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Exercise 2.(«слова») Listen to the list of English words from text 9. “a Full house” and say them after the announcer in the same order:

  • Up trumps; for the launch; the deadline; as an experiment; this process; at this stage

  • The staff; Vice President; Human Resources; hire –and- fire authority; a manager; law enforcement officials; our candidates; a set of behavioral questions.

  • For the Bellagio hotel; in the end; at the big table; the only way to do it; in the wrong place in this process.

Give the Russian equivalent of these very words and repeat them again in the correct order. Мнемотехника(mnemonics) позволяет развить качественную и позиционную память, то есть запоминание большого объема информации и порядка следования единиц информации.


Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.

Exercise 3. Listen to the lists of places, names and dates and numbers. Then say them after the announcer in the same order:

  • screened 84,000 candidates, did 27,000 interviews, and hired 9,600 people - in 24 weeks.

  • in 1998; 9,600 workers; process 9,600 hires in 11 days; to screen 84,000 applicants, to save $ 1.9 million, 100 per cent accountable; of 30 minutes each about 20 % of the applicants.

Give the Russian equivalent of these very words and repeat them again in the correct order. Mnemonics позволяет развить качественную, позиционную память, т.e. запоминание большого объема информации и порядка ee следования.

Exercise 4.(«developing transformation skills») Listen to the following words and replace them by their synonyms (the synonyms are given as hints for checking only):

The words and phrases

Appropriate synonyms

The words and phrases

Appropriate synonyms

Your overall demeanor

behavior, conduct, actions, performance

To confront the challenge

To weed out

elect, choose, pick, take away, cull, delete, remove, eliminate, extract,

To process hires

To assign sb to somewhere

appoint, assign, designate, prescribe, nominate, set

To be willing to say

A PC embedded in the desktop

Payroll form

To evaluate the


apply for work

apply, make an application, file an application, lodge

To eliminate the files

A demanding job

A responsible, energy consuming work ( activity)

To reject candidates

based more on personal judgment

Founded on personal opinion, view, mind, belief, thought,

Exercise 5. («developing transformation skills») трансформационное чтение. Это упражнение не содержит межъязыкового перевода. Учащиеся должны пересказать текст упражнения на английском языке, не переводя. Прочтите текст 1 раз и перескажите близко к тексту.

«Human resources departments are responsible for recruiting new personnel. Candidates are initially asked to provide a curriculum vitae(CV) or a resume (AmE) which gives information about their qualifications, experience and skills. The recruiter then screens the applications and selects candidates for interview. Successful candidates are hired and then put on payroll»


Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.О

Exercise 6.(«developing transformation skills») Yчащимся предлагается самим создать список слов\словосочетаний from Exercise 4 на русском языке, которые следует  заменить  синонимами илu описательными оборотами на русском же языке.

The words and phrases in Russian


synonyms in Russian

The words and phrases in Russian

Appropriate synonyms in Russian

Манера держаться, поведение



Нанимать персонал

Назначить кого либо на какую-то должность

Иметь горячее желание сказать…

Оценить ответы

Ведомость о зарплате

Исключить файлы

Искать работу

Отсеять кандидатов, отказать им

Ответственная работа

Встроенный в рабочий стол

Основанное больше на субъективном мнении

Exercise 7.(«developing transformation skills») Read the sentences on the left, formulate briefly the ideas presented there and write down the same ideas in a very laconic and short way.Упражнение, в котором учащиеся выделяют из текста ключевую информацию и обозначают ее краткой формулировкой.

The extended sentences in English:

The more laconic variation of the same information (in English):

Recruiting the entire staff for the Bellagio hotel

in Las Vegas in record time and at minimum

cost may sound like mission impossible.

So, was the challenge that confronted Nathan:

hire 9,600 in 24 weeks.

If you really want to sit at a big table, you’ve got to start thinking strategically and globally.

We develop electronic personnel files and transmitted everything from the application database to the new-hire database.

