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  1. overview ['ouvq'vju:] – обзор

  2. computer system [kqm'pju:tq 'sistqm] – компьютерная система

  3. electronic [ilek'tronik] – электронный

  4. device [di'vais] – устройство

  5. to use [ju:z] – применять, использовать

user ['ju:zq] – пользователь

useful ['ju:sful] – полезный

  1. to process [prqu'ses] = to manipulate [mq'nipjuleit] – обрабатывать

processing [prqu'sesiN] – обработка

word processing [wq:d prqu'sesiN] – текстовая обработка

  1. data ['deitq] – данные

  2. to convert [kqn'vWt] – преобразовывать

  3. complete [kqm'pli:t] – полный, завершённый, законченный

  4. to include [ink'lu:d] – включать в себя

  5. hardware ['hRdwFq] – аппаратное обеспечение

  6. software ['softwFq] – программное обеспечение

13. application [‚xpli'keiSn] – приложение

application software [‚xpli'keiSn 'softwFq] – прикладное программное обеспечение

  1. to consist (of) [kqn'sist] – состоять (из)

  2. part [pRt] – часть

  3. to know (knew, known) [nqu] – знать

known (as) [nqun] – известный (как)

  1. set [set] – набор

  2. instruction [ins'trAkSn] – инструкция, команда

  3. to control [kqn'trqul] – управлять, контролировать

  4. number ['nAmbq] – число

  5. sound [saund] – звук

  6. image ['imiG] – изображение

  7. inside ['in'said] – внутрь, внутри

  8. machine [mq'Si:n] – машина, механизм

  9. processor [prqu'sesq] – процессор = central processing unit (ЦП) ['sentrql prqu'sesiN 'ju:nit] – ЦП (центральный процессор)

  10. memory ['memqri] – память

  11. input device ['input di'vais] – устройство ввода

  12. output device ['autput di'vais] – устройство вывода

  13. storage ['storiG] – запоминающее устройство

  14. function ['fANkSn] = task [tRsk] = purpose ['pq:pqs] – функция = задача = цель, назначение

  15. to divide [di'vaid] – делить

  16. brain [brein] – мозг

  17. to hold [hquld] (held, held) – хранить (информацию)

  18. common ['komn] – общий, обычный, универсальный

  19. unit of measure ['ju:nit qv 'meZq] – единица измерения

  20. to provide [prq'vaid] – обеспечивать

  21. another [q'nADq] – другой

  22. source [sLs] – источник

  23. keyboard ['ki:bLd] – клавиатура

  24. mouse [maus] – мышь

  25. to present [pri'zent] – представлять

  26. communication [kq‚mju:ni'keiSn] – обмен информацией

  27. network interface card ['netwq:k 'intqfeis kRd] – сетевая интерфейсная плата

  28. to perform [pq'fLm] = to accomplish [q'kompliS] – выполнять

  29. both … and … [bquT xnd] – как … так и …

  30. allow [q'lau] – позволять

  31. to share [SFq] – разделять, совместно (коллективно) использовать

  32. currently ['kArqntli] – в настоящее время

  33. floppy disk ['flopi disk] – гибкий диск

  34. Digital Video Disk (DVD) ['diGitql 'vidiqu disk] – цифровой видеодиск

  35. certain ['sq:tn] – определённый

  36. particular [pq'tikju:lq] – особый, особенный, специфический

  37. to run [rAn] (ran, run) = to execute ['eksikju:t] – выполнять (программу, команду), исполнять

  38. operating system ['opqreitiN 'sistqm] – операционная система

  39. to interact ['intqrxkt] – взаимодействовать

  40. to attach [q'txC] – прикреплять, присоединять

  41. to require [ri'kwaiq] – требовать

  42. important [im'pLtqnt] – важный

  43. kind [kaind] – вид, тип

  44. spreadsheet ['spredSi:t] – электронная таблица

  45. database management ['deitqbeis 'mxnqGmqnt] – управление данными

  46. entertainment [‚entq'teinmqnt] – развлечение

  47. education [‚edju:'keiSn] – образование

  48. design tools [di'zain tu:lz] – средства проектирования

  49. utility [ju:'tiliti] – обслуживающая программа, служебная программа

  50. network ['netwq:k] – сеть

networking ['netwq:kiN] – организация сети, создание сети, объединение в сеть

II. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is a computer?

