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Part I.

      1. Department of Defense [di'pRtmqnt qv di'fens] – Министерство Обороны

      2. tool [tu:l] – инструмент

      3. to interconnect ['intqkq'nekt] – (взаимно) связывать

      4. huge [hju:G] – огромный

      5. cooperative [kqu'opqrqtiv] – совместный, участвующий в совместной работе

      6. community [kq'mju:niti] – сообщество, объединение

      7. ownership ['qunqSip] – собственность, право собственности

      8. to carry ['kxri] – переносить, передавать

      9. imaginable [i'mxGinqbl] – вообразимый

      10. educational institution [edju:'keiSqnql‚insti'tju:Sqn] – учебное заведение, образовательное учреждение

11. government agency ['gAvnmqnt 'eiGqnsi] – правительственное учреждение

12. backbone ['bxkbqun] – основа, стержень

  1. directly [di'rektli] – прямо, непосредственно

  2. remote [ri'mqut] – дистанционный, отдалённый, удалённый

  3. numeric [nju:'merik] – цифровой, числовой

  4. domain [dq'mein] – домен

domain name system (DNS) [dq'mein neim 'sistqm] – система имени домена

  1. host [hqust] – главный

  2. top-level ['top'levl] – высокого уровня

  3. business ['biznis] – предприятие

  4. branch [brRntS] – филиал

  5. suitable ['sju:tqbl] – подходящий, соответствующий

  6. to offer ['ofq] – предлагать

  7. to promote [prq'mqut] – продвигать

  8. to exchange [iks'tSeinG] – обмениваться

  9. anywhere ['eniwFq] – везде, повсюду

  10. TELNET ['tel'net] – базовая сетевая услуга в Интернет

  11. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [fail 'trxnsfq: 'prqutqkol] – протокол передачи файлов

  12. to copy ['kopi] – копировать

  13. mailing list ['meiliN list] – почтовый список

  14. to distribute [dis'tribju:t] – распределять, распространять

  15. chat [tSxt] – переговоры

  16. to discuss [dis'kAs] – обсуждать

  17. topic of interest ['topik qv 'intrist] – интересующая тема

Part II.

  1. World Wide Web (WWW) [wq:ld waid web] – Всемирная паутина

  2. to incorporate [in'kLpqreit] – объединять(ся), включать(ся)

  3. footnote ['futnqut] – сноска, примечание, комментарий

  4. figure ['figq] – рисунок, чертёж

  5. cross-reference ['kros'refqrqns] – перекрёстная ссылка

  6. hypertext ['haipq'tekst] – гипертекст

  7. page [peiG] страница

home page ['hqum peiG]– базовая, оновная страница

  1. to encode [in'kqud] – кодировать, шифровать

  2. hypertext markup language (HTML) ['haipq'tekst'mRk'Ap'lxNgwiG] – язык разметки гипертекста

  3. to embed [im'bed] – внедрять, встраивать

  4. hyperlink ['haipqliNik] – гиперсвязь

  5. to house [hauz] – размещать

  6. posting ['pqustiN] – отправка сообщения (в сети)

  7. to download ['daunlqud] – загружать (в память); принимать файлы (по модему)

  8. hitting ['hitiN] – ответ, ответная справка

  9. to feature ['fi:tSq] – быть характерной чертой, отличаться

  10. counter ['kauntq] – счётчик

  11. to display [dis'plei] – отображать

  12. browser ['brauzq] – браузер, навигатор

  13. point-and-click ['point qnd 'klik]– навести и щёлкнуть

  14. to specify ['spesifai] – задавать, специфицировать

  15. to underlie [‚Andq'lai] – лежать в основе (чего-л.)

  16. tag [txg] – ярлык, метка

  17. to enclose [in'klquz] – заключать (в скобки, кавычки и т.п.)

  18. angle brackets ['xNgl 'brxkits] – угловые скобки

  19. internal [in'tq:nql] – внутренний

  20. Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) ['haipq'tekst 'trxnsfq: 'prqutqkol] – транспортный протокол передачи гипертекста

  21. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) ['ju:nifLm ri'sLs lqu'keitq] – универсальный указатель ресурса

  22. path [pRT] – путь

  23. within [wi'Din] – внутри, в пределах

  24. folder ['fquldq] – папка

  25. directory [di'rekt'qri] – каталог

  26. probably ['probqbli] – вероятно

  27. meaning [mi:niN] – значение

  28. to personalize ['pq:snqlaiz] – индивидуализировать

  29. to choose [tSu:z] (chose, chosen) – выбирать

  30. immediately ['imi:djqtli] – немедленно

  31. hard drive ['hRd draiv] – жёсткий диск

  32. primary ['praimqri] – основной

  33. to type [taip] – вводить, набирать на клавиатуре

  34. to navigate ['nxvigeit] – перемещать(ся)

