displayed in our app? If you run the Before app as is, you’ll see the layout of the User Interface.

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Admittedly, most of the data is faked right now. The data exists, however we’ve not bound to it because it’s not in the correct format for our purposes.

Let’s look at the XAML to understand what is happening and how we’ll need to plug our converted values into the existing app.


. . .

DataContext="{Binding WeatherViewModel, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}">

<ScrollViewer> <StackPanel>

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding}"> <ListView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate>

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="20,0,0,30"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Date}" FontSize="24" /> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">

<Image Source="assets/snowy.png" Width="100" Height="100" /> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="20,0,0,0"> <TextBlock Text="High: " FontSize="14" />

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