  2. What components does a computer system include?

  3. What is hardware? software? data?

  4. What does the hardware consist of?

  5. What components of a computer system perform data processing?

  6. What is the function of memory?

  7. What are the most common units of measure for memory?

  8. What task do input devices perform?

  9. What is the purpose of output devices?

  10. What devices perform input and output functions?

  11. What function do storage devices perform?

  12. What is a program?

  13. What is the task of an operating system?

  14. What are the examples of application software?

III. Tell whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. A computer is an electronic device used to process data.

  2. To perform processing, the computer uses two components: the processor and memory.

  3. The most common unit of measurement for computer memory is the bit.

  4. Printers and monitors are the most common types of output devices.

  5. A network interface card can perform both input and output functions.

  6. The purpose of storage devices is to hold data.

  7. Storage and memory are the same thing.

  8. DVD stands for “Digital Video Device”.

  9. Software is a set of electronic instructions, which allows a computer to perform a certain task.

  10. When a computer is using a program, it is said to be controlling that program.

  11. The operating system is an example of application software.

  12. Application software help people accomplish specific tasks.

IV. Fill in the blanks:

  1. A computer is an __________ device used for processing data.

  2. A computer system consists of __________, __________, people and data.

  3. Software, or _________, includes __________ for controlling the computer.

  4. Data is __________, ___________, ___________ and __________.

  5. The hardware of a computer consists of _________, ________, _________ and _________.

  6. The units of measure for memory are _______, _______, ______, _______ and ________.

  7. Input devices _________ data from the user or another source.

  8. Communications devices allow computers ________ information.

  9. Programs are electronic _________ that tell the computer how to accomplish certain tasks.

  10. Some important kinds of application software are _______, ________, ________, ________, ________, _________.

V. Choose the right answer:

  1. The term (термин) “hardware” refers to (относится к)

    1. The physical parts of the computer

    2. Interconnected (взаимосвязанные) electronic devices

    3. Any part of the computer you can touch (трогать)

    4. All the above

2. The term “software” refers to

    1. Electronic instructions that allow the computer perform tasks

    2. Disks

    3. Anything that is not hardware

    4. None of the above

  1. Data consists of

    1. Electronic instructions c. Only text

    2. Raw (сырые) facts the computer stores and reads d. Files

  2. Which of the following is not a category of computer hardware?

    1. Processor c. Input and output devices

    2. Data d. Storage

5. Which of the following is an example of an input device?

a. Printer c. Keyboard

b. Floppy disk d. All the above

  1. In a computer, what type of device accepts (принимает) data and instructions from the user?

    1. Output devices c. Input devices

    2. Storage devices d. Memory

  1. The most common storage is

    1. Network Interface Card c. Floppy disk

    2. Memory d. None of the above

  2. Because early (первые) diskettes were thin (тонкие), they came to be known as

    1. Compact disks c. Magnetic disks

    2. Floppy disks d. All the above

VI. Match each item to the correct statement below:

    1. Input device c. Storage device

b. Output device d. Communications device

  1. Modem. 3. Keyboard. 5. Digital Video Disk.

2. Network interface card. 4. Printer. 6. Monitor.

a. Input c. Processing e. Operating system

b. Output d. Memory

7. Devices such as a keyboard and a mouse fall into this category.

8. Transforming raw data into useful information.

9. UNIX.

10. A printer is an example of this type of device.

11. Stores data and programs.

VII. Speak on the contents of the text using the following chart:

Text 2

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