  35. address box [q'dres boks] – адресное окно

    1. Answer the questions:

      1. What is the role of the Internet?

      2. What role does the TCP/IP play in the Internet?

      3. Do most computers connect directly to the Internet?

      4. What addresses have computers on the Internet?

      5. What are the two parts of a DNS address?

      6. Why was a new set of top-level domain names created?

      7. What uses has the Internet?

      8. Why was the World Wide Web created?

      9. What is a Web page? a Web site? a Web server?

      10. What is called posting? “hitting”?

      11. What is the function of a Web browser?

      12. What are the most popular browsers?

      13. What are HTML tags used for?

      14. What does the acronym HTTP stand for? What is its task?

      15. What is a Uniform Resource Locator? List its three parts.

      16. What is the difference between a personalized start page and a Web site home page?

    1. Tell whether the following statements are true or false:

      1. Today the Internet connects more than one billion users around the world.

      2. The internet is open to anyone who can access it.

      3. Every computer connected to the Internet uses the same set of protocols.

      4. Every computer on the Internet has a three-part Internet protocol address.

      5. The “.com” or “.org” portion of a DNS address identifies the type of institution that uses the address.

      6. A new set of top-level domain names was created because it was difficult for organizations to find suitable domain names for their Internet sites.

      7. E-mail is an efficient way to send and receive messages and documents, but can be expensive.

      8. A user’s name is an essential (неотъемлемая) part of an e-mail address.

      9. Hypertext documents are commonly called hyperlinks.

      10. The act of downloading a Web page from its server to your computer is called posting.

      11. HTNL tags tell a Web browser how to display elements in a Web page.

      12. Because they lead to specific documents on a server’s disks, URLs are usually very short.

      13. A personalized start page is a Web page that opens immediately when you launch your Web browser.

      14. TELNET enables you to use a remote computer as though you were sitting in front of it.

      1. Fill in the blanks:

    1. The acronym TCP/IP stands for _________________.

    2. Most computers have an address that uses the _______________.

    3. is an example of a(n) ______________.

    4. _____________ is the Internet tool for copying data and program files from one computer to another.

    5. The ______________ was created as a method for incorporating footnotes, figures, and cross-references into online hypertext documents.

    6. A hypertext document is a specially encoded file that uses the______________.

    7. Web sites are housed on computers called _______________.

    8. A(n) _______________ is an application that finds hypertext documents on the Web and opens them on the user’s computer.

    9. Every document on the Web has its own unique ____________.

    10. The internal structure of the World Wide Web is built on a set of rules called _______________.

      1. Choose the right answer:

1. The Internet is an idispensable (исключительный) tool for

    1. Personal communication c. Commerce

    2. Research d. All of the above

2. Who owns the Internet?

    1. The Internet Society c. The U.S. Government

    2. The World Wide Web Consortium d. None o the above

3. An Internet address that uses words rather than (а не) numbers is called a(n)

      1. IP address c. DNS address

      2. TCP/IP address d. Top-level address

4. The Internet address newyork.widgets.com is an example of an address that uses a(n)

    1. Internet protocol c. Domain

    2. Subdomain d. None of the above

5. A Web page is a document that uses the

    1. TCP/IP protocol c. Home page

    2. Hypertext Markup Language d. Backbone

6. A collection of Web pages is called a(n)

    1. Web server c. Domain name system

    2. Web site d. Newsgroup

7. <HI> is a(n) example of a(n)

    1. HTML tag c. Uniform Resource Locator

    2. Hyperlink d. Hypertext Transfer Protocol

8. www. Glencoe.com/norton/online/welcome.html is a(n) example of a(n)

a. IP address c. DNS address

b. Uniform Resource Locator d. Hypertext Transfer Protocol

9. A Web site’s primary page is called its

a. Uniform Resource Locator c. Home page

b. Personalized start page d. Browser

10. To exchange e-mail messages with other people, you need a unique

      1. IP address c. E-mail address

b. DNS address d. URL

      1. Match each item to the correct statement below:

    1. TCP/IP c. DNS address

    2. IP address d. Domain

    1. Identifies a type of institution on the Internet.

    2. A numeric address.

    3. The protocol used by the Internet.

    4. Uses words, not numbers.

    5. Enables any two computers to exchange data.

    6. Many computers have this and IP address.

    7. “.gov” is an example.

    8. Uses four sets of numbers.

    1. World Wide Web c. Browser

    2. HTML d. URL

    1. Enables an author to place links in a document.

    2. A software application.

    3. Includes a type, an address and a path.

    4. Hypertext links are its foundation (основа).

    5. Interprets HTML code to display pages.

    6. Requires the use of tags.

    7. A special type of address.

    8. Organizes widely scattered (разбросанные) resources.

      1. Speak on the contents of the text using the following chart:

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