Using the same technology for all of our personnel and payroll forms meant that we no longer had to collect, input and file thousands of paper forms.

I told our managers that this technology would give them hire and fire responsibility, which they say, they want, and complete authority, which they rarely get.

Applicants were asked a set of behavioral questions that we had developed, like “Tell me about the time when you were at the front desk, and a guest was late?”

Exercise 8. («developing tempo») Прослушав текст, состоящий из пунктов студенты по очереди восстанавливают его содержание, с максимальной полнотой. Каждый студент произносит по одной фразе, подстраивая ее к предыдущей. Паузы запрещены. Каждому приходится опираться на надежность работы предыдущего «переводчика». The teacher reads up the whole text first. Some vocabulary work must be done before the “chain”.

No qualifications, no job*********.

1. There are now fewer jobs for the unskilled people in Britain.

2. In 1977 88% of men without qualifications had jobs, in 1991 only 67% of men without qualifications had jobs.

3. If there is any unskilled work it is offered to women, because despite laws for equal pay, women are still paid less than men.

4. People in Britain, who are unemployed sign on every two weeks and claim their unemployment benefit.

5. When people say, that they are on the doll, it means that they are receiving unemployment benefit.

6. Some people can not claim this money even though they do not go out to work, single parents, for example. Instead of receiving unemployment benefit, they receive income support.

7. People on income support receive less money than those on unemployment benefit. Between 1991 and 1993 the number of people receiving income support rose from 4.1 million to 5.6 million or 10% of all Britons.

8. Many experts know that people on unemployment benefit or income support do not have enough money to live on.

9. Britain used to have many manufacturing industries.

10. But since the Second World War its service industries, especially banking and retailing have expanded.

11. Between 1951 and 1991 the percentage of people working in service industries rose from 36 percent to 71 percent.

12. The number of people working in manufacturing industries has gone down.

13. Heavy industries including steel manufacture and ship building have been replaced by high technologies manufacturing industries, such as airplane engine manufacture and pharmaceuticals.


Notice, the printing type of this exercise is intended for the comfort of one who is going to speak out the sentences.Следует обращать внимание студентов на то, что выполнение большей части упражнений велось в режиме аудирования, а не зрительной опоры на текст. Навыки устного перевода на основном этапе формируются в процессе восприятия на слух.

*********“In Britain”. Written by Michael Vaughan-Rees. Oxford University Press. Chapter “Made in Britain”.

Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.О

The sample exercises for the interpreters based

on the Text 10. Imitating property is theftp.87.

Exercise 1. («перевод-диктовка») Translate from English into Russian and write down the following synonyms rows from the Text 10. Imitating property is theft. Notice that the synonyms from each line are going to be read up only once!


Фальсифицировать falsify, fake, forge, tamper, adulterate, counterfeit

Подделывать forge, fake, falsify, counterfeit, tamper, fabricate

Подражать imitate, emulate, mimic, copy, ape, counterfeit

Uмя прилагательное

Поддельный fake, counterfeit, forged, bogus, spurious, sham

Фальшивый fake, false, phony, counterfeit, faked, sham

Подложный forged, counterfeit, spurious, sham, queer, supposititious

Притворный feigned, sham, pretended, mock, simulated, counterfeit

имя существительное

подделка fake, forgery, counterfeiting, counterfeit, falsification, tampering

фальшивка fake, forgery, fabrication, counterfeit, flam, stumer

подлог forgery, counterfeit, fake, sham, put-up job, steal

фальсификат counterfeit, falsification

фальсификация falsification, adulteration, tampering, forgery, fabrication,

контрафакция counterfeiting, infringement, piracy, counterfeit, redesign

обманщик deceiver, trickster, fraud, cheat, impostor, counterfeit

подставное лицо shill, figurehead, dummy, stooge, man of straw, counterfeit

фальшивые деньги counterfeit money, bad money, counterfeit, forged money,